Arc 3.11: Change In The Body

Seeing that the Emperor and the Queen were sincere, Du Yao stopped pursuing the matter any further and continued to maintain the current situation.

Ye You also continued to study at the Royal Academy of Nobility, and still making rapid progress, making every teacher who taught him marveled at his talent and IQ.

Ye You made faster progress in pharmacology, and after a few months, he was able to apply to the school for laboratory and research assignments.

The class that Ye You will take was basically the same as that of Jin Lan’s, so it was inevitable that the two will meet almost every day. However, both of them pretended that nothing happened, and continued to play their own characters.

Ye You played the innocent and good-tempered white lotus, and was protected by the people arranged by Du Yao, so it was difficult for others to get close to him. And Jin Lan’s role was still his previous character, a gentle and polite top student who can get along well with everyone.

It was just that Jin Lan watched Ye You start to surpassed him in various grades, and was so anxious that he really was about to suffer from depression.

In the pharmaceuticals research laboratory, Jin Lan looked at the experimental mouse that died again, and his anger broke out again, he threw all the test tubes and utensils on the test bench to the ground and smashed them.

Bowen just walked into the laboratory and saw the scene of Jin Lan throwing things to vent his anger. He quickly walked over to comfort him and said, “Your Royal Highness, please calm down. It is normal for experiments to fail, not to mention it has been more than a thousand years since the Kati virus was discovered, and no effective treatment medicines have been developed for so many years. You have made very good progress now, you shouldn’t be angry, but happy. ”

“If I don’t make some achievements, when will I be able to restore my reputation? Do I have to keep being a prince who has lost all his prestige?!” Jin Lan said angrily and was frustrated.

Bowen comforted him and said, “The more impetuous and unsteady you are, the slower the progress of the experiment will be, so you must calm down.”

Jin Lan took a deep breath and tried to suppress his anger, but after calming down a little, he thought again that Bowen had just gone to see his grades in advance. Although his heart doesn’t want to asks, he still couldn’t help asking: “Is the total score of last month out already?”

“… It came out already.” Bowen said in a low voice.

“Ye You is number one again, right?” Seeing Bo Wen’s appearance, Jin Lan already knew the result, and the anger in his heart began to rise again.

“Although Ye You won the first place in the two overall scores of pharmaceuticals research and mecha combat, but the gap between His Highness and him is not very big. The main reason is that Your Highness has devoted more energy to researching the medicine to treat the Kati virus, so he is slightly behind him, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for him to surpass you, so Your Highness… ”

“Stop talking!” Jin Lan roared angrily, and then smashed all the remaining test tubes on the test bench.

Bowen knew that it was useless to persuade him now, so he could only let Jin Lan vent a bit, and then wait for him to calm down.

“You go out, let me calm down alone.” Jin Lan said hoarsely.

Bowen sighed in his heart, then turned and left. He originally thought that becoming the confidant of Jin Lan, the only prince, he will definitely have a good future, but Ye You’s sudden appearance made him realized that Jin Lan’s ability to bear(difficult situation) was too fragile.

Sitting on the ground alone, Jin Lan gradually calmed down thinking about what Bowen said. He can’t destroy himself before the opportunity comes, he must not mess himself up.


In the collective class, teacher announced the top ten students in the total score.

“Next, congratulations to student Ye You, who has obtained the first place in both pharmacology and mecha combat. Please come up to receive the monthly scholarship.” The vice president said standing on the stage.

Ye You stepped onto the stage, took the gold card from the , and said, “Thank you, Sir.1It’s actually “谢谢院长”, means “thank you, Dean”, but don’t you guys think it’s sound so awkward in english???! I can’t help myself and change it to “thank you, sir”, hopefully you guys are okay with that XD”

The Dean smiled and nodded, then said a few words of encouragement, and Ye You walked off the stage amidst applause.

“I hope that other students who didn’t get the ranking will not be discouraged, continue to work hard and strive for progress…”

After the Associate Dean finished speaking, the Dean said a few more words, and then when it was time to end the class, the students also went out one after another, and each went to other classes.

“Congratulations, Ye You.” Jin Lan walked in front of Ye You, looked at him with a smile, as if he was really happy for him.

“Thank you, Your Highness.” Ye You also said with a smile, “I heard that Your Highness has devoted all his energy to researching the treatment of Kati virus in the past few months, and has made good progress. I was lucky enough to get the first place twice, but I was actually quite guilty. After Your Royal Highness finished with the medicines research, I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to get the first place again. ”

Before officially announcing the results, Jin Lan asked Bowen and other members of the student union to spread the rumors that Jin Lan was busy researching materials and medicines research on the Kati virus, his health was not good, his energy was exhausted, and he was likely to fall ill.

Then after the results were announced, Jin Lan had a ready-made reason and excuse for not getting the first place.

“Your results are also achieved by your hard work. In fact, sometimes, there is no need to take the ranking too seriously. Previously I was the first, now you are the first, and then I will be the first. It was not bad for everyone to take turns.” Jin Lan said with a gentle face.

