Chapter 460:

Chapter 460:


Not only the ordinary people, but also the production staff and the celebrities screamed.

It was not a cheer of joy from meeting a star, but a scream that came from the depths of their hearts.

It was clear how shocked they were.

The first ones to regain their senses were the members of Working Man, who had experience filming with Seo-jun and remembered that they were in the middle of shooting.

“Seo-jun... Is that really Seo-jun?”

“Wow. Why is Seo-jun here?”

“Is this a dream? When did I fall asleep?”

“I can see a halo behind Seo-jun...!”

They didn't know if they had recovered or just blurted out, but the audio that had stopped started to work again.

“Is this a hidden camera? Huh? Did the production team do this again without us knowing, like, find Seo-jun or something?”

“No, if Seo-jun is a guest, he should appear from the beginning. That would be better for the ratings, right? Why do they always do this?”

When they thought of Seo-jun, they naturally remembered the day when they filmed tag or hide-and-seek or something. Anyway, they were together from the start to the end, but no one could find Seo-jun until the shooting was over.

Park Young-jin and the members looked at the PD and the writers and the production team with a smirk.

“...I guess not, Young-jin hyung.”

“...Yeah. They didn't know either.”

They were definitely not the faces of people who knew.

Anyone could see that their eyes were shaking violently, their mouths were wide open, and they had dropped their sketchbooks.

They didn't even know if they were breathing.

“...I've never seen the production team so surprised before.”

Seo-jun smiled slyly as he watched the people who were slowly coming to their senses.

He pressed the end call button.

The friends who had been shining artificial halos behind him turned off the lights.

They all looked satisfied with the reaction of the surprised people.

Especially Park Si-young, who suggested ‘Jin Natra OST’ as Seo-jun's entrance song, looked proud.

“Hello. I'm actor Lee Seo-jun.”

As Seo-jun bowed his head, another loud noise erupted.

This time, it was not a scream, but a huge cheer to welcome the star.

“It's really Lee Seo-jun!”

“I can't believe I'm seeing Seo-jun here...!”

“It wasn't CG!”

Seo-jun smiled brightly at the people's reactions.

Choi So-yeong and Park Young-jin quickly brought Seo-jun into the shooting site. In the meantime, the cameramen came to their senses and turned their camera lenses towards Seo-jun and the members.

“...I'm a PD. I don't know if I got it right.”

The camera director scratched his head and said.

They were all so surprised that they didn't know if they had captured Seo-jun's appearance properly. Maybe the camera shook a lot.

“...It’ll work out somehow.”

The PD nodded his head with a sorrowful expression on his face. He felt like crying. Meanwhile, the writers went into a quick meeting.

Seo-jun greeted [Babel Tower] actors and [Working Man!] members. The actors of [Babel Tower] shook hands with him with slightly excited faces.

“I'm a real fan. I bought all of Jin Natra's figures!”

“Hahaha. Thank you.”

As Seo-jun smiled brightly, sighs came from here and there.

“Wow... Seo-jun, you look especially shiny today.”

Seo-jun grinned at Choi So-yeong's words.

As she said, seo-jun had released more divine energy than usual for the impact of his appearance.

‘Should I reduce it a bit now?’

He slowly reduced the divine energy that he had been emitting outside and answered.

“Maybe it's because of the ski resort. Noona.”

“Maybe. Is it because of the light reflecting in your eyes?”

Choi So-yeong nodded.

“Wow. You two must be really close.”


They admired the two actors who were chatting comfortably.

‘I hope there won't be any more nonsense from people.’

Seo-jun and his friends smiled with satisfaction as they completed their mission perfectly.

“But Seo-jun, what are you doing here?”

“I came here to have fun with my friends on my day off.”

Seo-jun smiled and pointed to his friends. They had taken off their goggles and were waving their hands.

They were born actors. Their PR was flawless.

“Oh... Oh... Wow...!”

Jung-hoon tried to say something as he recognized the familiar faces, but he covered his mouth.

The others tilted their heads at his incomprehensible reaction.

Seo-jun understood what he was saying and widened his eyes.


It must have been a reference to the scientist, Kim Joo-kyung.

“Jung-hoon hyung, did you watch our play?”

