Ling Qingyao took Tang Long's antidote pill, and then she began to practice seriously. Tang long used huangquan needle to help her spread her medicine.

However, in half an hour, Ling Qingyao's poison was completely removed.

After all, it's not easy for Tang Yao Ling to look at the wound, but it's not easy for Tang Yao Ling to look at the wound.

However, this wound can not be ignored!

After a pause, Tang Long finally looked at Ling Qingyao and said, "Qingyao, your wound must be treated and bandaged, otherwise, it will be very difficult to get well!"


Ling Qingyao gently should a, pretty face, still very pale.

Tang Long was a little embarrassed and said, "I want to bandage your wound. It is inevitable that I will do something to you..."

Ling Qingyao looks at Tang long very seriously.

At this time, her pale pretty face, also involuntarily, emerged a touch, shallow blush.

After a pause, she tried her best to make her voice plain: "dragon, what do you want to do, just do it. Anyway, I will be your person sooner or later. Any place I have belongs to you, and you can see it..."

Finish saying this, she is also in a hurry, closed her eyes, a pretty face, also become more and more red!

Even, her neck, it seems to drip blood!

Tang Long listened to Ling Qingyao's words, but a heart, but random impact up.

He knew that Ling Qingyao's words, without any confession from another world, had entrusted her own life to him completely, which was equivalent to that she had admitted that she was his Tang Long's woman and wanted to be his wife!

With Ling Qingyao's words, what can Tang long have to worry about?!

He also loves Ling Qingyao's injury.

Although Ling Qingyao was very beautiful, Tang Long was not in a state of disorder at this time.

All he wanted was to heal her wounds.

He was quick and quick. He carefully removed the cover around the wound. He quickly and seriously dealt with Ling Qingyao's wound. Then, he tied up her clothes again, and then he took a long breath.

When he thought of the scenery he saw just now, his heart was still in a flutter!

Ling Qingyao was like a banished fairy, beautiful as a dream, and her figure was impeccable. How could Tang Long not be moved by such a girl when she saw her beautiful appearance?!

However, he restrained himself and did not want her to be wronged.

Ling Qingyao kept her eyes closed.

At this time, it seems that all her strength has disappeared, and She nestles in Tang Long's arms. She is too lazy to move again.

Will be suppressed in the heart of emotion, clearly told Tang long, she at this time, the heart is calm a lot.

Besides, she was very happy.

Of course, she knew she was beautiful, otherwise, there would not be so many people coveting her.

She believed that, in the situation just now, if the average man, maybe 99 percent of the men, would have some small movements and do some bad things.

But Tang long did not!

Obviously, Tang Long cares about her and loves her more than anything else!

This is the love she wants!

This is the man she wants!

"Dragon, why don't you ask me to open a door of wisdom with you?" Ling Qingyao asked softly. In her voice, which was extremely rare, she showed a trace of coquetry: "is it difficult? Don't you even like me?"

"How can I not like you!" Tang Long quickly explained: "you are a fairy like woman, elegant and peerless. In the world, as long as you are a man, it is absolutely impossible not to like you. How can I be an exception?"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Ling Qingyao felt more and more happy.

She doesn't care if people say she's beautiful.

But Tang Long said she liked her and said she was beautiful, but she was very happy and felt very happy.

She whispered, "when I'm well, we'll set up a smart heart gate, so that we can meet easily."

"Good." Tang Long nodded.

It's something he can't ask for. How can he refuse it?!

In the past, although he could also feel that Ling Qingyao had some feelings for him, he did not expect that the feelings were so deep that she was willing to be his woman with classics!

This is definitely a surprise!

But now, Tang Long has no time to enjoy the surprise.

at this time, the sound of Kaka * outside the cave is still ringing, but it is impossible for these insects to rush into the cave.

Tang Long and Ling Qingyao don't care about the outside.

Ling Qingyao was held by Tang long. Although she was hurt, she felt more comfortable than ever before.

Tang Long bandaged the wound, but also let him, see his own that most beautiful scenery, her heart not only not angry, but also some sweet.In her heart, her own beauty, originally belongs to Tang long, Tang Long likes to see, that's enough to see.

"Now I am closer to being his woman."

Ling Qingyao secretly thought, gently closed his eyes, unconsciously, is asleep.

When I wake up, I can see the light of the day.

She smelled a strong smell of rice and turned to see that Tang Long was not far away, making a pot of lean porridge.

"What's going on out there?" she asked

* * Tang long Dao: "most of the insects are gone, but there are still some insects, and so on, they will not retreat outside."

"worm is gone, then we * ll continue our journey." Ling Qingyao said: "we can't delay, to ling'er detoxification time, we must grasp, find Edelweiss."

"We can't go out if the bug doesn't go away. Besides, your injury can't be cured in a day. We won't go out until you are cured." Tang Long's voice dropped. He paused and continued: "when we have the connection of huixinmen, I can go back at any time to detoxify linger, so there is still plenty of time."


Ling Qingyao answered, but did not say more.

Her injury is not good enough to be on the road at once. In case of danger, she can't do it at all.

Next, for two days in a row, Tang Long was very careful and took care of Ling Qingyao.

Every time, Tang Long comes to deal with the wound on Ling Qingyao's chest. He treats her as precious as treasure. He is always very careful and careful. Moreover, he doesn't do anything greedy. This also makes Ling Qingyao like him more and more.

She knows that Tang Long really loves her, and really cares about her.

In the morning of the third day, Ling Qingyao's wound was completely healed under Tang Long's careful treatment. Even a trace of scar was not left.

However, Ling Qingyao, but a little helpless.

Because, her injury gradually recovered, Tang long looked at his wound in the eyes, but also become, a little greedy!

This time, Tang Long helped Ling Qingyao to check the wound. It took a long time!

Ling Qingyao was a little helpless, but she didn't want to say anything about him. She pretended that she didn't know. She just closed her eyes and didn't make a sound. She let him see enough! , the fastest update of the webnovel!