All the way in a hurry, after noon, finally, reached a place, rolling mountains.

From a distance, the mountain is covered with towering ancient trees, the sky is surrounded by auspicious clouds, the gusts of cool wind blowing, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the air is fresh and the environment is excellent!

This is obviously a very good place.

Liu Kuo, beside Tang long, explained: "this is the Tianji mountain. The hall of death is in the depth of Tianji mountain."

Tang Long asked curiously, "how was this hall of death discovered?"

"I don't know how I was found dead." Liu Kuo shook his head and said, "I only know that the hall of death has only been opened by the city Lord. But the city Lord, because he opened the house of death, also suffered a lot of internal injuries! "

"Is the hall of death open or closed?" asked Beigong Xianer

"It's closed." Liu Kuo explained: "according to the city Lord, the door of the house of death will automatically close every day after it is opened. Only when it is reopened can it be re entered."

"I see." Beigong Xianer nodded.

At this point, she was a little worried.

Obviously, they don't know anything about the situation of the temple of death. They just know that this is a very mysterious place.

They don't know what they have and whether there will be underground trolls!

In case there is a great danger inside, what should I do?!

Beigong Xianer turned to look at Tang Long and said nervously, "villain, do you think there is great danger in the hall of death?!

"It's hard to say." Tang long thought slightly: "wait a minute. Don't go in right now. When those people all go in, we'll follow them in. We'll see the situation first. Don't go ahead rashly."

"Well." Beigong Xianer nodded.

At this time, Tang Long turned his head and looked at Youye: "your strength is relatively weak. Although the internal injury is good, you still need to recuperate. Therefore, try to follow xian'er, and don't start until you have to."

"Good." You night nodded and stopped. She looked at Tang Long and said softly, "thank you."

Tang long curled his mouth.

What can I do for you? Since they have come together, he should be responsible for her safety no matter what he says. After all, this girl is also a good friend of Beigong Xianer.

For the sake of xian'er, he can't let this girl have any mistakes.

They walked slowly along the narrow mountain road.

At this time, the northern palace fairy brought the martial arts of the heavenly palace at the back of the crowd, but they did not walk with Tang Long and them.

Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er, as well as the quiet night, three people walk in the last.

Liu Kuo, however, was in a bit of a hurry at this time. He had already taken five men from Xiongfeng castle to push forward!

Obviously, Liu Kuo wanted to go into the hall of death as soon as possible.

After walking for two hours, they had already entered the depth of Tianji mountain. Then, they walked around a hill and finally stopped in front of a precipice!

Tang Long with the North Palace fairy and the night, always at the back.

He is not in a hurry. After all, safety is the most important thing.

Even if there are precious treasures and lives in this house of death, they are still worth cherishing.

What's more, he still has Beigong Xianer beside him!

he can't bear to let himself, the precious little witch, have any danger.

There was a rumble ahead.

The ground, trembling with it!

Tang Long followed the direction of the sound, looked at the past, and saw that the cliffs in front of him seemed to be shaking, and below, had burst out, extremely dazzling black light.

He knows that the temple of death has been opened!

"What's going to happen here?"

At this time, Tang Long's heart, also can't help, a little expectation.

North Palace fairy son and you ye, two people that moving eyes, is flashing, extremely looking forward to the light, eyes, are full of strong curiosity!

At this time, all kinds of voices of those warriors under the cliff also came out:

"open, open!"

"Why is it so dark inside that you can't see anything?"

"Come on, let's go in!"


In the disorderly sound, a strong momentum, suddenly spread out!

Dozens of warriors have already rushed into the hall of death!

from afar, Tang long can only see that there is a dark twisted space on the precipice in front of him. From this twisted space, if you look inside, it is a deep black hole!

This strange twisted space is obviously a door of space.

It's just the door of space, but it's strange!

The door of space is like the gate of a grand mansion. Even at the head of the dark gate, the dark and strange energy is condensed into four big words: "the hall of death!"This door is the door of death!

The dark gate of death is more than five meters high and three meters wide!

Many warriors have rushed into the gate of death!

Beigong xian'er was a little out of breath. He turned to Tang Long and urged him, "bad guys, they all went in, and nothing happened. Let's go in as soon as possible!"

Tang Long listens to Beigong xian'er and grabs the girl's hand.

He was worried about the girl's impudence!

She turned her head and took a look at Youye. At this time, she was quite calm. She stood there and looked at the warrior who was pouring into the gate of death. She didn't look worried.

Tang long looked at the dark night and said: "we finally go in, after entering, as far as possible, don't separate!"

"Well." The night nodded.

Tang long did not say more, still tightly holding the hand of Beigong Xianer, waiting.

There are more and more warriors going in. Originally, there are thousands of warriors out there. At this time, there are less than 200 warriors left here!

moreover, these warriors are still rushing to the dark gate!

inside, there is no dangerous sound coming out. Seeing this situation, Tang long felt a little relieved.

"Let's go, let's go in too!"

Tang Long saw that all the warriors had already entered the hall of death, so he took the hand of Beigong Xianer and was ready to go forward. At this time, his other hand, however, was very natural, and he held the hand of the night nearby.

You night looked at Tang Long and did not speak.

However, her Yingxiu delicate pretty face, also can't help, emerge a touch of shallow blush.

Just as Tang Long was pulling them to rush into the temple of death, suddenly, the shrill cry came from the depths of the temple of death!

"No, it's dangerous!"

Tang Long's face suddenly changed. Suddenly, he planned to move forward and stopped directly!

Beigong Xianer and Youye are a little nervous.

Obviously, there are some unknown dangers in the hall of death. They have to be careful!

In front of the door of death, at this time, dozens of warriors rushed out of the door with a face of panic. They ran away in a hurry, and followed closely. More warriors rushed out of the hall of death! , the fastest update of the webnovel!