Ling Qingyao tried to make herself appear calm. But in her voice, she could not hide her voice. She whispered, "my wound is completely healed. Have you seen it for so long, haven't you seen it clearly?"

Tang Long is still looking at Ling Qingyao, who has already had a good wound.

What he really saw, of course, was not the wound that had already disappeared!

Hearing Ling Qingyao's words, Tang Long chuckled and shamelessly said, "the cave is not well lit. I can't see clearly. I have to make sure to see if your wound is really good."

"This man

Ling Qingyao is helpless. She knows he is talking nonsense.

At this time, the outside light is not weak, even, Tang Long is still at the top of the cave, inlaid with several moonstones, how can you not see clearly?!

This guy is greedy!

She knew his greed for a long time.

She also knows that she can't indulge this guy too much. The more you indulge him, the more greedy he is.

She does not allow Tang long to look at it again. At the same time, she also stops Tang long, who is helping her "heal" hand!

quickly picked up himself, and couldn't help it. He also pushed the greedy fellow to his eyes. The voice was barely restored to tranquility and tranquility, but it was still as pleasant as a fairy Music: "the insects outside are completely gone, so we should go and find the colorful snow melt *!"

Hearing Ling Qingyao mention the colorful Edelweiss, Tang Long's heart is in a mess. All of a sudden, they all disappear.

He looked at Ling Qingyao and said, "let's establish the connection of huixinmen first?"

"Yes." Ling Qingyao nodded.

She had long wanted to establish such a magical connection with Tang long. Otherwise, when she could not see Tang long, she really wanted him to think hard.

With the magic connection of huixinmen, she Miss Tang long very much. She can talk to him immediately and see him.

In fact, she had long wanted to have such a connection with him.

It's easy to establish the connection between the two people. Obviously, the relationship between the two people has already been completely achieved, and the degree of mutual affection between them has been achieved.

"Eat something and let's go." Ling Qingyao looks at Tang Long and asks.


Tang Long nodded. Then, he went to the side and took out the kitchen utensils. Soon he was busy.

Ling Qingyao looked at her side, and her heart began to be sweet.

She knew that the relationship between herself and Tang Long was no longer that kind of hazy relationship. At this time, the relationship was clear. She could be coquettish in his arms at any time. When she had something, she could completely rely on him.

She thought it was really good.

She felt at ease.

"He's a man who gives me a sense of security."

Ling Qingyao thought quietly.

Tang Long's action is very fast, not long, a pot of delicious broth, is stewed, delicious, aroma overflowing.

Smelling the familiar broth in the pot, Tang Long's mind, however, could not help but come up with a beautiful and beautiful image. In his heart, it was hard to restrain, a deep pain.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"Qingcheng, when can I have the fragrant meat soup you made for me again?"

Under the pressure of the five flavors in his heart, Tang Long filled a bowl of stewed very rotten broth, and at this time, Ling Qingyao came to him and sat down beside him.

They ate together, and then Tang Long moved the stones from the entrance of the mountain and withdrew the defensive array.

Outside the cave, the sun is shining. It's half a morning.

* insects, long ago, no trace. The ground is full of creeping marks.

"Let's go!"

Tang Long called out the red flame lion with Sutra and sat on the back of the red flame lion with Ling Qingyao in his arms.

Ling Qingyao was hugged by Tang Long again, but the feeling in her heart was very different from before.

Although still a little shy, but more, but it is happy and sweet.

She let Tang Long embrace, Nestle in his arms, silently enjoy, this belongs to their own, very quiet sweet and warm.

Red flame lion, to the classics began to gallop forward!

Time is in a hurry. In the twinkling of an eye, it is afternoon.

Tang Long and his two men rode the red flame lion. After running for so long, they still didn't find any colorful Edelweiss.

"Have a rest?" Ling Qingyao in the Tang dragon's arms, gently said: "now, we can only sit on the red flame lion, can't, let the red flame lion, never rest for a moment."


Tang Long nodded.

He also can't let the red flame lion, too tired, in case of tired red flame lion, the induction ability of medicinal materials is weakened, that is not worth the loss?!

If you miss Edelweiss, it's bad.

They jumped off the back of the red flame lion, got some food, and chatted while eating.After an hour's rest, Tang Long summoned the snow wolf king, and planned to ride the snow wolf king with Ling Qingyao. In this way, at least, it can reduce the burden on the red flame lion.

Tang Longzheng was about to hold Ling Qingyao and jump on the back of the red flame lion. Suddenly, a giant python with a silver light shining over 50 meters in front of the cliffs and cliffs, suddenly faced down and rushed fiercely!

Seeing the python, Tang Long and Ling Qingyao's faces suddenly changed!

"No, ice demon Python!"

The ice demon Python is a level 5 monster!

the combat power of level 5 monster is extremely strong. Even if Tang Long broke out his strength at this time, it was very difficult to defeat the ice demon Python!


Ice demon Python roared, blink of an eye, away from Tang long, to less than 10 meters!

The long tail of the ice demon python, directly towards the Tang dragon, swept over fiercely, and in the twinkling of an eye, they attacked Tang long.

Tang Long's face changed slightly!

He drank in a hurry: "Qingyao, back off quickly!"


Ling Qingyao agreed, and quickly backed back!

Tang long by the cohesion of spirit, toward the front of the ice demon python, mercilessly attacked the past!

The spirit turns into an energy mountain. In the blink of an eye, it collides with the tail of the ice demon python, and suddenly the earth shaking roar breaks out!

The energy mountain of spiritual power is directly smashed by the tail of ice demon Python!

However, the tail of the ice demon python, but also because of this block, attack speed, a slight pause, Tang long by the ice demon Python this pause, suddenly high jump up!

And at this time, the tail of the ice demon Python is mercilessly swept!


The sound of whistling, whistling with cold energy, the tail of ice demon python, extremely fierce, swept across his feet!

This did not cause any danger to Tang long.

At this time, Ling Qingyao retreated tens of meters to a very safe position. She gathered strength and cautiously paid attention to the fierce battle between Tang Long and ice demon python.

At this time, she was also a little nervous.

Tang Long uses the seal of the real dragon to enhance its strength. At the same time, it also condenses the huangquan needle to stimulate its potential!

To deal with the ice demon python of level 5 monster, Tang long must display all his strength! , the fastest update of the webnovel!