"No, it's yingtianhe!"

Hearing the voice from the top of Xuefeng, Tang Long's eyebrows immediately wrinkled.

He wanted to go back to the exit of the Grand Canyon, but at this time, he was a long way from the exit of the Grand Canyon. It was impossible for him to escape from the exit immediately!

On both sides of the canyon, the half waist of the icy cliff, the thundering sound of the sky is ringing!

"Boom, boom, boom --"


With the sound of the ice and snow loosening, the whole Canyon, at this time, is shaking up!

At this time, on both sides of the ice and snow cliffs, yingtianhe, who was making hands and feet, and four or five warriors from the blood god temple, were on the cliff half waist, in a gully dug ahead of time, and headed for the outside quickly!

Canyon exit, facing Tang long, the avalanche begins with classics!

Tang Long wants to command the red flame lion to turn around and run away, but the high altitude, rolling snow, to the bottom, thundering down!

It's so powerful, it's just earth shaking!

Looking at the terrible ice and snow above the sky, Tang Long's face became extremely ugly!

"Damn it!"

He gritted his teeth and looked at the blood red figure of Ying Tianhe, who was away quickly. His heart was angry and kept on rushing up.

However, he had to endure at this time!

The most important thing is that even though he still has a chance of survival at this time, he must not rush out of the Grand Canyon with Ling Qingyao at the most dangerous moment!

Because, rushed out, the Grand Canyon was covered by ice and snow, he would be extremely difficult to enter the Grand Canyon again!

How to find colorful Edelweiss if you can't enter the Canyon!

If you can't find the colorful Edelweiss, ye Qingling's life can't be saved!

"Go ahead!"

He bit his teeth and gave up the way to escape. He commanded the red flame lion and rushed to the deep of the Grand Canyon!


Behind him, the terrible avalanche is still covering the sky and the whole Grand Canyon is shaking violently. This violent shaking makes the ice and snow in front of him start the terrible avalanche!

and at this time, * on the sides of the Grand Canyon, beneath the rocking cliffs, a block of ice, suddenly shattered, and dense insects, washed out of the shattered ice.

* these insects are spiders, centipede, scorpions...

, of course, it is not * * any insect, all of them are insects with super attack power!

insect is dense, and is also stunned by this avalanche, following Tang long, they are heading forward, running away wildly *!

At this time, Tang Long was riding a red flame lion and holding Ling Qingyao tightly. He was also running away quickly!

The roar of avalanche is like thunder!

Behind the Tang dragon, the mouth of the wide Grand Canyon is completely blocked by the snow and ice sliding down from the cliffs on both sides. Moreover, this blocking still extends all the way forward!

Ice and snow from the height of 10000 meters, that kind of power, earth shaking!

However, the further forward, the power of the avalanche also becomes weaker, and the blocking of the Grand Canyon by this kind of ice and snow gradually begins to reduce!

Tang long just ordered the red flame lion, all the way forward!

* * behind him, dense insects were buried deep in the thick snow and ice. However, more insects in front were fierce, and rushed out of the cliff under both sides of the cliff.


finally, the avalanche * s voice is fading away, but insects are increasing.

Tang Long didn't dare to stop at this time. He just rode the red flame lion and ran forward desperately!

* once he stops, he will be surrounded by insects behind him.

* this dense insect has strong attack power. Once they are surrounded, they will be eaten, even without bones.

luckily, the Red Lion * * lion runs very fast, much faster than those insects!

has run for more than two hours. Finally, Tang Long has thrown away the dense insects.

However, something completely unexpected to him happened!

just before he spit out and felt danger passing by, in front of him, in the thick ice and snow ground, the dense * worms came out.

"My God, snow beetle!"

Tang Long looks at the front, this dense, white, fist size beetle, suddenly Tang long, feel his scalp, is a burst of numbness!

Ling Qingyao also feels numb on her scalp!

* * Ice beetles are not ordinary insects. This is a worm that can compete with the nine level Warcraft.

Although Tang Long's strength at this time, facing level 9 Warcraft, he could easily kill a lot of them. However, the dense snow beetles in front of him were countless!How can Tang Long kill them all?!

"Click, click, click!"

Snow beetle, to the Tang dragon quickly climbed over!

, and at this point, Tang Long can not retreat, because back to the back, the same is dense insect, he will be surrounded by insects before and after * * *!

* Ling Qing Yao is a girl, originally afraid of these insects, and at this time, her strength is also much weaker than Tang Long. Suddenly, in her heart, she was a bit scared.

"What to do?" Ling Qingyao turns to look at Tang Long with tension in her eyes.

Tang Long bit his teeth and whispered: "the only way we can do is to close to the stone wall * and then dig a hole in the cliff below the cliff wall to avoid these insect attacks."


Ling Qingyao nodded.

At this time, she can't think much about it. Everything depends on Tang Long!

they command the red flame lion and rush towards the stone wall on the left. At this time, the surrounding ice and snow beetles are facing them, surrounded by layers of ice and snow!

Tang long calls out the divine beast in a hurry!

However, he did not dare to let these animals roar, especially the pig hyena!

Roaring sound, will shake the ice and snow on both sides of the cliff, in case of avalanche again, that can be bad!

Even if the animals were not allowed to roar, Tang Long was still extremely worried, because if the power of the bombardment and even the sound of the bombardment were too loud, it might also cause the avalanche!

Fortunately, the cliffs on both sides of the mountain are extremely high. Tang Long and they, as long as the sound is controlled as much as possible, don't worry that the avalanche will break out again.

The beast surrounded Tang Long and Ling Qingyao!

Rolling momentum, from the body of the beast, crazy swept out, toward the surrounding ice beetles, bombarded in the past, these ice beetles, bombarded around the random flying!

However, the joint attack of the ice blood wolf king and the red flame lion dare not display it at all!

The joint attack of golden monkey and Golden Phoenix can't be used!

this kind of display will explode and produce powerful roar, which will inevitably trigger the avalanche again!

Tang Long and Ling Qingyao, under the cover of the mythical beast, slowly approach the stone wall beside them.

It took more than ten minutes. Finally, Tang Long and Ling Qingyao approached the stone wall with scriptures. At this time, they were surrounded by ice and snow beetles!

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