Under the competition platform, Hugo was held by several young people from the ground. He tried to make himself stand firm, but his face was very ugly, and the corners of his mouth had shed blood!

Obviously, he's got an internal injury!

The referee looked at Tiger: "this competition, you lost, should fulfill the agreement!"

Brother Hu bit his teeth and turned to look at Han Shuo!

Han Shuo a face iron green: "lose, must recognize, my Longmen people, 5000 points, still can afford to lose!"


Tiger brother should a, face iron blue, a little difficult, toward the test platform to go up, and then, slowly walk on the test platform, will his identity card, take out!

Of course, Tang Long also took out his identity card!

Tiger brother's ID card, only 4300 points, the rest of the points, is the Longmen people, help him put together!

Tang Long is very satisfied!

The results of the two competition tests, all add up to 6000 points, which is a lot of income!

But at this time, Han Shuo came up to the competition platform!

His eyes, coldly staring at Tang long, said in a deep voice: "I don't know who you are, but you, the people who specially aim at my dragon's gate, are you deceiving people too much?"

Looking at Han Shuo, Tang Long was a little stunned and asked, "who are you?"

"Han Shuo, Longmen!" Han Shuo had already stepped onto the competition platform and said in a deep voice: "Tang long, in one day, you cheated me of 6000 points in Longmen. Do you think that people from Longmen are so easy to bully? Do you think you can get out of this way? "

Tang Long frowned: "what do you want?"

"Don't you like gambling very much? Have a seed, bet with me Han Shuo's eyes, showing a sharp cold: "one to three, you dare?"

"One for three?" Tang Long was stunned again: "what do you mean?"

"If you lose, give me 5000 points, if I lose, I will give you 15000 points. If you dare to fight, then our competition can start now!"

"15000 points!"

Tang Long's heart, is mercilessly contracted!

In fact, he had already noticed Han Shuo and even the breath from Han Shuo when he had a competition with brother Hu. He clearly caught the breath. In his heart, he thought that Han Shuo would take the lead for tiger brother!

"Hey hey, people here are stupid and have a lot of money, so it's easy to make money!" Tang Long is secretly happy in his heart!

He looked at Han Shuo and asked, "do you really want to compare with me? One with three? 15000 points? "

"As long as you dare!" Han Shuo said coldly!

"If you pay three for one, of course I dare!" Tang long does not want to think, appears very happy: "I give ten thousand points!"


Han Shuo's pupil, slightly contract!

He had thought that it would be enough to earn five thousand points from Tang long. Moreover, 15000 points are already half of Longmen's collection. If you increase the stakes, you will have to take out all the money of Longmen!

Under the stage, tiger looked at Han Shuo: "master, bet with him!"

Others, too, were loud supporters:

"yes, bet with him!"

"I don't believe that this boy is so evil that you can't win him!"


Han Shuo stares at Tang Long for a long time. When he thinks of Tang Long's victory over tiger brother, he already has a bit of difficulty. Then he thinks that Tang Long only has the four levels of Wu Jun, but he is Wu Zong's five levels, which is much better than him. Suddenly, he has made up his mind!

And at this time, so many people from Longmen are watching. Since he has stood up, he can't retreat!

Although 30000 points, but at this time, he has no way back!

In fact, he didn't want to retreat!

After all, Tang Long's strength is too far from him!

"OK, if you lose, give me 10000 points, if I lose, I will give you 30000 points!" Han Shuo clenched his teeth: "as long as you dare to compare with me, this bet will take effect immediately, how about?"

Tang Long is determined: "I compare with you!"


Han Shuo bit his teeth and turned to look at the referee: "master, you can see that it's the challenge he and I put forward. I'm just responding to the challenge. It's in line with the rules."

"It's in line with the rules!" The referee nodded. In fact, he was looking forward to the competition!

He wanted to know whether Tang long could defeat Han Shuo!

The young people under the stage, one by one, are cheering for Han Shuo. Xue linyue even makes trouble from it. She doesn't go to cheer Tang long, but she is also there. In a mess, she cheers Han Shuo!

Tang Long takes this girl and is completely speechless!

The referee looked at Han Shuo and Tang Long: "are you ready?"

"Ready!" They said at the same time.

The referee stepped back a few steps: "now that you are ready, now, the competition begins!"The voice dropped, his body shook and disappeared in place. The next moment, he had appeared in a corner of the competition platform, watching Tang Long and Han Shuo's contest.

All the voices under the stage have disappeared!

Han Shuo stares at Tang long, and bursts out with an extremely strong momentum. His strength has indeed reached the five levels of Wuzong!

Tang Long still exerts the power of cold and piercing nine you days!

He stood at random and looked at Han Shuo lightly!


Han Shuo's dark pupil, a touch of cold light flash away!

His body swayed and rushed towards Tang long, with a gust of wind. In a twinkling of an eye, he was in front of Tang long. His fist was roaring with strong wind. He attacked Tang Long fiercely!

He did it with all his strength!

He is very confident. If he goes on this fight, he will be able to tell the winner or loser of the contest!

Watching, the fist, has been hard, hit Tang Long's chest, and then, Tang Long's whole person, has burst to pieces, turned into broken virtual, all over the sky dissipated!

"Not good!"

Seeing that Tang Long is broken and disappeared, Han Shuo's pupil suddenly shrinks violently!

In the corner of the competition platform, the referee's eyes, has shown a shock: "this boy, he has been hiding his biggest advantage before!"

The young people under the stage have been stunned!

Han Shuo realized that something was wrong and followed him closely. Tang Long's faint voice said, "the competition is over!"

When the voice fell, Han Shuo felt it. An icy force, like an iceberg, was pounding on his back. He felt a sharp pain in his back. At the same time, the icy and bone piercing energy, unexpectedly, directly and violently entered his viscera!


He spits out a mouthful of blood, the whole person, was icy strong gas, blew to fly out!

How far did he fly ten meters away, and then he fell heavily under the competition platform. His result was exactly the same as that of tiger brother!

Tang long stood tall and mighty!


The result of this competition was beyond all people's expectation!

Even Xue linyue didn't expect such a result. Although she firmly believed that Tang long would win, she didn't expect that Tang long would win the victory!

This victory, too easy to come!


Snow to listen to the moon looking at Tang long, peach blossom eyes slightly narrowed, eyes, flashing charming to the extreme brilliance!

She thought, this moment Tang long, too handsome, simply handsome explosion!

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