Arc 3.10 : Pay The Price

After watching the video, the Emperor and the Queen were surprised that Jin Lan showed his true colors, and they were also very angry at Benny’s excessive behavior. They usually don’t like Benny very much. As for Jin Lan, they always thought that his pretend was not bad, but they didn’t expect him to be exposed now.

The Emperor looked at Prince Slyn and said, “Slyn, do you have anything to say?”

“Your Majesty, you also know that it is normal for one to be injured in a fight class, and a fight class is a compulsory course for mecha combat. Jin Lan and Benny also often come back with injuries after taking a fight class. Moreover, if Duke Du Yao’s fiancée refused at the time, Jin Lan would definitely not force it.” Prince Slyn said eloquently1Raw 强词夺理(qiǎngcíduólǐ); to twist words and force logic (idiom), sophistry, loud rhetoric making up for fallacious argument, shoving false arguments down people’s throats.: “And Benny did something extreme in a moment of desperation when he saw his Royal Brother was injured, which is also excusable.”

“Prince Slyn is really good at avoiding important things2Raw 避重就轻( bìzhòngjiùqīng); to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial; to keep silent about major charges while admitting minor ones..” Du Yao smiled mockingly and said, “I would like to ask Prince Slyn, if Ye You deliberately hit Jin Lan like this today, and then kicked Heir of Prince Benny again, would you still say the same thing? I’m afraid Ye You has already been charged with disrespect to the royal family, and then there is another excuse for me to break off the engagement with Ye You, right?”

Prince Slyn looked at Du Yao and said, “Didn’t I say it just now? Jin Lan also often comes back with injuries because of his fighting class, but I have never held anyone accountable. Isn’t  you a bit overprotective towards your fiancée? If he wants to continue to take fighting class, he will definitely be injured in the future. If you don’t want to see him injured so much, you can stop him from taking fighting class in the future ah. ”

Du Yao asked with a cold face: “So what Prince Slyn means is that as long as anyone is injured in the course of class and practice, it is reasonable and fair, and should not be investigated, isn’t it?”

Prince Slyn did not directly answer Du Yao’s question, but softened his tone and said, “Jin Lan and Benny are indeed too impulsive this time, but young people will inevitably make some small mistakes, how about this, you bring your fiancée, and I will ask Jin Lan and Benny to apologize to him personally, is this okay?”

“If it wasn’t intentional, an apology might be useful, but for this kind of intentional and malicious behavior, an apology has no meaning at all.” Du Yao looked at the Emperor and said, “Your Majesty, you have also heard what Prince Slyn said. Regarding his arrogant behavior, I don’t have any idea of continuing to debate with him. Please ask Your Majesty to make a decision on this matter. ”

“Then how do you want to deal with it?” The Queen asked Du Yao, looking at him.

“Judging from Jin Lan’s behavior this time, he doesn’t have the qualities to be the heir to the throne at all, even his pretense is not thorough enough, I suggest that His Majesty abolish his status as a prince. ”

Slyn’s expression changed immediately, he frowned and looked at Du Yao and said, “Du Yao, this matter is just a little dispute between them as children, do you have to make it so big? Is your fiancée so delicate? Just because he was beaten a few times, the prince should be abolished? You are too disrespectful to the royal family! ”

“Du Yao, although Jin Lan is indeed wrong, it is not a simple matter to abolish his status as a prince. You should know, in the royal family law, to what extent can the status of a prince be abolished.” The Emperor looked at Du Yao and said.

“I know that people are all selfish, and they must only feel distress for their own people. Prince Slyn felt that this matter was not a big deal, because it was not his own son who was injured, yet for me, seeing my fiancée being viciously beaten is as painful as stabbing a knife in my heart. Since His Majesty think such a punishment is too much, then let Prince Jin Lan apologize publicly and imprison Benny for more than three months as punishment.” Du Yao deliberately put forward a very high punishment requirement first, and then put forward a relatively low punishment requirement, and then let them make their own choices.

