Tang long continued: "emperor, next, you have to do some things for me!"

Ye Mutian said in a hurry: "you say so."

Tang Long seriously said: "you want to open ten public funded colleges in the Tianying empire. The money comes from our Tang family. Every year, we recruit a group of students, only those who have reached the magic pulse. No matter rich or poor, entering the college is free of charge!"


"The auction houses of the Qin government will be opened to the tiger Empire and the black dragon Empire, and then some will be opened to the purple dragon Empire and the Noah empire!"


"Build a brand-new city near Tianying city and build a peak challenge arena to attract Dan masters from different places in Panlong ancient region to compete with each other. Among them, I came out of the first three years, and after three years..." Tang long thought: "after three years, it's time to set up a Danshi League."



Tang Long explained Ye Mutian a series of things, the ultimate goal, there are three: first, as far as possible to cultivate talents. Second, as far as possible, absorb all kinds of natural materials and treasures. Third, as far as possible to attract Dan division, come to Tianying empire!

To achieve these three points, of course, in a short period of time is not easy, but with the strength of Tianying Empire and the gradual growth of Tang long, Tang Long knows that his plan will be realized slowly!

He plans to make the Tang clan in the future become a clan with Danshi as the core!

He knows the most about the role of Danshi!

of course, he has all kinds of precious pills, and he has no shortage of money!

He just needs to attract all kinds of talents as much as possible!

He is very experienced in these matters!

after looking at Ye Mutian, Tang Long stopped talking about it any more. Looking at Ye Mutian, he asked seriously, "have you investigated the murder of 10000 people in Yingbao on the day of Xiaocheng?"

"Investigated." Ye Mu Tian said in a hurry: "moreover, the result has already been achieved."

"Oh, what happened?"

"According to the introduction of some people who happened on the spot at that time, as well as some broken things we found there, we should have done the work of Xiaocheng by the Heisha sect!"

"It's really the Heisha sect!" In Tang Long's eyes, a touch of cold light flashed away: "yingtianhe, it's really you!"

Ye Mu Tiandao: "I have also published a solemn announcement about your massacre. Therefore, you can rest assured that the people in Xiaocheng no longer think that you are a murderer any more!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction. He even ignored this matter.

In the future, if the Tang government wants to develop vigorously in Tianying City, its reputation will naturally be very important. Otherwise, there will be many obstacles. Even, this kind of bad reputation may be used by others!

Tang Long is very satisfied with Ye Mutian's work!

Next, they chatted for a while, and ye Mutian left.

When ye Mutian is gone, Tang Long immediately goes to Qin Ziyi. He wants to go with Beigong Xianer to the place where Dan Wang contends for hegemony. At this time, he also needs to find a suitable way to go there!

Although Beigong Xianer must have determined the way, Tang Long has to choose again!

he has a red flame lion, which can find natural materials and earth treasures. If there is an ancient forest on the road, maybe there will be some adventure, and Tang Long also decides that this time, he must look for something!

He wants to find the five spirits of Tiangang!

Tiangang Wuling is not a medicinal material or a Warcraft, but a very strange energy body!

This energy body is similar to the soul energy. However, because it is naturally bred by heaven and earth, this energy body will also have its own life. Even if the Tiangang five spirits have a long life, they can also have their own self-consciousness!

Tang Long is looking for the five spirits of Tiangang in order to cultivate the spirit of separation!

distraction chopping is a very powerful magic skill. Moreover, once Tang Long's strength reaches the state of supernatural power, this distraction chopping can further cultivate the cost of separation, which will be of great use!

It's not so easy to practice distraction!

First of all, we must find the five spirits of Tiangang, which are the spirit of fire, the spirit of cold water, the spirit of thunder and lightning, the spirit of wind, and the spirit of emptiness!

Tiangang Five Spirits look for complete, and then melt it into one, so that you can cultivate the ingredients of divine chopping!

Qin Ziyi usually likes to read books and is very familiar with the geographical environment of canglan continent. Tang Long finds her, but he doesn't immediately inquire about it. He first talks with Qin Ziyi and keeps warm for a while. When Qin Ziyi is tired, he begins to ask her complacently!

Qin Ziyi was very curious: "Dan Wang contends for hegemony? What is this? "

"I don't know exactly." Tang Long chewed on Qin Ziyi's face, and then he said, "xian'er said that there are many rewards for this Dan King's competition for hegemony. Even among them, there are also the Dan Ding, which is a medium-grade artifact, as a reward. Therefore, I plan to go and have a look, and hope to have other gains.""Where did the Dan King fight for hegemony?"

"Xuanxu stage!"

"What, it's in the xuanxu platform of xuanxu mountain!" Qin ziyidun was shocked: "how could the Dan King fight for hegemony in such a distant place?"

Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "is that far?"

"Of course Qin Ziyi doubted: "xian'er really said that the place you want to go is xuanxu mountain?"


"How can you make it in a month? Even if you sit in your red flame lion, you can't get to xuanxu mountain so quickly. It's in the border area of Panlong ancient region

"In your estimation, how long will it take us to arrive?"

"At least two months!"

"So far away!" Tang Long slightly frowned: "then why did Xianer tell me that we can arrive in one month?"

"Then ask her, maybe she has some way to shorten the distance!" Qin Ziyi said: "since she said that one month can arrive, one month, certainly can arrive!"

"It's true!" Tang Long nodded, and without hesitation, he went to inquire about Beigong Xianer with huixinmen.

The voice of Bei Gong xian'er soon rang out in Tang Long's heart. In the voice, there was a little coquettish: "villains, why do you still use the wisdom heart gate when you are at home? Don't you want to come to me? "

Tang Long ha ha smile: "I look for you to have the business!"

"What's the point?"

"I heard Yiyi say that xuanxu mountain is so far away from here that it can't be reached in a month!"

"You don't have to worry about that. We will go to the Royal College first, and then, through the transmission array, we can directly arrive at jietiancheng. Then we can start from jietiancheng and arrive at xuanxu mountain in less than a month!"

"I see!" Tang Long nodded clearly.

After cutting off the contact with the northern palace fairy, Tang long looked at Qin Ziyi and said, "Xianer said, let's go to Tiancheng first!"

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