"To Tiancheng?" Qin Ziyi thought about it and looked at Tang Long and said, "you mean, first of all, you want to go to the land where the five continents meet in canglan land?"

"I don't know that!" Tang Long is not familiar with the terrain of canglan continent. In addition to the terrain of Tianying Empire, he has a little knowledge of it. Beyond the area of Tianying Empire, he is only familiar with the black dragon empire!

After all, he led his army to attack the capital of the black dragon empire. Naturally, he knew something about the terrain there!

Qin Ziyi obviously knows where jietiancheng is. She thinks about it and nestles in the arms of Tang long. Her delicate hands stretch out. In her hands, a brand-new map appears: "tell me what you are looking for, and then, we are studying it carefully."


Tang Long nodded and told Qin Ziyi about the environment of Tiangang five spirits!

Qin Ziyi thought about it for a long time. After studying with Tang Long for a while, Qin Ziyi finally said, "if you want to find all the five things you said, I'm afraid it's a little difficult. At least it needs a big circle."

"It doesn't matter!" Tang Long said: "try to find it!"

"All right, then." Seeing that Tang Long was determined, Qin Ziyi nodded, and then marked out five places one by one on the map: "these places are similar to what you said, but you still need to verify them. I'm not sure about them!"

Tang Long said, "I'll try to find it first."

He said, taking Qin Ziyi's map to him, he found that the five places marked by Qin Ziyi were actually a semicircle. It would take a long time to go to xuanxu mountain according to this route!

Even, it will take twice as long!

However, in order to cultivate distraction, Tang Long decided to find the five spirits of Tiangang!

Two people talk softly, Tang long can't help Qin Ziyi's charming and moving appearance, and has done bad things with her for a long time, which makes Qin Ziyi's whole body weak, and he leaves contentedly!

Qin Ziyi is helpless, but in the heart, and happy sweet!

Because he had to leave for a long time, Tang Long was also special. He went to tell Zhuge Lingyun something, and then he went to find Ling Qingyao.

Ling Qingyao has been practicing in the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Long knocks on the door, and the door opens. Ling Qingyao's beautiful face, like a banished immortal, appears in Tang Long's eyes like a dream. Her eyes are calm as water, with a little luster. It seems that there is a pool of wisdom and lucid water, showing a profound and quiet.

This kind of beauty, out of the world!

Tang Long hopes to bring her into the world!

Ling Qingyao looked at Tang Long and asked, "are you out of the customs?" Her voice, clear and pleasant to the ears of five people, like fairy music, very beautiful.

Tang Long said, "I'm going to travel a long way."

Ling Qingyao stopped, followed closely, and then asked, "are you going to participate in Dan Wang's struggle for hegemony?"

"Yes Tang Long nodded.

"It's not easy for Dan Wang to fight for hegemony." Ling Qingyao frowned slightly and said, "although you are already the king of four grades of Dan, it is not easy to gain something in the competition for supremacy of Dan king."

"I'm just going to have a look." Tang Longdao did not say his ambition.

In fact, he has some expectations for Dan Wang's struggle for hegemony. He must get the tianhuoding!

Ling Qingyao looked at Tang Long and said seriously: "it's dangerous for the king of Dan to compete for hegemony. After all, not all the Danshi who went to participate in the contest were from Panlong ancient region, or even from canglan continent!"


Tang Long was stunned.

Listen to Ling Qingyao's words, this Dan Wang's struggle for hegemony is not a simple grand gathering of Dan masters!

Ling Qingyao said: "as long as you are a Dan teacher in the realm of Dan Wang, you can participate in this competition. Moreover, only during this period of time in the whole canglan land will there be many super strong people coming. Among those people, there will even be nine grade Dan king. The strength of the martial arts possessed by the Dan king will even exceed the magical realm!"

Tang Long suddenly had some doubts: "is not to say, this canglan continent, does not allow the martial arts with the strength above wuzun to come?"

"It was a normal time. During the period of Dan Wang's struggle for hegemony, in that area, this rule was invalid." Ling Qingyao looked at Tang Long and said solemnly, "so, you must be careful, because the General Dan Wang and the martial arts will be stronger!"

Hearing from Ling Qingyao, Tang Long became more and more interested in the Dan King's struggle for hegemony!

he knew that the stronger the strength, the more good things he had!

He hoped that this trip could make a profit!

Looking at Ling Qingyao, Tang Long said seriously: "my safety, you can rest assured. First of all, I will go with xian'er. With her in, I will be more safe."

"Well." Ling Qingyao nodded slightly and stopped. In her hand, a golden brand appeared: "I don't have enough identity to accompany you. So, take this one.""What is this?" Tang Long took over the sign and looked at it.

Although the brand is glittering, it is not made of metal, but is made of a very strange jade. The value of the jade is extremely high. On the jade plate, there are three big characters: "holy heart sect!"

"This is the ID card of my holy heart sect, and it's a very precious one!" Ling Qingyao looked at Tang Long seriously: "this brand, in the holy heart sect, has a high prestige. I'll lend it to you for the time being. You must keep it well!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded seriously and put the brand away.

After chatting with Ling Qingyao for a while, Tang Long left.

He is going to leave tomorrow. Today, he has to prepare some things to use on the road. Originally, he was going to go to the snow house with Xue linyue to propose marriage. But now, it is obviously impossible to go there!

The next morning, in xuelingyue's aggrieved eyes, Tang Long is helpless and follows Beigong Xianer to the Royal College together!

After passing the transmission array of the Royal College, Tang Long and Ling Qingyao arrived at the Tiancheng!

Jietiancheng is very big. Even if there are ten Tianying cities, they are not as big as jietiancheng. Moreover, there is a special centralized place of transmission array in jietiancheng, which is like a traffic station!

in this traffic station, you can see that there are dozens of transmission arrays arranged on this large field!

Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er come out from one of the transmission arrays.

Beigong Xianer explained: "this transmission array connecting Tiancheng can lead to all regions of canglan continent. Moreover, there are several space wormholes. However, these transmission arrays connected to Tiancheng are unidirectional!"

"One way? What do you mean? "

"That is to say, from other places, through the transmission array, you can get here, but if you want to leave here, you can't use the transmission array here!"

"What!" Tang Long immediately widened his eyes: "then how can we go back?"

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