Tang Long was concentrating, and suddenly, there was a "bang" coming from his side!

Tang Long's heart sank slightly!

He heard it clearly. It was Zhao Zheng's elixir, which was broken in the cauldron!

Zhao Zheng's elixir also failed!

At this time, the alchemist of Heiling League is refining elixir, except Tang long, there is only one person left!

not far away, Tiandan League and Jiuyou League have also failed, at least two miracles have been lost, only the blood alliance, at this time, no one has failed!

"It seems that there is a big problem in comparison with the medicinal materials used in the trial."

In Tang Long's heart, the bad feeling became more and more obvious. He knew that the only explanation for this situation was that the city Lord and the blood alliance had collusion!

The current situation is extremely unfavorable to Heiling League!

Time slipped away.

Tang long in front of the Tang Ding, that Tianyang melting snow pill, has a full five circles of lines!

This elixir has reached the quality of five grain elixir!

However, at this time, the elixir has not been refined, because there is still a strong aura on this elixir, which is constantly circulating, and on top of the elixir, there is a circle of golden lines!

unexpectedly, it is a six grain elixir!

Wupin Dan master, with the most common Dan Ding, refined Tianyang Rongxue Dan for the first time. Unexpectedly, he refined the six pattern elixir. This is unimaginable!

Beside Tang long, Zhao Zheng looked at Tang Long's elixir. In his eyes, there was already a touch of ecstasy!

Around, the alchemists who stopped refining alchemy saw the miraculous elixirs that Tang Long was refining, and they were all shocked!

the level of alchemy was just against the sky!

Even the viewing tower, the original sitting City Lord, at this time, suddenly stood up!

He stares at Tang long. In his eyes, there is an obvious shock: "how can this be possible? Wupin Dan master, with such a Dan Ding, he can actually refine the six pattern elixir. Moreover, it is the Tianyang melting snow pill! "

"Is this guy the genius of Dan Shi?"

In a twinkling of an eye, five minutes later, the five Dan masters of the blood League all stopped refining pills.

Their elixirs have been refined successfully!

However, none of them refined the six pattern elixir, even the seven grade Dan master, but only refined the five pattern Tianyang Rongxue pill!

On and off the stage, it's quiet!


Just as the referee was about to announce the time, the sound of soft drink suddenly vomited from Tang Long's mouth. Then, Tang Long's right hand suddenly grabbed it out of thin air. Suddenly, the elixir in the tripod flew towards Tang Long's palm!

Miraculous elixir, fell on the palm of Tang long, the blood red elixir, sending out a delicate fragrance, above, there are full of six circles, glittering gold fine lines!

This is indeed a six grain elixir!

Under the stage, people saw that Tang long, a five grade elixir, had actually refined six pattern elixir. People's faces were full of wonder and the voice of admiration kept ringing:

"my God, he has refined six pattern elixir. This is too exaggerated. His level of refining pills is too high

"I have never heard of anyone who can achieve such a level of refining elixir!"


listening to the voice of the audience, Tang Long's expression on his face was always extremely calm.

He gave the elixir to the referee.

The referee took the elixir and looked at Tang long. In his eyes, a touch of insidiousness flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, a faint silver light rose from the palm of his hand holding the elixir. Then, the elixir refined by Tang Long broke into pieces on the referee's palm with a click!

Nobody thought of the result!

The original good elixir was broken in the hands of the referee!

"refining failed!"

The referee looked at Tang long, his eyes flashed a bit of pride, went to the side, to another Danshi in front of.

Zhao Zheng was surprised.

However, at this time, his face suddenly became gloomy!

Next to them, the faces of the other three elixirs in Heiling League suddenly became extremely ugly. Under the stage, the martial artists of Heiling League stood up in anger and yelled loudly:

"then judge, why do you shatter our elixir?"

"Return our six grain elixir!"


On the square, all the people who watched the competition felt that there was something wrong with the referee. All of a sudden, they all cried out in disorder:

"it's too tricky!"

"How can such a person be a judge? How can he be a judge when he has clearly refined the six grain elixir? How can it be suddenly broken? This is clearly the referee's fault!"

"This referee is a real pain in the neck."


at this time, Tang Long was extremely angry!He knew that it was the referee who framed him and broke his elixir!

However, the reality has become a fact and there is no evidence. What can he do?!

"Calm down, calm down!"

He held back his anger and turned to look at Zhao Zheng. He was afraid that Zhao Zheng would do anything rash at this time. After all, the judge was from the city Lord's house. The city Lord, who is the most powerful man in Tianguang City, can never offend him!

Most importantly, the competition is not over!

The referee ignored the noise of the audience. Soon, he collected all the miracles and announced the results one by one!

This result, of course, is extremely beneficial to the blood League!

Xuemeng has refined five Tianyang melting snow pills, and one of them is a five pattern elixir, and the remaining four, two are three grain elixir, and one is a two grain elixir!

The result of Heiling League is the worst!

Black spirit alliance, only a miraculous elixir, and, only a grain of elixir!

The remaining two leagues have been refined into two miraculous elixirs. Among them, Tiandan League has two three grain elixirs, ranking second!

Blood League, of course, is the first!

Only relying on the five pattern Tianyang melting snow elixir of the blood alliance, the blood alliance is absolutely the first!

the quality of this elixir is the most important. After all, one five grain elixir can totally equal the value of ten four pattern elixir!

Unfortunately, Tang Long's six pattern elixir was destroyed!

Although Zhao Zheng is extremely angry, however, he finally, still held back did not attack.

As the leader of the alliance, Zhao Zheng was very clear that at this time, he could not be rash. If he was rash, he would not only offend the city Lord, but also would be disqualified from the competition!

However, such an unfair competition, even if it continues, can there be a chance?!

Zhao Zheng tried to be angry with ninjas and made a gesture of calmness to the warriors of the black spirit alliance. Then, he turned his head to look at Tang Long and said in a low voice, "are you sure?"

"I don't know!"

Tang Long bit his teeth.

Even if his level of refining elixir, no matter how superb, he dare not say that every time he refined the elixir, he will be able to succeed!

After all, the quality of medicinal materials is too poor!

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