Chapter 459:

Chapter 459:

-Is Choi So-yeong still close with Lee Seo-jun?

=I guess so. She's also close with Lee Da-jin.

=They’re sometimes mentioned together in the articles, right?

-But I think that's not the case anymore.

=The article when Lee Seo-jun applied to Korea National University: [Actor Lee Seo-jun, will he become the junior of actors Lee Da-jin and Park Do-hoon?]

=Choi So-yeong is also from Korea National University, but she's not in the article.


=Until the entrance ceremony of Mirinae Arts High School, choi So-yeong was also mentioned with them, but now there are no such articles.

-Dream and Cheongryong must be close, right?ᅲᅲ

=In my heart, they're best friendsᅲᅲ But I wish they would show it. ᅲᅲ

-But what does Choi So-yeong do when Lee Da-jin and Lee Seo-jun are in the same work?

=Lee Da-jin is in Lee Seo-jun's group. Choi So-yeong has never been mentioned in that direction. She doesn't do any work, not even a cameo appearance. Are they really close?

-That can't be helped. Choi So-yeong was studying acting and doing theater, and she recently came to drama and movie fields. She also had some hiatus.

=Yeah, Lee Da-jin started his activities right away.

=You can tell that Choi So-yeong is a studious type and Lee Da-jin is a practical type.

-In an interview, she said that she felt the charm of theater after the children's play Dream.

=Lee Seo-jun doesn't do theater. He only did school plays after Spring, and adults can't participate in school plays.

=If she had done any work, choi So-yeong would have been in Lee Seo-jun's group too.

=Aren't you all seeing the entertainment industry too narrowly? There are many works that Lee Seo-jun doesn't appear in. And there are many actors who are active.

=Yeah, it's very rare to meet as often as Lee Seo-jun's group.

-If they're close, shouldn't there be some sightings?

=...Our Seo-jun doesn't have any sightings even when he walks around alone...

=I wonder if he's invisible to my eyes now.

=He's really amazingᄏᄏ

-It seems like Choi So-yeong's fans think that she's close with Lee Seo-jun, but other people don't.

=Aren't you all jealous of Choi So-yeong and Lee Seo-jun being close?

=No, no. Other people have no choice but to think that way because the children's play Spring was when Lee Seo-jun was 8 years old, and look at his age now. He's already a college student. It's been over 10 years. But there are no sightings and they don't appear in any work together, so they think they're not close.

=There's also Lee Da-jin who is in the same situation but in Lee Seo-jun's group.

=The difference is too big. It looks like Choi So-yeong's fans are just insisting.

-But is it important to be in Lee Seo-jun's group? Choi So-yeong is good at acting.

=Yeah, skills honed by theater and theory. Among her peers, the only one who can compare is Lee Da-jin?

=But there are some people who criticize her for her acting skills.

=...Are their eyes crooked?

=They just don't like seeing her succeed.

=That's when being in Lee Seo-jun's group is good. They’re all good at acting, directing, writing, so they have an image of being skilled.

=Usually celebrities are nothing without their image.

=You can counter with “Lee Seo-jun, a Hollywood star, acknowledged her??”.

=Aren't they impressive just by saying they're in Lee Seo-jun's group?

=And Lee Seo-jun has such a good network...

=It's not because of his network, but just look at Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-seok who entered Hollywood... It seems like he was the cause of it.

-But honestly, ordinary people don't know much about the relationships between celebrities. If there are no articles or posts on the internet, they’ll never know.

=True. There are times when unexpected connections appear.

=Dating, marriage, divorce, they're all revealed out of nowhere. Friendship is nothing compared to thatᄒᄒ

=I don't know where they became so close.


Ding dong! Ding dong!

As soon as the notification of a new message arrived, Ahn Da Ho, who was reading the documents piled up on his desk, quickly picked up his phone that was next to him.

The 2nd team staff who were doing their own work also stopped their hands and looked at Ahn Da Ho at the loud notification sound that was different from the others.

It was the exclusive notification sound for actor Lee Seo-jun.

-Seo-jun: Da Ho hyung!

-Seo-jun: I'm at a ski resort, can you come and pick me up?

As soon as he read the message, Ahn Da Ho got up from his seat.

He quickly put on his thick coat as it was still cold weather and grabbed his car key.

And he called two of the 2nd team staff who had big builds.

The two staff also got up from their seats and followed Ahn Da Ho, who ran out of the 2nd team office, with their clothes.

It was something that happened within 10 seconds of Seo-jun's message arriving.

“That's strange. Seo-jun texted Mr. Ahn on his day off.”

“That's right.”

The remaining 2nd team staff cleaned up the seats of the staff who had left.

Seo-jun: I have friends with me too!

“Let's take this one.”


After receiving another message from Seo-jun, Ahn Da Ho turned his steps and headed for the biggest car among the cars in the parking lot.

The two staff sat in the driver's seat and the passenger seat and handed over the car key to Ahn Da Ho, who sat in the back seat.

“Drive carefully and quickly.”

