"What's the situation?"

Tang Long frowned slightly. Looking at the appearance of these escaped warriors, it seems that there is an extremely terrible situation in the hall of death!

"Tang long, go, go!"

At this time, Liu Kuo is also a face of fear, rushed out!

Beside him, there were only two of the four warriors he had taken before, and the two warriors were all pale. Obviously, they were greatly shocked!

Tang Long became more and more curious.

He took Liu Kuo and asked, "what's going on inside?"

"Run, there are a lot of underground trolls in here, and these underground trolls are coming out!"

When Liu Kuo's voice dropped, he was in a hurry!

"Underground Troll?"

Tang Long was a little nervous in his heart. At this time, in the dark door of death, more warriors fled in a hurry. At the same time, the roar of the sky was heard in the door of death!

This roar, extremely fierce and wild, shaking the whole world, are shaking!

Beigong Xianer, I'm a little nervous!

Dark night is also nervous!

She looked at Tang Long and said, "why don't we go too?"

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Although Tang Long is a little nervous, he still has some expectations in his heart.

The most important thing is that although these warriors are afraid of underground trolls, they are not so afraid.

If it's just a general underground troll, he can deal with it. At least he is sure to leave safely with Beigong Xianer and Youye.

Unless it's the trolls, he's, like, a little tricky.

At this time, some warriors rushed out of the hall of death.

In the dark door of death, the sound of fierce bombardment came out one after another. At the same time, there was the roar of the underground troll!

Obviously, those powerful warriors did not escape and were fighting with the underground trolls in the hall of death.

"Xianer, you are behind me. Be careful!"

When he saw the dragon in his heart, he told them to wait for a while, but he didn't have any.

Then, he is very cautious, toward the front of the door of death, walked past!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom,"

inside the door of death, the thundering sound of the sky is still ringing out one after another!

Moreover, the scream, the roar, is also unceasingly spreads.

Beigong xian'er holds the quiet night. Both of them are nervous. They follow Tang Long and walk to the gate of death. Then, one after another, they walk into the gate of death!

In front of Tang long, there is a dark hall.

The hall is extremely spacious, the space inside is more than the size of a football field!

In front of the hall, in the distance, there are eight dark and spacious passageways!

at each entrance, there are a large group of warriors fighting with some underground trolls. Although some warriors want to escape in a hurry, many of them are obviously not determined.

They hope that in this house of death, there will be some harvest!

They're fighting the underground trolls!

"Xianer, we'll go and have a look at it." Tang Long said, has condensed the energy magic puppet.

Then, he is to the front of the passage, quickly away.

Beigong xian'er, also a magic puppet of energy, went forward with the night. Soon, the three of them got to the front of the eight dark passageways, and the entrance of one of them was at the front.

Eight passages are like eight dark caves. The height of the caves is more than five meters. In the passageways, there are thunderous roars from the sky!

obviously, there are many underground trolls in this passage!

North Palace fairy son behind Tang long, nervously asked: "villains, we wait, which channel to enter?"

Tang Long took a serious look at the eight channels.

These eight channels, each of which is surrounded by many strange runes in all directions. These strange runes form some magic arrays.

Seeing these arrays, Tang Long couldn't help but be shocked!

This array, it turned out, was a kind of ancient array that he had seen in the ancient book "the stars spread all over the place"!

"I'm afraid it's not easy to arrange this array, this temple of death!"

Tang long thought secretly.

His eyes, carefully scanned the array of eight channels, carefully studied for a while, and soon got the result. In his heart, he was a little happy!

Although the eight channels seem to have no difference, Tang Long knows that there is a mystery behind this channel!

Through the rune array on the channel, Tang long can judge that seven of the eight channels are subordinate channels, and the most important channel is the fourth one on the left!This is the main channel!

Tang Long secretly thought: "look at the layout of the passage, this hall of death should be a kind of ancient tomb, but it is not very similar!"

He turned his head and looked at the northern palace fairy and Youye: "let's go there, the fourth passage!"


North Palace fairy son and you night, a start nodded.

They are now completely guided by Tang long. After all, among the three of them, Tang Long's strength is the strongest.

And both of them don't know the formation at all.

At this time, at the entrance of the fourth passage, there are hundreds of martial artists who are gathering their luck and fighting fiercely with some underground trolls!

Tang Long is not in a hurry!

If these people can destroy these underground trolls, then they can take advantage of the profits!

He is happy to be free!

the fierce battles at the eight passageways are extremely fierce!

In this fierce battle, many underground trolls are being gradually killed!

Originally, there were more than 20 underground trolls rushing out of the passage. However, two hours later, the number of underground trolls gradually began to decrease. Suddenly, the warriors who stayed here, one by one, attacked more fiercely!

At this time, some of the soldiers who had escaped before came back again.

Tang Long doesn't care about other people. He and Beigong Xianer, as well as Youye, are waiting patiently at the fourth passage.

In a flash, another hour passed!

Finally, these passageways, underground trolls, have not appeared again.

It seems that the underground Troll has been killed!



A warrior can't help but drink, and then he rushes into the passage in front of him. Suddenly, a roar that shakes the heaven and the earth rings out in this passage, followed by several other passages!

With the roar of the sound of the ring, a channel, a black momentum, suddenly swept out!

Tang long felt the power of domineering, his face suddenly changed: "not good, troll king!"

Beigong Xianer and Youye are all nervous!

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