Ye You nodded: “As expected of His Highness, he is more thorough than us these people. I heard that Your Highness has exhausted his energy recently and his health is not in good condition. Nothing is more important than the body, Your Highness should pay more attention to rest. ”

“Thank you for your concern. I will rest more. If you have time, you can come to the palace to have an afternoon tea with me. We can chat.” Jin Lan invited Ye You, although he knew that Ye You definitely won’t go.

“Okay, if I have time… and if Du Yao allows me, I will definitely go.” Ye You promised with a smile.

After the hypocritical performance of the two, they also left separately.

Jin Lan used all his strength to keep his expression unchanged, while Ye You easily smiled and thanked everyone who came to say congratulations to him.

Jin Lan’s progress researching on medicines for the treatment of Kati’s disease stopped again. So he decided to put aside the medicines research experiments for the time being, and devoted all his energy to the preparation of various assessments. He must win back the number one ranking. He absolutely does not allow Ye You to continue to be arrogant.

But he didn’t expect that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to get the first place again. Before Ye You graduated, he never gave up the number one position to anyone else.

Ye You also applied for a research project on the treatment of Kati virus, just that he did not make it public, but proceeded silently, unlike Jin Lan, who wished to announce the slightest progress to the world, and couldn’t wait to enjoy everyone’s praise. On the contrary, the outside world’s sense of expectation has been exhausted. If he announces any progress in this regard, others will not feel much.

After another half a year, the medicines that Ye You researched for the treatment of Kati virus was about to enter the stage of human trials, and Ye You only recently asked the school to announce this matter, which has aroused a lot of discussion on Star Network. At present, most people don’t quite believe that Ye You can succeed.

Ye You was going to the isolation area for virus patients today to see how the progress of his medicines trial. Not only he will go, but also the pharmacology tutors and students of several branches will be there.

“Although the protective measures in the isolation area are very good, when you arrive, you should be careful as much as possible, and don’t have too much contact with those patients who have the virus. The Kati virus is very contagious. ” Du Yao said worriedly as he looked at Ye You who was changing clothes.

“Understood, I will definitely be careful. My teachers often go to the isolation area to check the patient’s situation in person. They have not been infected for so many years. I am such a lucky person. How can I be so unlucky that I was infected the first time I’m going there?” After Ye You put on his clothes, he turned around and hugged Du Yao’s waist, he was stunned for a moment and said, “Did I grow taller again, when I looked at you a while ago, I could only see your neck, but now I can see your chin when I look up a little. ”

“It’s been almost two years since you came here, and you’ve grown a lot taller.” Du Yao stroked Ye You’s hair and kissed him on the forehead.

“Do you think it’s possible for me to be as tall as you?” Ye You raised his head, looked at Du Yao and asked expectantly, after he came to this time and space, Du Yao kept giving him various rare nutritional items, and he really felt like he had been reborn. Not only was his physique getting better and better, but occasionally he could feel his body’s energy getting stronger and stronger.

“Well, I’m really not sure.” Du Yao said with a smile, the expression of teasing a child was very obvious.

“What’s your expression?” Ye You pinched Du Yao’s face, very dissatisfied and said, “I know it’s impossible, but can’t you let me have a little fantasy?”

“I don’t mind if you are as tall as me, but if your body shape is as tall as mine, people will think you have an height syndrome.2Raw 拔高症(Bágāo zhèng); Elevation syndrome(google translate). I can’t find specific words/meaning for this syndrome and I’m not sure if there’s really this syndrome in this world??? My sis said it is like an act to make someone tall, either by hanging or medicine etc. So, there we go with the ‘height syndrome’.” Du Yao rubbed his thumb against Ye You’s lips and said, “Your current body type, this height is already the limit, and your physique can no longer make your body stronger. If you force yourself to only train your appearance to look good, but not pay attention to inner cultivation, your life span will be shortened.

“I know, I understand everything, you don’t need to tell me.” Ye You glared at him angrily and said, “I’ve already said, I was just imagining it.”

Du Yao held Ye You’s face in his hands, looking at it carefully for a while, and said, “The face has opened up a bit, and the facial features are more refined than before. It really looks better and better.”

Ye You turned to look at his face in the mirror and said: “The face is indeed changing, and the change is quite obvious, but have you noticed that the color of my eyes seems to have changed as well, there’s a bit of light purple.”

Du Yao was immediately stunned for a moment, a shock flashed in his heart, he looked into Ye You’s eyes seriously and said, “Really? Let me see.”

Hiya guys! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Good news!!! From now on, I’m going to focus on SRA first, the other 2 will have to have until I finish with SRA(exclude extra) before I continue with BPLW and VGSB. Extra update will resume like usual with the other 2(I think *sweat)

Bad news? RL has me going crazy lately, I’m so busy that I don’t think I can even see my shadow anymore T.T The update might be fast, but it might be slow, so slow that even snail are faster Orz

So, see you again next chapter. Hopefully it will be much faster! C= C= C= C= C=┌(;・ω・)┘