Now, Tang Long has reached the eighth level of Emperor Wu. As long as he reaches the realm of heaven and man, he can practice the sixth level of chaos!

The sixth level of the body of chaos is the body of Nine Yang!

Once he has cultivated himself into the body of Nine Yang, he will be able to become a powerful and energy absorbing carrier. At that time, no matter under any circumstances, his vitality can be quickly restored!

The most important thing is that if the body of Nine Yang is successfully cultivated, his defense ability can be improved again, and even his own recovery ability will become more powerful!

"It seems that we have to prepare some herbs in advance."

Tang long thought secretly.

He decided to let Bei Gong xian'er and Qin Zi follow them and help him to pay attention to them and find out the herbs needed to cultivate the body of Nine Yang.

Contact the North Palace xian'er and Qin Ziyi, Tang long at this time, has smelled, the thick fragrance!

This is Ling Qingyao, stewing a pot of fragrant meat!

"This girl, who was in TIANYAO forest before, couldn't do this? Now, it seems that it is doing a good job Tang Long was also secretly curious. Looking at the busy Ling Qingyao not far away, he said, "Qingyao, get me some, I'm hungry!"


Ling Qingyao gently answered.

Just now, she and ye Qingling had already eaten. At this time, they put a bowl for Tang Long and brought it over.

She wanted to send the bowl to Tang Long's hand, but Tang long did not raise his hand, but opened his mouth.


Ling Qingyao takes a look at Tang long. When she sees this guy, she seems to have no idea what she means, so she waits for her to feed him. However, she has no choice but to feed this guy in person.

She had never been so nice to anyone before!

At this time, however, she also emerged with a faint blush.

Tang Long enjoys it!

Eating the thick soup that Ling Qingyao fed into his mouth, he felt that the taste was extremely refreshing. He could not help but praise him and said, "Qingyao, your craft is really good. I can't see that you have the potential of a good wife and a good mother!"

Ling Qingyao's pretty face, more and more red, expression, but still calm, voice, a little bit coy: "you talk nonsense, eat yourself!"

"Hey, hey

Tang Long didn't say much.

Soon, he was full, and then he had a rest.

At this time, ye Qingling also came.

At this time, Tang Long's red flame lion and snow wolf king, as well as pig Gang hyena, also came. There were seven or eight strange flames beating on the palm of pig Gang hyena!

These strange flames are the spiritual spirits that Ling Qingyao and ye Qingling found these days.

The little girl Ye Qingling said happily: "brother long, don't you need these spiritual spirits? We've found a lot of them to help you improve your mental strength. "

"How nice

Tang Long also praised.

At this moment, pig ganghya gave Tang Long all the flames in his hands, and then he went to sleep in Tianling garden directly.

These days, he is bullied by Ye Qingling every day. He is in charge of guarding at night. He is really tired!

Now, it has to go and have a good rest!

The snow wolf king and the red flame lion, too, returned to the heavenly spirit garden.

Tang long at this time, of course, is to immediately absorb the spirit in his hand, so that his spiritual strength can be improved quickly.

Although the spirit of absorbing a spirit, Tang Long's spiritual power can not be improved a lot, but here, there are eight, and unexpectedly, one is bigger than the other, which also makes Tang long look forward to it!

Before him, he was already a seven grade Dan king, and he was not far away from the eight grade Dan king. He hoped that he could absorb these spiritual spirits and his own spiritual power to reach the level of eight grade Dan king.

He began to practice seriously!

Ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao, both sitting beside him, chatting quietly. The two girls, from time to time, also turn their heads to see Tang long.

Tang Long was not here before. Although they didn't feel very lonely, they both felt that the road of Enlightenment was really boring. But now, with Tang Long beside them, even if Tang Long didn't speak, they suddenly felt that the road of Enlightenment was still very interesting.

Tang long practiced for two hours before he finally stopped.

Unfortunately, although he absorbed all the eight spiritual spirits, he still failed to break through into the eight grade Dan master.

Of course, at this time, he was only one step away from the eight grade Dan master.

After the practice, Tang Long condensed the huangquan divine needle, helped himself again to cure internal injury, and then continued to practice.

Because Tang Long's internal injury was very serious, ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi did not urge Tang long to move on. Instead, they accompanied him and took a rest here.This rest, a full day of rest!

the next day, Tang Long's internal injury recovered by more than half!

with such a heavy internal injury, he recovered more than half of it in one day, which is really amazing.

At this time, Tang long did not dare to delay any more. If he continued to delay, maybe he would not pass the first stage of the road of enlightenment, and it would be more than worth the loss!

If within a month, Tang Long and they can't reach the exit of the first level of Shenqi Road, they will be directly ejected from the Shenqi road!

Next, Tang Long didn't even go to find the spirit of the spirit, just to speed up the road!

After all, he had lost too much time before!

In a hurry, in a twinkling of an eye, fifteen days passed. At this time, Tang Long and they finally passed the first pass of the road of divine enlightenment and reached the first exit of the road of divine enlightenment!

At this moment, of course, Tang long can't leave from this exit. He wants to move on.

In the past 15 days, although Tang Long didn't have time to look for the spirit spirit, he didn't have no harvest at all. Along the way, he also killed many demons and got many magic pills!

All these magic pills are given to pig Gang hyena. At this time, pig Gang hyena is about to grow to the level 8 level of Warcraft!

The battle power of pig Gang hyena at this time is the strongest among all the supernatural beasts of Tang Long!

And then, Tang Long also wants to start, let his other Warcraft, accelerate the growth speed, of course, ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao's sacred beast and divine beast also need to grow up quickly.

After the first pass of the Shenqi Road, Tang Long and their speed is still very fast.

However, because of the red flame lion, Tang long did not forget at this time and tried to find the spirit of the spirit.

At the same time, they are also killing demons.

Now, Tang long does not do any more to hunt and kill demons. Besides, he does not allow his own supernatural beasts to do so. Basically, ye Qingling and Ling Qingyao come to hunt and kill these demons. , the fastest update of the webnovel!