
The referee took a long breath and looked at Tang long, shocked.

Before, although he had overestimated Tang Long's strength, he finally found that he underestimated Tang Long's strength!

Under the competition platform, Han Shuo was lifted up from the ground by several young people!

Han Shuo clenched his teeth, his face was livid, and he was staring at Tang Long: "this account, I have written it down by Han Shuo!"

Tang long curled his lips!

He didn't care about this guy. He wrote down the account. He hoped that the guy would report back and find someone to give him some points. In this way, he didn't have to be busy with speculations, and the points would not be spent!

"Ha ha, the harvest is very good!"

Tang Long is secretly proud of himself. He goes to the referee and gives his ID card to the referee!

The referee was in his heart and sighed!

He looked at Han Shuo: "before the competition, you had a bet. Now, since you have lost, is it time to honor the bet between you?"

Without saying a word, Han Shuo stepped onto the competition platform and took out his identity card!

In this identity card, it is stored, the whole dragon's gate saved the points, these points, they go out to do the task, painstakingly saved, now, but so easy, will spend all!

Such a loss, how can they not heartache!

However, the rules are the rules. There are masters in charge here, and they can't violate the rules!

the referee assigned the 30000 points accumulated by Longmen to Tang long. Then, they returned their ID cards and waved: "if no one is in a competition, then, that's it!"

Without saying a word, Han Shuo walked off the competition platform and was held by several young people. He slowly walked out of the competition!

"Lippi, you're great!"

Snow leaf month came over, happily took Tang Long's hand.

Tang long looked at the referee: "we're going."

The referee paused, but asked, "why haven't I met you before? It's not the time for us to enroll disciples

Tang Long said: "we are coming back together with master Ziyan of Gaoyang."

"I see!" The referee nodded and stopped asking.

Tang Long and Xue Lingyue left the competition hall together. Then, xuelingyue took Tang long to find the steward of Shengying palace.

Because Tang Long is a disciple of Ziyan in Gaoyang, his treatment is different from that of other preparatory disciples. He gets a residence and five grades, which is much better than other preparatory disciples.

After settling down in the Imperial Palace, Tang long did not stay in his own room!

Use huixinmen to go to xuelinyue's boudoir and go to pester xuelinyue!

Snow leaves the moon helpless!

She had no choice but to let Tang long do something bad to her and make this guy happy. At last, she drove him away after a lot of hardships!

Before Tang Long left, he also gave xuelinyue a nine grain big return pill he got from Beigong Xianer.

Snow leaves the moon to cry secretly!

"If we go on like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep this principle for long."

Xuelinyue sent Tang Long away. She felt that her heart was beating around. She knew that she had already, more and more refused to refuse Tang long. Even, she wanted to take the initiative!

Tang Long is a little depressed!

At the moment, he was full of flames. How could he settle down? He had to go back to Tianying city to solve the problem!

At the moment, he also felt that Qin Ziyi and xiaoque'er were better!

This is the real wife!

The next morning, Tang Long appeared in shengxinzong and ye Qingling's boudoir.

"Brother long!"

When ye Qingling sees Tang Long coming, she shouts with joy and runs over. She nests herself in Tang Long's arms directly. Now, her favorite thing to do is to play coquetry with Tang Long!

Tang Long also eats this girl's set!

The girl's sweet and crisp voice, that fairy like moving son, to Tang Long's arms, Tang Long Zheng, is directly in the air, can't find the North!


holding Ye Qingling, they sat down on the sofa not far away.

Tang longchong was drowned in Ye Qingling's Yao nose. He scraped it gently and asked, "how much did you improve your strength after eating that big pill?"

"Cluck!" Ye Qingling was laughing at Tang Long and said, "I have already entered the army again!"

"It's so powerful!" Tang Long praised a, a finger, in Ye Qingling's pretty face, gently scraped: "my baby linger, is really more and more powerful!"

Two people laugh for a while, ye Qingling is to find Ling Qingyao.

Originally, Ling Qingyao could not have been found so easily by Ye Qingling, because ye Qingling was only a preparatory disciple, but Ling Qingyao was already an outside disciple, and soon he would become an inner disciple!Each level of disciple, where they are, is different.

The most important thing is that Ling Qingyao's status in this holy heart sect seems to be a little special!

However, ye Qingling quickly found Ling Qingyao, because Ling Qingyao knew that today, Tang long would surely come.

She was prepared in advance.

Ling Qingyao is still dressed in snow-white dress. She is like a banished fairy from heaven. She is quiet and dusting. She has a kind of elegant and lofty artistic conception. Standing together with the spirit like Ye Qingling, each has its own characteristics, but they are all beautiful dreams and shocks!

To see Tang long, Ling Qingyao's beautiful face, there is also a trace of joy, voice, but still quiet: "you come."

"Yes." Tang Long nodded.

Ling Qingyao said, "I have arranged for you what you said."

"Oh Tang Long asked, "who is the man I want to see? What are his rights in this holy heart sect? "

Ling Qingyao was very sure: "what he said must count."

"That's good." Tang Long nodded.

Ling Qingyao slightly stopped, a little worried: "but, can you really convince him? You know, you have to join several religious sects at the same time. It's a bit strange! "

Tang Long confidently said: "don't worry, I will do it when I say it!"

"All right." Ling Qingyao nodded and paused. However, she told her, "if you can't succeed, you have to be patient. We'll find another chance."

"Good!" Tang Long also nodded and agreed.

"Then let's go." Ling Qingyao turned and walked outside the door.

Tang Long turned to look at the baby girl: "darling, wait for me here. When I finish my work, I will come back to play with you!"

"Mm-hmm!" Ye Qingling nodded repeatedly.

Tang Long didn't say any more. He followed Ling Qingyao and walked out through a square and corridor. After more than ten minutes, they finally arrived at a magnificent hall!

On the door of the hall, there are three big characters: "Hall of good heart!"

"Where is this?" Tang Long asked.

Ling Qingyao explained: "in our holy heart sect, there are four temples in total. This is where I am, the hall of good heart."


Tang Long nodded.

He knew that the management mode of the holy heart sect seemed to be the same as that of the heavenly demon palace.

He asked, "is the master of the hall of good heart your master?"

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