The others also opened their eyes wide and looked back and forth between Jung-hoon, seo-jun, and Seo-jun's friends.

“I was just watching for a while and was about to leave when So-yeong noona called me. I was so surprised.”

“Yeah. You must have been... You were going to leave?!”

Everyone was shocked by Seo-jun's words.

“Wow... If you had missed it, we would have never known that Seo-jun was here...”

The production team held their chests and sighed in relief.

The members of Working Man chuckled at them.

“We felt the same way when Seo-jun came last time!”

“Seo-jun was with us all along, but we couldn't see him! Huh?! We couldn't see him!”

“We owe you, so-yeong!”

The PDs and writers sincerely thanked Choi So-yeong with their eyes. Everyone laughed again.

“I was hesitating whether to answer the phone or not because it was a Babel Tower promotion.”


Another sigh of relief escaped.

At that sight, seo-jun smiled and said,

“Haha. But I thought it would be too boring to just show up, so I added some acting with my friends... How was it?”

Everyone praised him without hiding their admiration.

“I was really surprised by the OST of Jin Natra. It suited him so well.”

“My heart raced without me knowing. I have to binge-watch Shadowman after filming.”

The actor who said that his heart reacted first when he heard Jin Natra's OST spoke with a flushed face. Seo-jun and the others laughed at him.

“I saw an aura when Seo-jun took off his goggles.”

“Me too. I didn't know that star aura could be seen with my eyes. He's a superstar indeed!”

“Oh, that was my friends’ doing.”

At Seo-jun's words, his friends smiled and turned on their phone flashlights at the same time.

When Seo-jun walked in front of them, the halo appeared again.


The people who were staring at Seo-jun and his friends with dumbfounded expressions burst into laughter.


The filming at the ski resort was over.

Seo-jun and his friends changed their ski suits, returned their equipment, and headed to the auditorium inside the ski resort with Working Man for the last filming.

There was no problem because Working Man was with them.

While Working Man was filming the last part, Ahn Da Ho arrived.

Ahn Da Ho exchanged a few words with the production team, and then took Seo-jun and the kids to the car after filming was over.

“That's how it happened.”

“...I see. I get it now.”

Ahn Da Ho's expression changed strangely at Seo-jun's explanation.

The kids laughed at him.

At that sight, Ahn Da Ho and the second team staff also chuckled.

As he sat comfortably and chatted with his friends, seo-jun asked Ahn Da Ho.

“Da Ho hyung. Can I have dinner with my friends?”

If they had taken the shuttle bus, they would have gone home sooner, but it was a pity to part ways like this since he would drop them off in front of their houses.

He was also excited by the unplanned Working Man filming.

Not only Seo-jun, but also the six kids sparkled their eyes. Ahn Da Ho had no choice but to raise his hands.

“If you get permission from your parents.”


The kids answered cheerfully.


Starting with Seo-jun and his friends, the actors of Babel Tower and the members of Working Man also left one by one.

The Working Man production team would have normally cleaned up the set, picked up the trash, and packed up the filming equipment, but today they were glued to dozens of cameras.

“Ah... This one is shaky and can't be seen.”

“This one didn't even film it.”

The PDs and writers shook their legs nervously.

They filmed Seo-jun.

But it was from the middle. From ‘Hello, I'm actor Lee Seo-jun.’

If it was edited, it would probably be Choi So-yeong calling, Jin Natra's OST playing, and then ‘Hello, I'm actor Lee Seo-jun’ right after.

“We need that entrance scene...!”

The scene where the ringtone rang, the aura burst out, he took off his goggles, answered the phone, and said ‘Hello? So-yeong noona?’

They wanted to convey that surprise and shock to the viewers, but there was nothing that was filmed properly.

“PD! PD!”

Then, the camera director in the corner raised his voice and called the PD.

The PDs and writers jumped up from their seats and ran to him.

“The youngest filmed it! He filmed everything! The gift card part too! And with his friends too!”

The eyes of everyone gathered on the youngest cameraman who rolled his eyes awkwardly and smiled.

They would have normally asked why he filmed such useless things.

“You're a genius! Youngest!”

“You're a bonus! You lucky guy!”

Today, they cheered in unison.