Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Tang long did not want to waste any more time.

He turned his head and looked at Liu Kuo and said, "Lord Liu, it's not early. I don't care about things here. I have to go to have a rest first."

"Good, good!"

Liu Kuo nodded his head in a hurry, and then he said thanks again and again.

He knew that this evening, if it was not for Tang long, his Xiongfeng castle would be destroyed!

Tang Long said nothing more.

He took Beigong xian'er's hand and walked with dark Ling Huangyou night towards the backyard and the place where they lived. Soon, he left the chaotic battlefield.

It was late at night.

In the night of Beigong Xianer and dark Ling Huangyou, they were busy for a day and were already very tired, so they went to have a rest together.

Tang Long himself is going to have a rest.

Next, they will be able to get rid of the danger.

"I hope to go to the hall of death and have something to gain!"

Tang long thought secretly.

Sit down cross knees, is about to practice for a while, suddenly deep in the heart, snow listen to the voice of the moon, with a little nervous ring: "laipi, where are you?"

"I'm with Xianer, in Xiongfeng castle." Tang Long's voice dropped, followed closely: "leopard, why so late, you haven't rested, what happened?"

"Well, there's something." "Can you come to me for a visit?" said Xue linyue


Of course, Tang long will not refuse such a request.

He could tell that he, the lovely little leopard, had something to look for him. Otherwise, it would not be so late. It was midnight, and he contacted him with huixinmen.

Tang Long summoned the door of wisdom between him and the moon, and soon appeared in front of him.

Although this room is very comfortable and luxurious, it is not a little leopard. It is in the boudoir of St. England's palace.

Obviously, xuelinyue is not in the temple of Saint England.

Tang Long went over and held the lovely little leopard in his arms. He bowed his head on her beautiful face and chewed it gently. Then he asked, "dear girl, what can I do for you so late?"

"I want you to help me!" Snow leaf month a pair of peach blossom eyes, with full of expectations, delicate voice, but with a little bit of mischievous: "laipi, you must not not agree with me!"

"Well, I promise to help you!" Tang Long smiles.

Little leopard's request, how can he not agree, as long as the girl is happy, can do, he will certainly try to do.

He asked, "good girl, go ahead, what can I do for you?"

Xue linyue said: "five days later, there will be a fierce competition. It's the competition of Dan master. You have to help me to win this competition."

Tang Long was a little curious: "what kind of competition is this?"

"TIANYAO City, a very important competition." Xue linyue said: "we should help the Wenren family of TIANYAO city to win the competition, otherwise, the Wenren family will lose the Zuntian Tower!"

"Zuntian tower? What is that? "

"I don't know. I only know that Zuntian tower is the treasure of Wenren family. At this time, the treasure will be taken away. Only by winning this competition, can the Wenren family keep Zuntian Tower!"

Tang Long nodded: "don't worry, as long as I'm here, I will let the Wenren family keep this tower!"

"Well." Xue linyue responded and said, "the Wenren family is the largest family in TIANYAO city. Originally, they controlled TIANYAO city. However, in the past two years, another family has emerged in TIANYAO City, which poses a great threat to Wenren family."

"TIANYAO city!" Tang long thought, he suddenly thought of a person.

Smell the rain bamboo!

In the past, he and Ling Qingyao once went to TIANYAO forest together. In the jungle, he also saved a girl. This girl belongs to Wenren family and is called Wenren Yuzhu.

He looked at the snow to listen to the moon to ask: "this Dan division's competition, the other party's Dan division, strength how?"

"It's said that they have Dan emperor!" said snow

"TIANYAO City, there is a Dan emperor?" Tang Long was also a little surprised.

You know, TIANYAO city is in canglan continent.

In this continent, the strength of the martial arts is not very strong, but unexpectedly, the emergence of the Dan emperor, this matter, let him very surprised!

He asked, "what about the Wen family? What is the strength of Dan Shi in Wen Ren's family? "

Xue linyue said: "in fact, there are several old antiques in the Wenren family. Those people also have the strength of the Dan emperor. However, these things were originally the secrets of the Wenren family, but somehow they were known by others."

"In the world, there is no strong airtight." Tang Longdao.

He looked at the snow to listen to the month, very serious way: "good moon, you can rest assured, this matter, I will certainly come out.""Well." Snow leaf month should a, looking at Tang long, pretty face suddenly a little red.

She wanted to remind Tang Long of that.

Hesitant, but finally still, did not say.

She looked at Tang Long and said, "I'm looking for you because of this. Tomorrow morning, the Wen family will be sure of the people who will take part in the Danshi competition. All of me are eager to find you."

"Well." Tang Long nodded.

He thought for a while and thought that the matter of the temple of death should not be delayed for five days. After five days, he would surely come here. Therefore, he was very sure: "don't worry, I will help you with this matter!"


Snow leaf month should a, and then, is gently, nestled in the arms of Tang long.

Now, she has reached the realm of heaven and man. Therefore, the limitation of her martial arts no longer exists. When she called Tang long to come, she made a decision in her heart.

If Tang Long wants it today, she will give it to him!

Unfortunately, Tang Long didn't think about it tonight. He was busy all day. At this time, he was really tired.

Of course, if Xue linyue reminds him, he will definitely take action immediately. Unfortunately, how can Xue Lingyue remind him?!

"Yueer, I've been busy all day today, so please take a rest with me!"

He took hold of xuelinyue's slender waist and her pair of beautiful, earth shaking long legs. Then, he directly picked her up and walked towards the comfortable soft couch not far away.

Snow leaf moon pretty face red, a heart, deer bump.

She had, she closed her eyes gently.

Feeling that she was gently put down by Tang long, she felt more and more nervous. However, after waiting for a while, she only felt that Tang long held her tightly and did not take action.

She was a little surprised.

"This shameless, always so bad before, why today, suddenly honest?"

Quietly open his eyes, looking at Tang long, but found that Tang Long has closed his eyes, and soon, came, even breathing.

"I'm so tired today. Otherwise, I won't be so honest!" Snow hears the month to think quietly, in the heart, immediately has a little heartache, he is so tired, she is so late, still let him come over.

"Next time, anyway, I must be his!"

Snow hears the month to think quietly, nest in Tang Long's arms, feel this embrace, is really very comfortable, in the heart sweet fierce, soon, also entered the dreamland. , the fastest update of the webnovel!