Careful and quick were not words that went well together, but as ‘Lee Seo-jun's’ manager, he couldn't cause an accident.

It would be a problem if an accident happened when Seo-jun was in the car, but it would be more certain that an article would come out as ‘Lee Seo-jun's manager’ if an accident happened when Seo-jun was not in the car.

It was an unpleasant thing for an actor's name to appear in an article like that.

The car started and left Cocoa Entertainment with Ahn Da Ho and the 2nd team staff.

Ahn Da Ho immediately sent a message to Seo-jun.

[What's going on?

[Did you get caught?

Was it because he was a little careless with Seo-jun's excellent disguise skills?

Ahn Da Ho rubbed his forehead with a serious face while waiting for Seo-jun's reply.

‘When he was young, he had bodyguards with him, but...’

That was only when he was a hot topic. He lived a normal life like other kids in his everyday life.

‘That's why I don't always follow him or have bodyguards with him when he goes out with his friends.’

It took longer because the other side didn't answer the phone quickly and the signal tone lasted long, but even if they answered, there was a short interview where they talked about their current situation.

“Choi Soohee failed!”

“No, why don't you answer the phone!”

This was the fourth one.

There were cases where the phone was not answered at all and it ended quickly, so Seo-jun and the kids couldn't predict when it would be So-yeong's turn.

They just had to wait.

Seo-jun and the kids didn't just let that time pass.

They moved their seats quietly first.

There were a lot of people standing in the front where they could see the celebrities well, but there weren't that many onlookers on the side, maybe because there were staff there too.

Seo-jun and his friends moved to that side.

“This seems like a good place for people to see well when our identity is revealed.”

Like a stage.

There were people gathered on the other side, so Seo-jun and his friends smiled brightly.

“Let's change the ringtone too. Something majestic.”

“Beethoven's Fate would be good.”

Han Jinho quietly hummed Ba-ba-ba-bam!

“What about some soft music? Like sha-la-la-.”

“That's not bad either.”

The friends whispered around Seo-jun, and their voices looked somehow happy.

“Should we shine our phone lights behind us?”

“The flashlight function is really bright.”


They looked very happy.

Seo-jun also happily discussed which direction would be better when Park Si-young said.

“If it's Seo-jun, it has to be that one.”

At Park Si-young's words, seo-jun and his friends widened their eyes and then giggled and nodded.


“And now it's So-yeong's turn!”

The filming site of [Working Man!] was filled with a strange anticipation.

There were people who had heard some rumors and came to see, as well as the staff of the ski resort.

“Do you keep in touch with Seo-jun?”

“Yes. I have a group chat with Da-jin, actor Lee Da-jin.”


The people's eyes sparkled at the mention of celebrities, and Choi So-yeong scratched her cheek.

She had just exchanged messages with Seo-jun a while ago, so she wasn't worried that he wouldn't answer.

“But Seo-jun might be busy and not answer.”

“We know! We know.”

“Just do it casually. Casually.”

Choi So-yeong shrugged her shoulders at the people's reactions and pressed the call button.

The filming site became quiet.


Just as the signal tone was about to start,


A loud sound came from somewhere.

The production team frowned at the sound that interfered with the filming, and the onlookers also looked displeased at the direction where the sound came from, and the youngest cameraman who was filming the people's reactions reflexively turned his lens to that direction.


But it was a strangely familiar sound, no, music.

His heart beat in sync with the music.

Maybe because he had been thinking about Seo-jun until now, he could recognize it from that short intro.


It was the OST of Jin Natra.

It could have been just someone's ringtone who liked Jin Natra, but his senses warned him that it wasn't the end.

Because he felt a different presence among the people who were standing sparsely.

He felt what they called a star's aura.

Not only ordinary people, but also production staff and celebrities, and even cameras unconsciously turned their heads to that direction.

In the center, there was a man wearing a white ski suit and a sky-blue goggles.

Was it an illusion?

He seemed to see a bright halo behind the man.


The OST of Jin Natra rang.

The man slowly raised his hand and moved the goggles that covered half of his face to his forehead.


His eyes couldn't get any bigger at the familiar face that he couldn't mistake for anyone else.

It felt like his heart, which should be inside his body, dropped to the floor.

The man didn't care about the surprised people and took out his phone, took off his left ski glove and pressed the call button.

At the same time, there was silence.

The ringtone would naturally turn off when the call started, but it felt like a scene from a movie without the background sound.

As if it wanted to focus only on the protagonist and erase all the sounds around him.

And then the protagonist opened his mouth.

“Hello? So-yeong noona?”


Everyone, ordinary people, celebrities, production staff, opened their mouths wide.

And then they alternately looked at the super star who was casually saying ‘hello?’ on his phone and Choi So-yeong, who was his call partner, with sincere shock on their faces.

Choi So-yeong blinked her eyes at the voice coming from her phone and right in front of her and opened her mouth

“...Seo-jun why are you here?”

Choi So-yeong's confirmation was a shot of surprise.

The ski resort was filled with screams of startled people at the sudden appearance of a super star.