"No Ling Qingyao shook her head: "in the hall of benevolence, the master of the hall is not responsible. The master who teaches any disciple is generally the founder of the mountain and the founder of the mountain. Only then can he teach his disciples."

"I see." Tang Long nodded and didn't care much.

He came to shengxinzong only to obtain cultivation resources, but also for ye Qingling to develop better. As for what he can learn, he doesn't care too much.

Of course, if he can learn some magic skills here, he will be very happy.

Magic, how can you learn it so easily?!

Two people into the hall of good heart, not long, has arrived at the door of a room, Ling Qingyao gently knocked on the door: "Dong Dong Dong Dong."

"Who?" The voice in the door, quiet and serene, is a man's voice.

Ling Qingyao said: "Hall master, it's me!"

"The man you're bringing is here?"


"Let him in, you may go!"


Ling Qingyao respectfully agreed, and then looked at Tang long, pause, she or gently admonished: "you, don't be too demanding, there are still many opportunities, let's take our time!"

Tang Long looks at Ling Qingyao with a smile.

"Don't worry!" he whispered


Ling Qingyao answered, then turned around and walked slowly.

Tang Long opened the door and went in.

This is a very elegant and comfortable room. The style of the room is extremely tranquil. Tang long walks into the room and feels comfortable and peaceful all over!

In front of the room, there is a very leisurely white jade chair, on which sits a man in white.

The man in white looks like a jade crown. He has a lofty temperament and is full of a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Tang Long looks at him and feels that he is in his twenties, but he seems to be infinitely old!

"This guy, the realm of cultivating one's mind, is more powerful than that of Qing Yao. It should be, and is also the body of nature."

Tang Long immediately made a simple assessment of the young man in white.

Without saying a word, the young man in white looked at Tang Long quietly. His eyes were flat and quiet, and the expression on his face was peaceful and comfortable!

Tang Long saluted respectfully: "younger Tang long, I've met my elder!"

He's not humble, he's not polite.

Seeing Tang Long's performance, the young man in white finally showed a different color.

Naturally, he is not. He is only in his twenties. He is over 500 years old. He has been the master of the hall of benevolence for hundreds of years!

he raised his hand and pointed to a chair beside him: "sit down!"


Tang Longgong agreed, and then sat down on the chair beside him.

The young man in white introduced himself: "my name is Tai Shici, and I am the master of the hall of benevolence." The voice falls, slightly pause, way: "your affair, Qing Yao already told me."

Tang long did not speak, listening to the following.

Tai Shici looked at Tang Long and was silent for a moment. He asked, "has the heavenly demon palace agreed to you? You have become a preparation disciple of the heavenly demon palace? "

"Yes." Tang Long nodded.

"Where is the royal palace?" Tess continued.

"The emperor's hall has also agreed to accept me as a preparatory disciple." Tang Long tells the truth.

"Since both of them have such a broad-minded mind and let you practice in their sect, it seems that my holy heart sect has no reason to refuse your request!" Tai Shici's light way.

"Thank you very much Tang Long immediately changed his address and looked modest.

"I already know your performance in the battle for supremacy of the king of Dan. Not to mention anything else, the talent of your Dan master and the divine beast you own are enough to make any ancient sect move its face!" Tai Shici said faintly: "I have no idea of the family. Even more, most of the disciples of the sect will leave the sect after several years. Therefore, it doesn't matter to me if you join several sects."

"Yes Tang long should a, in the heart, but also a little admire this taishici!

This person's mind, obviously very broad-minded!

Tai Shici continued: "however, since you want to come to my holy heart sect, at least you need to follow the rules of my sect. I believe you will not object to this point!"

"Of course Tang Long nodded immediately.

"Although you are a Dan master, but the strength of the martial arts is also ordinary. Although every sect attaches great importance to the Dan master, it is still necessary to take the strength of the martial arts as the evaluation standard. After all, the later the Dan master is, the more difficult it will be to improve the strength. When you get to the hall of good heart, you are still a ready disciple


"This is your ID card. Go ahead."

Tai Shici's hand, has more than a jade brand, the voice dropped, he raised his hand gently, the sign, is flying towards Tang long.Tang Long took over the brand, very happy in his heart, he did not expect that things were so smooth!

Tai Shici said faintly: "if you only join my holy heart sect, you will certainly have a lot of repair resources. However, your current situation is special. Therefore, you can only be the most ordinary disciple and rely on yourself to fight for everything. I do this, in fact, is also an attempt

"Yes Tang Long answered.

"If there's nothing wrong, you can go out first." Tai Shici waved.

Tang long stood up.

He turned around and walked to the door. Just as he was about to go out, Tai Shici stopped him again: "I heard that you have a high success rate in refining miraculous pills?"

Tang Long is not modest: "compared with other Dan kings, I should have no rival if I refine elixir!"

"Good." Tai Shici nodded slightly: "you are only the king of Dan now. Because of your special situation, I will not ask you to refine the elixir. However, if you become the emperor of Dan, you should refine some miraculous elixirs for the clan."

"I will try my best!" Tang Long immediately said.

He also knew that as a alchemist, he would have the task of refining elixir in the clan. Of course, he would certainly get a high reward. However, he didn't want to help others to refine elixirs!

After a pause, he looked at Tai Shici: "Lord, I hope that in the clan, the fewer people who know the identity of my Dan master, the better. Moreover, I hope you can keep my level of refining elixir secret. After all, I have to seize the time and practice hard!"

"Well, you can rest assured." Taishici light way: "in the hall of good heart, only I have the right to let you refine the elixir!"

"Yes Tang Longgong agreed.

If he only helps taishici refine the elixir, he doesn't care at all. After all, if he uses Li Tian TA, the speed of refining elixir will be very fast.

The most important thing is that taishici has already said that he will not require him to refine Lingdan before he reaches the Dan emperor.

In this way, he can concentrate on training!

Tai Shici said, "your strength has reached the realm of Wu Jun?"


"Then you can take part in this competition of preparing disciples. You can prepare for it the day after tomorrow."


"Well, you go down, and the free man will arrange other things for you."


Tang Long turns around and opens the door!

In the room, Tai Shici gently breathed his breath and said to himself, "even if I can only get half of this talent, it's already very good. How can we refuse people thousands of miles away? The boy's prudence is also considerate, just Forget it. Let's have a look

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