“To ask Jin Lan to apologize publicly is already a heavy punishment, but you still demand that Benny be imprisoned?! You are too…”

“Your Majesty!” Du Yao originally didn’t bother to pay attention to Prince Slyn at all, interrupted him directly, he looked at the Emperor and said, “If the royal family does not give justice to me and my fiancée, then from today onwards, I will stand on the opposite side of the royal family! ”

Du Yao was no longer implying a threat, instead it was an explicit threat, but he has this confidence.

When Du Yao said that he wanted to abolish the status of Prince Jin Lan, and when he said that Benny has to be imprisoned, the Emperor and the Queen were very calm, but when Du Yao directly said that he wanted to stand on the opposite side of the royal family, the Emperor and the Queen couldn’t help but change their faces.

“I demand that the Royal Academy of Nobility expel Prince Benny and imprison him for more than three months. As for Prince Jin Lan, he must publicly apologize.”

“I have already said what I have to say, and I don’t want to do other unnecessary arguments. I just want a result. If Your Majesty and Her Royal Highness the Queen cannot make a decision immediately, I am willing to go back and wait for an answer, but I will not keep waiting.” Du Yao bent down and said, “Excuse me.”

After watching Du Yao leave the hall, the Emperor looked at Slyn and scolded: “The two good sons that you raised! Is your whole family will only reconciled when the reputation of the royal family completely destroyed?!”

“Imperial Brother, this is not a big deal at all. Du Yao deliberately made things bigger and also caused public opinion. He must have colluded with the people of the democratically elected party a long time ago. This incident is just an excuse for him. You must not… ”

“Shut up for me!” the Emperor said angrily: “Do you think I’m really confused enough to let you fool and deceived?! I have been too lazy to care about you all these years, so you wantonly manipulate power and condone your son’s arrogance and do whatever you want! If we don’t let you guys learn a lesson, the reputation of the entire royal family will be destroyed in your hands!”

The Emperor and the Queen, because of the loss of their own children, although they have intention to released power over the years, it does not mean that they will watch the reputation of the royal family be ruined, and then abolish the royal family in the disgust of all the people.

“Go and call Jin Lan.” The Queen ordered coldly.

Prince Slyn wanted to continue to plead for mercy, but the Emperor and the Queen were too lazy to pay attention to him.

After Jin Lan came, the Queen looked at him and asked, “Jin Lan, you are usually the most gentle and kind person, even when dealing with servants and chamberlain in the palace, you never said a word loudly, why couldn’t you perform like you did in the palace when you are in the academy? ”

If it was an ordinary official, even if this matter could not be completely suppressed, at least it wouldn’t make such a big fuss, but it was Du Yao who they offended.

Among the twelve Military of the Empire, Du Yao was the commander of the five armies. Nearly half of the entire country’s troops were under his control. Even the Emperor would not dare to offend him easily. A dispute with Du Yao would be very detrimental to the entire royal family.

“I’m sorry, Imperial Father, Empress Mother, I’m really sorry, it’s all because of my fault that things have developed like this.” Jin Lan’s eyes were red, and he said very reproachfully: “I have always felt uncomfortable because of Duke Du Yao’s engagement, so I took some medicine, so…”

“I will publicly apologize and explain the reason to all the people.” Jin Lan said: “I will try my best to restore the negative impact I have caused on the royal family. I have been researching drugs for the treatment of Katy virus3Raw卡提病毒(kǎ tí bìngdú); Katy virus(google translate). Can’t find specific meaning, and I guess this is what our author made up for two years. Recently, new progress has been made. After a few months at most, we should be able to start drug testing. The teachers also said that the probability of success is very high. This drug is in the hands of the royal family, which will definitely increase the prestige of the royal family. ”

“Du Yao wants to abolish your status as a prince, or imprison Benny, how do you choose?” The Emperor said with a cold face.

