Zhao Zheng didn't expect that this competition would refine Tianyang Rongxue Dan. He was extremely worried.

He turned his head and looked at Tang Long and asked in a low voice, "have you ever refined this Tianyang melting snow pill?"


Tang Long shook his head. He told the truth. Before, he did not refine this kind of elixir.

Even, the name of this elixir, he is the first time to hear!

Zhao Zheng sighed helplessly.

Tang Long asked in a low voice, "what's the matter? Is there anything special about this Tianyang melting snow pill

"Very special!" Zhao Zheng stopped slightly, and then said: "Tianyang Rongxue Dan is a kind of rare elixir for treating internal injuries. Although it does not need too precious medicinal materials to refine this kind of elixir, it needs more than 30 kinds of medicinal materials to cooperate, and it takes at least 20 minutes to make it successful."

Tang Long frowned and said, "it seems that this kind of elixir is difficult to be refined successfully."

"It's not very hard, it's extremely difficult!" Zhao Zheng said: "Wupin Dan master, with ordinary Dan Ding, it is a miracle that you can refine the three pattern elixir. You have never refined this kind of elixir. It is almost impossible to refine high-quality Tianyang Rongxue Dan in the competition."

"Let's see." Tang Long smiles lightly.

He is absolutely confident in his level of refining elixir, not to mention the fusion of 30 kinds of medicinal materials. Even if 300 kinds of medicinal materials are integrated, he used to refine this kind of elixir frequently!

Although at this time, he was only the master of Wupin Dan, but he had the fire of chaos!

The best alchemy of fire is chaos!

Under the stage, there are twenty martial arts, orderly walked up to the competition platform, each of them holding a big box, these people, the box in their hands, to the test of Dan Shi.

These boxes are filled with medicinal materials, which are all kinds of herbs needed for refining Tianyang rongxuedan.

The medicinal materials were made by the city Lord Murong.

This competition, refined out of the elixir, finally, of course, all belong to Murong Xiu!

That's the rule!

Tang Long opened the box and frowned slightly.

The medicinal materials in the box are all old and poor quality medicines. If you use such herbs to refine the elixir, the success rate will be reduced by half. It is not easy for the general five grade Dan master to refine the elixir successfully with this kind of medicinal materials!

It is very difficult to refine high-quality elixir with this kind of medicinal materials!

"It seems that there is a black curtain in this competition!" Tang long, helpless, sighed in his heart and turned to look at Zhao Zheng.

Zhao Zheng's face, already extremely ugly!

Tang Long turned his head again and went to see the Dan masters around him who took part in the competition.

These Dan masters, most of the people's faces, are not very good-looking, but the blood alliance of those Dan division, at this time one by one look, are proud.

They all look relaxed!

Tang long had a bad premonition in his heart and thought, "if the city Lord and the blood alliance unite, the result will be -"

"no matter what, this time, we must win!"

After biting his teeth, Tang Long secretly made a decision. No matter what kind of dark curtain exists in this competition, he must win, because he must get the chance to practice in danshita!

He knew very clearly that no matter who he was, it was far from enough to rely on cultivation to become a strong man!

Every opportunity must be grasped!


Zhao Hui, who acted as the referee, walked around the competition's Dan Shi. Then, looking up at Dugu Xiu in the viewing tower, he said in a deep voice: "now, start refining the elixir, time, 30 minutes!"

The voice falls, suddenly, all Dan division, all nervous busy up!

Tang long, of course, began to be busy.

He classified more than 30 kinds of medicinal materials in the box skillfully. Then, he took the pill and looked at it carefully.

Alchemy, Dan prescription is very important.

In fact, the value of Dan Fang is also very high. Some rare Dan prescriptions are much more precious than some top-level skills. Of course, the pill of Tianyang melting snow pill is not very precious.

However, it is difficult to refine Tianyang Rongxue Dan.

Tang Long soon remembered the prescription and became familiar with the characteristics of more than 30 kinds of medicinal materials.

At this time, most of the Danshi nearby had already begun to refine Lingdan. In fact, they had refined Tianyang Rongxue pill before.

Tang Long is the first time to refine this elixir!

The medicine in the box, in total, can refine two Tianyang rongxuedan.

After taking a deep breath, Tang Long sent half of the classified herbs into the furnace. Then, he began to refine the elixir by running his vitality and mental strength.

Even if it's a lower level spirit vessel, there will be a fire gathering array in the tripod. The Dan master uses the vitality to activate the fire gathering array in the tripod. The vitality can be turned into a flame, and the spirit power can be used to refine the spiritual elixir.Tang Long made alchemy, but did not need to open the fire gathering array.

His vitality is directly the fire of chaos, which is the best flame for refining elixir!

Vitality swept out, together with spiritual power, gathered in the Dan Ding. The medicinal materials in the furnace were lifted up by the spiritual force, and were directly shattered by the vitality of the chaotic fire. Then, the medicinal materials were integrated!

Dan Ding, gradually there is a strange whirlwind!

Whirlwind with a light silver light, toward the tripod inside the elixir, quickly gathered away, this silver whirlwind, is the heaven and Earth Spirit!

Although he first refined Tianyang Rongxue Dan for the first time, Tang Long's Alchemy technique did not have a trace of unfamiliar feeling. He was calm and calm, and his movements were flowing freely. The powder of medicinal materials was being rapidly mixed together by spiritual power in the Dan Ding.

In less than ten minutes, the powder of medicinal materials has condensed into a small elixir.

Lingdan is a dark red color, which emits a faint fragrance. The elixir rotates rapidly in the cauldron, and is rapidly refined by the energy of purple gold. The medicinal power of various herbs begins to produce magical changes!


All of a sudden, when Tang Long was seriously refining the elixir, beside him, a master of the black spirit alliance, the elixir in the tripod, suddenly burst into pieces!

The first elixir of this Dan division failed to refine!

"Wupin Dan master, it's really difficult to refine this kind of elixir successfully with such inferior medicinal materials!"

Tang Long frowned.

He knew that this time, it must be extremely difficult for the Heiling League to win!

His eyes, swept a blood alliance of Dan division!

Those alchemists, are serious alchemy!


Suddenly, not far away, the sound of a soft explosion came again!

Another Dan master, failed to refine elixir!

As time went by, Tang long did not dare to be slack. He tried to stabilize his mind and refine his own elixir. At this time, he refined this elixir, has more than a circle, light golden lines.

A grain of miraculous elixir is about to take shape!

from time to time, there is a slight explosion sound of "bang". One by one, the alchemists failed in refining, and they all looked gloomy and stopped!

But at this time, the blood alliance side, but there is not a spiritual elixir refining failure!

It's time to see!

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