It's sunny in the morning.

When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw a pair of dark eyes. She was looking at herself without blinking.

See this pair of eyes, full of infatuation and deep love, snow leaf moon's heart, suddenly "Dong Dong" jump.

"It's nice to have his feeling!"

Her heart was sweet, but she was shy. She quickly buried her head in Tang Long's arms.

She said softly, "you are awake, laipi."

"Well." Tang Long hugs the snow and leans the moon closer to his arms. He is curious that the little leopard never let himself hold her so greedily before. How can he become so generous today!

In the morning, you can do whatever he wants!

this girl is not afraid of this. Will there be "danger"?!

Although a little reluctant to leave the girl, but at this time, Tang long must also leave.

"Leopard, I have to go."

Tang Long holds up the snow-white jaw and nibbles on her beautiful face.

The snow leaf month a bit does not give up the way: "wait for you to finish busy, come over." The voice falls, suddenly boldly, gather to Tang Long's ear, gently way: "you come next time, I will reward you!"

"Oh, really?" Tang long looked at the snow and listened to the moon with a smile. In his eyes, there was a bad smile: "what are you going to reward me for?"

"I won't tell you!"

Snow leaf moon's pretty face, more and more red, a direct head, buried in Tang Long's arms.

What else can she reward him for? It's just her.

Tang Long rarely see, Xue Lingyue is so shy, but so along with him. Tang Long's heart is also filled with thick friendship, embracing the lovely little leopard, saying some nice words, coax the girl to be happy.

Tang long does not mind, in front of his own women, good obedience.

In his opinion, as long as they can feel happy and happy after listening to these words, he should say.

Love is to speak out boldly.

He always thinks so.

They were sweet for a long time. They went out to have dinner together. It was time for Tang long to leave.

Xue Lingyue knew that Tang Long was going to leave, so she told Tang Long again: "after five days, don't forget, this matter is very important."

"Good." Tang Long nodded.

Once again, he took a bite on the girl's pretty face, and Tang Long summoned the wisdom heart door of Beigong Xianer.

Soon, he appeared in the boudoir of Beigong Xianer.

Together with Beigong Xianer, they went out of the room and called for dark Ling Huangyou night. The three went to the living room for breakfast. Tang long looked at Liu Kuo and asked, "the danger of the underground trolls in the Tianmo city has been completely relieved. When will we go to the hall of death?"

"Noon today!" Liu Kuo Dao.

Tang Long asked, "where is the temple of death?"

"About 100 kilometers away from the city of demons, when the time comes, the Lord of the city will take us with us. All those who take part in fighting against the underground trolls can go."

Tang Long turned to look at the dark Ling Huangyou night beside him and asked, "you night, how is your internal injury?"

You night way: "took your pill, the internal injury has basically recovered."

"That's good." Tang Long nodded at ease and asked again, "next, are you going to join us or go back to your tianxie sect?"


I was a little hesitant.

Since the tianxie sect was forced to join the blood alliance established by the blood god temple, Youye has become more and more disliked of its own sect.

But her identity, but let her, absolutely impossible, betray her own clan.

So now, she is basically wandering outside alone, and she doesn't want to go back to zongmen at all.

In fact, although the former tianxie sect also did some dark things, it was much better than now. Now, many people in tianxie sect are really making the night more and more intolerable!

Looking at the quiet night, Bei Gong xian'er looked forward to saying, "sister Youye, you can stay with us."

You night looking at Tang Long: "I follow you, convenient?"

Tang Long wants to say it's inconvenient!

Unfortunately, before he opened his mouth, Bei Gong xian'er immediately said, "of course, it's convenient for me. This time, I won't act with the people in the heavenly devil's palace. I'm with the bad guys, plus you and the three of us. How nice

"Well, I'll be with you." The night nodded.

She felt that she should be able to meet the people of tianxie sect when she was in the hall of death.

If you can't touch those people, it's OK. She doesn't want to see them!

Tang Long saw the quiet night agreed, in the heart, a little helpless.Youye's current strength is far less than that of Beigong Xianer. She is afraid that she will become a great burden along the way with them.

The most important thing is, in case you find something good, will you give it to this girl?!

"Xianer, when I see a beautiful girl, I wish I could stay far away from others. How can I be so good to this quiet night? Can't I be prepared in this respect? What about the girl's eye? "

Tang Long is a little depressed.

The night was very happy.

She took Beigong Xianer's hand and said expectantly, "Xianer, I won't go back to the ancestral gate after all. Let's go sightseeing outside together?"

"Good, good!" Beigong Xianer agrees with both hands!

She was a girl who couldn't help but find an excuse to escape because of Dugu Baitian this time. She was so eager to play outside. How could she not accept it?!

She turned her head and looked at Tang Long and said, "bad guys, you want to come with me!"

Tang Long was a little helpless and explained: "the matter of the death hall is over. I have to go to yue'er to help her solve some problems."

"What's the problem?" asked xian'er

Tang Long said: "it's a family in canglan land. It's a family that has encountered a problem. This family is covered by the imperial palace. The most important thing is that now, I happen to have some interest in this family.

Tang Long was really interested in Wen Ren's family.

Listen to snow to listen to the month said, this Wen people family, unexpectedly hide several Dan Huang, this matter is too let Tang Long surprised.

Canglan mainland, there is such a powerful family, but also quietly hidden!

he thinks, this family, certainly is not simple!

The most important thing is that if the Tang government wants to rise rapidly, Danshi is indispensable!

he has a little ambition for the family of Wen Ren!

Although he knew that the Dan emperor of Wen Ren's family was much stronger than he was, and the strength of the warrior must be more powerful, he had his own way.

It is not necessary to rely on strength to win over people!

Tang long chats with Beigong Xianer and Youye for a while. Youye returns to her room alone. She must seize the time to recover the internal injury as soon as possible.

Tang Long naturally accompanied the northern palace fairy.

Half the morning, Liu Kuo came to Tang Long and told him that it was time for them to leave.

Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er, as well as dark Ling Huangyou night, three people ride their respective sacred animals and sacred animals, followed by a large group of martial arts, leaving Tianmo city to go to the hall of death. , the fastest update of the webnovel!