Just when Tang long felt that he was going to be blasted, suddenly, between heaven and earth, an extremely mysterious energy surged towards him!

His whole body was suddenly filled with infinite power by this strange energy!

the originally mountain like force of explosion and pressure disappeared without a trace. His whole body became relaxed!

At this time, a deep voice sounded in the temple: "young man, I really didn't expect that you could successfully break through. The ninth floor of the temple of stars and moon can make my spirit appear here for the first time!"

Tang Long is a little dazed!

At this time, on the ninth floor of the temple of stars and moons, the rolling strength between heaven and earth has disappeared!

In the center of the Star Moon Temple, in the air of two meters, an old figure appears quietly.

The old man is white haired. From his appearance, he doesn't know his age at all. Moreover, Tang Long knows that the old man is not a real man, but a ghost of a strong man who stays here!

he can't help asking, "who are you?"

"I am the one who created this temple. At the same time, I am also the founder of the royal palace!"

"The founder of the royal palace!" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "are you still alive now?"

"Of course The old man said, "I have created this temple of stars and moons for more than 5000 years. Today, someone has really broken through the ninth floor. This makes me feel a little incredible."

Tang Long was silent.

At this time, and finally, he lifted the biggest doubt in his heart.

Before that, he was also very suspicious that the imperial palace had created such a place that could enhance its strength, but it was so dangerous. Didn't he worry that the disciples who came in would die in vain because of their risks?!

You know, this is not the way of enlightenment!

Now he knew that there would be no danger of life in the temple of stars and moon.

At the most dangerous time, someone should come and rescue the people inside, and the person rescued may be this wisp of spirit!

the old man continued: "I really didn't expect that the Imperial Palace could usher in an unprecedented talent. Moreover, I can see that your mind is extremely firm, and you must have one in your heart Strong persistence! "

Tang long did not speak.

The old man continued: "young man, I am looking forward to you, in the future to get greater achievements, goodbye!"

The voice falls, the figure of the old man, is slowly dissipated, and finally, it disappears without a trace. At the moment when the old man dissipated, Tang Long also felt that the extremely terrible energy between heaven and earth was converging towards him crazily!

His strength, began to crazy fierce promotion!

However, at this time, his internal injury is still heavy!

However, it is strange that although he has a heavy internal injury, the promotion of his strength at this time has no impact on his internal injury at all!

Such a strong energy shock, his seriously injured meridians, unexpectedly completely bear!

He knew that this was the remnant soul, which had put a very strong force into him.

It is this great force that protects his meridians and bones, so that he can safely enhance his strength at this time.

The power of the flood and famine cannot be cultivated at all.

However, some super strong people are able to manipulate the power of the vast and wasteland at will to carry out some extremely special attacks or defenses!

In fact, the power of the flood and famine is the most basic energy for exerting his magic power!

this time, Tang Long's strength has been improved for five hours!

After five hours, his strength stopped improving.

At this time, he had been promoted from the fourth level to the eighth level. He was very satisfied with the promotion!

However, his whole body, meridians, bones, even viscera, still has a tremendous pain!

His internal injury is still extremely serious!

"Anyway, I finally broke through the ninth floor of the temple of stars and moons!"

Tang Long breathed a long breath.

He is still lying on the ground, with huixinmen, he first contacted Xue Lingyue.

After all, Xue Lingyue went out from here. Tang Long knew that the girl was worried about him most. So he also wanted to tell himself that the leopard was safe and had successfully broken through the ninth floor of the Star Moon Temple.

As expected, Xue linyue is extremely worried about him.

The door of Huixin has just been connected, and the voice of snow listening to the moon is in the bottom of Tang Long's heart, and nervously rings out: "laipi, what's the matter with you? What floor are you on? If it's too dangerous, don't continue! "

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Besides, I've already broken through the ninth floor!" Tang long light road.

"Really?" The sound of the snow listening to the moon suddenly reveals a deep surprise.Naturally, Tang long would not tell the girl about his injury, so at this time, it is absolutely impossible to call huixinmen to the girl.

However, he is now, although the internal injury is heavy, but his recovery ability is very strong, and there is a holy pill to recover the internal injury. Therefore, for him, this internal injury, in fact, is nothing. After a good rest for a few days, he will be fine.

After a few words with xuelingyue, he contacted them again.

Finally, he contacted the baby girl Ye Qingling.

Call out, and ye Qingling between the wisdom heart door, the next moment, Tang Long appeared in front of Ye Qingling.

Ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi killed a demon spirit just before. When they heard that Tang Long was coming, they all rested here and were waiting for him.

When Tang longcai came out of Huixin's door, his whole body was softened, and there was a burst of darkness in front of him. He just fainted, but he was held in his arms by Ye Qingling in a hurry.

After a long time, Tang Long finally woke up from his coma.

Slowly open his eyes, he immediately saw, two pairs of nervous and concerned eyes.

"Brother long, how are you?" Ye Qingling saw that Tang Long was awake. He asked in a hurry. At the same time, his delicate jade hand had reached Tang Long's mouth. In his hand, it was a healing elixir.

Tang Long opened his mouth, ate this healing pill, reluctantly a smile: "don't worry, I'm ok, just suffered a little internal injury."

Next to Ling Qingyao, can not help but gently blame: "how can you, let yourself hurt like this?"

"Ha ha, I broke into the ninth floor of the temple of stars and moons. I was hurt by carelessness." Tang long tried his best to make himself look relaxed: "take a rest for two days and it will be OK."

"You don't take good care of yourself Ling Qingyao blame, Tang long, very careful to sit up: "practice it, you can recover quickly!"


Tang Long nodded.

At this moment, he ate the healing pill. He really needs to practice.

Time is in a hurry. Two hours later, after this period of practice and treatment, Tang Long's internal injury has been greatly reduced, but in his heart, he thinks of a very important thing!

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