After the training, Tang Long didn't waste any time. Holding Ling Qingyao in his arms, he jumped onto the back of the red flame lion and continued to rush on.

In a flash, another day passed.

In the evening of that day, Tang Long and they finally went through the snow jungle and went on. As long as they passed through the desolate ice and snow wasteland in front of them, they could reach the ice snow Grand Canyon!

At this time, Tang long, on the other hand, used huixinmen to contact Ye Qingling.

"How's your health, baby girl? Is it hard? " Tang Long asked Ye Qingling in his heart.

"I'm nothing. I'm all over. I can't make any effort." Ye Qingling's voice dropped slightly and then asked, "brother long, when can you come back?"

"I'll be quick." Tang Long said: "when I find the colorful Edelweiss, I will go back immediately."


Next, the two chatted again. Tang Long told ye Qingling to eat the elixir he gave her on time. Then, he cut off the contact with Ye Qingling, but contacted Xue Lingyue.

He asked the snow to listen to the moon and said, "Dear moon, what's the matter with the relocation of the family?"

Xue linyue said: "I'm busy. There are a lot of people in Wenren's family. Moreover, they have a lot of industries in TIANYAO city. It's really difficult to leave quietly. So, it's a bit slow."

"Hurry up. If you can't, you don't want to." Tang Longdao.

"I see. You can rest assured that they will be evacuated tomorrow." Snow leaf month voice falls, follow closely ask a way: "Lai PI, Ling er's condition how?"

"Not very good." When Tang long heard that xuelingyue mentioned Ye Qingling, he felt a little heavy in his heart: "I'm on the way to find herbs now. Only by finding out the poison can linger get rid of danger."

"Well, be careful."

"Let me go. I'll be careful."


Tang Long and Xue Lingyue chat for a while, and then, they contact Qin Ziyi.

He asked Qin Ziyi to get ready. When the people of Wen family arrived, he immediately arranged for the people of Wen family.

Of course, he also informed Tang Kui!

You know, no matter how Tang Kui says, it is also the life created by Danzu. For the people of Wenren family, tangkui is also a half ancestor of Wenren family!

With Tang Kui, Tang Long is also able to, more quickly, completely subdue the Wen family.

Of course, Tang Long now, also in the idea of hearing people rain bamboo.

Yuzhu is really beautiful when you hear it!

Such a beautiful girl, it is absolutely not allowed to let others pick up the cheap, Tang Long thinks, Fengyun thunder and lightning four people, should make good efforts, add oil, no matter how to say, the waste water can not flow into the field of outsiders!

he also told Qin Ziyi, let Qin Ziyi, go to tangkui and give them a good account of this matter.

Tang Kuo and their long are not bad, Tang long thought, they took the smell of rain bamboo, should not be a problem!

He talked with Qin Ziyi and xiaoque'er for a while, and after explaining all the things, he felt a little relieved. He took Ling Qingyao in his arms and rode red flame Tianshi towards the ice and snow Grand Canyon and continued to gallop.

In a flash, three days passed.

This afternoon, they finally arrived at the ice and snow Grand Canyon!

Ice and snow Grand Canyon terrain, very strange!

Tang Long stands at the entrance of the Grand Canyon and looks forward to the past. In front of it, on both sides of the Grand Canyon, there are always rolling icebergs, covered with ice and snow!

The two icebergs on both sides of the Grand Canyon are not only extremely high, but also extremely long. At a glance, you can't see the side at all!

in the middle of the two glaciers, the Grand Canyon is extremely low in terrain, and the Grand Canyon is very wide, relatively wide, with a width of more than one kilometer!

Tang Long took a look at the snow covered cliffs and cliffs on both sides of the canyon and turned to Ling Qingyao: "how long is this Canyon?"

* *, I don't know. I only know that the gorge is very long, and there are many Warcraft worms in the canyon. It's very dangerous. We must be careful when we enter the valley. If we don't make any noise, we will not come out.

"We ride the red flame lion, just rush forward, there is a red flame lion, it should not be very difficult to find colorful Edelweiss!" Tang Long is full of confidence.

Ling Qingyao said: "some places in the canyon are very spacious. As far as I know, the most spacious place is more than two kilometers."

"It doesn't matter. I don't care about the spacious range." Tang Long is still full of confidence: "we will find the colorful Edelweiss soon."

Ling Qingyao agreed with Tang long.

The red flame lion's natural ability to search for medicinal materials is really very strong. If ordinary people come to look for this colorful Edelweiss, they must walk slowly, then disperse and look for them carefully.

This colorful Edelweiss are not so easy to find.It's just at night. The colorful Edelweiss in the evening will emit a very weak colorful light, which is relatively easy to find.

However, during the day, the colorful Edelweiss can be covered by the light of the sun. Moreover, the colorful Edelweiss are crystal clear and have no flavor. When there is sunshine in the daytime, even if you stand beside the colorful Edelweiss, you may not be able to see the colorful Edelweiss under your feet!

This shows how hard it is to find the colorful Edelweiss!

"Go, into the Canyon!"

Tang Long vomited a breath, in the heart, is also a little nervous.

He was not worried about the danger.

What he was worried about was that there was no colorful Edelweiss in the Grand Canyon. If so, ye Qingling would be terrible!

They rode red flame lion and ran into the Grand Canyon.

flew all the way, Tang Long and Ling Qing Yao, and did not dare to make any sound, because the Warcraft and insects in the Grand Canyon, as long as heard too loud, will immediately climb out from the wormholes on both sides *!

, the insect of this grand canyon, many of them have the * * attack power of the Warcraft, and even some rare insects, which possess the attack power of the monster. So, this is also very dangerous!

Red flame lion is flying!

Tang Long embraces Ling Qingyao and turns to look at both sides!

Both sides of the cliff, are more than ten thousand feet high, the cliff is completely covered by ice and snow!

Ice and snow piled up several kilometers high, straight into the sky!

* here we can not make too much noise, not to mention the insect Warcraft. Only this thick and thick ice and snow can not be vibrated by sound. Otherwise, if the avalanche occurs, the exit of the Grand Canyon will be completely blocked.

In Tang Long's heart, there is a sense of fear.

The avalanche is not a joke, let alone the avalanche of wanzhang cliff!

However, what he didn't expect was that when he was worried about the avalanche, all of a sudden, the sound of unbridled laughter on both sides of the cliffs sounded out: "ha ha ha ha ha, Tang long, this time, how can you survive? Just be honest and buried in the ice and snow, ha ha ha ha ha..."

Hearing the sound of laughter, not only Tang long, but Ling Qingyao also changed their face!

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