“Imperial Father!” Jin Lan’s face changed greatly, and he immediately became anxious: “I, I just beat his fiancée a few times during the fighting practice, and he actually asked for my status as a prince to be abolished?! Is his fiancée so distinguished that even the prince like me can’t touch him?”

The Queen said: “If we do not agree with his request, it is equivalent as we personally push Du Yao to the side of the Democratic Party. Our royal family will soon face a very difficult situation. Now the people are very dissatisfied with the royal family. People from the Democratic Party are also trying their best to stir up the people’s emotions, all this is caused by you and Benny, shouldn’t you guys bear the consequences and be punished?”

Jin Lan’s face became very pale and ugly. He turned to looked at his father and said, “Father, Imperial Uncle4 Raw text is  “父,皇叔” JL probably going to call him 父王(fu wang); father the king, but hold back and call him imperial uncle instead., how do you think I should choose?”

Jin Lan must not make a choice by himself, because he definitely won’t and can’t choose to abolish his status as a prince, but the choice to have Benny imprisoned also could not be brought up by him.

“This matter is mainly Benny’s responsibility.” Slyn said to the Emperor with an ugly face: “Jin Lan and Du Yao’s fiancée originally were just practicing normally, but Benny suddenly rushed up and kicked Du Yao’s fiancée, this is indeed his fault, and he should be punished.”

The Queen raised her hand and pressed her temple. The Emperor immediately noticed that she was uncomfortable, then got up and helped the Queen back to the bedroom to rest.

Seeing the Emperor and the Queen leave, Jin Lan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, trying to suppress the anger in his heart. It was originally a small matter, but Du Yao made such a fuss, how could he be wiling?

The next day, in order to quell the anger of the people, Jin Lan conducted a live broadcast of a public apology on Star Network.

With a haggard face, tears in his eyes, and a very guilty and self-blaming expression, he explained to the public that he was suddenly unable to control his emotions because he was taking the latest antidepressant drugs and had the side effect of being violent and easy to anger, he didn’t mean to hurt Ye You. Caused such a bad influence, he felt very guilty and remorseful, and apologized to Ye You and all the people, and voluntarily accepted the punishment of His Majesty the Emperor.

One have to admit that Jin Lan’s acting skills were not bad. As long as he was not facing Ye You, he can control his emotions very well. His tearful apology was broadcast live, which calmed the anger of the people a lot. It was just that the Democratic Party was still clinging to it, and wanted to take this opportunity to reduced the royal family’s privileges even more.

Jin Lan hated Ye You very much in his heart. He felt that it was because of Ye You’s appearance that he lost the goodwill of the people. Now, he has to apologize publicly, which was a disgraced. No matter what means he uses, he must inherit the throne, and he will definitely not let Ye You go!

Benny was also forcibly taken to the Bipolar Disorder Control Center on the grounds that he had bipolar disorder, which was equivalent to imprisoning him in disguise.

The conditions of the Bipolar Disorder Control Center were actually very good, but Du Yao will never make him feel better. The double torture of mental and physical will make him lose his irritable mood from now on.

“What are you doing?!” Benny, who was tied to a special chair, shouted angrily: “How dare you use lynching! My father is the most powerful prince, and my brother is the heir to the throne. You dare to treat me like this, don’t you want to live? ! ”

Several people in medical uniforms glanced at each other, and then continued the movements in their hands, without the slightest hesitation because of Benny’s words.

“Let go of me! Let me go!” Benny saw one of the middlemen walking towards him with a syringe, and immediately struggled desperately: “Don’t come here, or I will never let you off! I will never let you off!!”

The man put the syringe on Benny’s arm, Benny didn’t feel any pain, only felt liquid flowing into his body, and after a few seconds, he immediately screamed in pain: “Ah! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!”

The other person was holding something like a piece of tape, and stuck it on the front of Benny’s neck. Benny could no longer make a sound, but the expression on his face became more hideous because of the pain.

I thought Benny would say “My father would hear about this!” lol

See you next chapter! ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄▽ ̄)┘