At the same time, Tang long used the method of blinking to avoid the attack of ice demon python.

Ice and Snow Demon Python roars, roars, attacks Tang long one after another!

However, with the power of golden light and lightning, Tang Long moves very fast. No matter how fierce the ice demon Python's attack is, Tang Long dodges it again and again, and does not bring any damage to Tang long!

However, Tang Long was also attacked, a bit in a hurry!

time was in a hurry, and two minutes passed in a twinkling of an eye!

with Tang Long's efforts and persistence, he avoided the repeated attacks of the ice demon python, stimulated his potential, and finally completed it!

His strength finally soared! !

he not only inspired his potential, but also displayed the seal of the real dragon!

Strength, by soaring to the limit!

At this time, his whole body, twining the domineering golden light and lightning, momentum, became calm and vigorous!

He stares at the ice demon python, stands tall and upright, and is very arrogant!

"Hey, hey

With a strange smile, he had a look of extreme arrogance in his eyes. In his hand, he firmly grasped the Canghai sword. Moreover, he directly entered into the mysterious realm of the unity of man and sword!


The ice demon Python howled furiously. Again, the long tail swept towards the Tang dragon fiercely!

The tail sweeps, suddenly the cold wind howls!

Moreover, this ice demon Python also opens its mouth, condenses the ice cold vigor!

All of a sudden, a group of icy and piercing strength was quickly condensed and turned into an ice cold energy group, which was facing the Tang dragon and attacked fiercely!


Tang Long's body method of blinking has been applied to the limit!

When the tail of the ice demon Python was about to hit Tang long hard, Tang Long quickly flashed ten meters away from the side with its Sutra. It was very safe to avoid the attack of the ice demon python.

At the same time, Tang Long left a shadow in situ, but it was broken by the tail of the ice demon Python!

The ice demon Python attacks the ice cold energy group of Tang long, but also fails!

This ice demon python, is another roar!

Then, the long tail, again toward Tang long, fierce attack.

Tang Long is ready to fight head-on!

The sea sword in his hand was about to chop down towards the ice demon python, but suddenly he found that there were snow falling around him!

He did not care to attack, and quickly dodged the attack of ice demon Python!

He flashed out more than 20 meters!

Looking up into the sky, I saw pieces of ice and snow, varying in size, falling down!

At this time, in the distance, also came Ling Qingyao's voice, nervous cry: "dragon, not good, to avalanche!"

"No way!"

Tang Long's heart was a little nervous and anxious.

The continuous roar of the ice demon python, coupled with the incessant fierce attacks, caused shock to the snow on the cliff. At this time, the heavy snow on both sides of the cliff began to move slowly and collapse!

"Click, click!"

Ten thousand meters in the sky, the terrible snow is constantly falling, and large pieces of ice and snow, also through, gradually separated from the mountain, to fall from the height of 10000 meters.

Big avalanche, it's about to happen!

"Since the avalanche is inevitable, let's kill it!"

Tang Long knows that it is very difficult for him to avoid the avalanche because of the entanglement of the ice demon python.

First of all, we must solve the ice demon Python!

"Magic spirit Dharma phase!"

He used this extremely powerful auxiliary magic skill!

he even decided to use both ice and fire to attack at the same time!

Before, he didn't dare to attack at the same time with ice and fire, because that kind of attack would produce a violent explosion, which might cause an avalanche!

But now, with the formation of avalanche, he will no longer worry about it!

On him, the power of the golden flame, and the icy strength, suddenly and crazily condensed, and even on him, condensed a giant of energy, more than 10 meters!

It's like, at this time, Tang Long suddenly rose and became a giant of more than ten meters!

The giant is also wrapped in the golden light and lightning. Even the icy strength and the golden flame's strength are also around him, constantly rolling and roaring!

Ice cold demon Python attack, arrive again!


Ice demon Python is a roar, tail, once again toward Tang long, fierce attack!

The roar of the ice demon Python makes the avalanche on the cliff more and more fierce. Even, because of the avalanche, the cliffs on both sides of the canyon began to shake!

Click the sound, in the high altitude unceasingly spreads, the ground, produces the shaking!"Bad!"

Tang Long frowned fiercely.

The avalanche is becoming more and more serious, destructive, extremely amazing!

At this time, the biggest piece of ice and snow falling from the sky completely blocked the whole canyon. The light in the canyon became dark. It was like a mountain was pounding down at a height of 10000 meters!

Tang Long has entered the realm of man and sword!

He held the sea sword in his hand, and his vitality was running. The Canghai sword broke out into a hundred Zhang blade!

In the blade awn, the cold and hot energy, crazy tumbling!

The tail of the ice demon Python swept to Tang Long's eyes!

Tang Long didn't dodge again!

He stabbed at the tail of the ice demon python with a sharp knife!

The silver and gold glittering knife awn, with the golden light and lightning, tore up the space and cut it hard on the tail of the ice demon python. The icy strength was directly on the tail of the ice demon Python and exploded!


The Python's tail is flying out of the ice!

The avalanche is getting bigger and bigger because of the explosion!


The roar of the sky, like rolling thunder, came from the sky, so that the whole world, began to shake!

"Dragon, go

Ling Qingyao's nervous voice came from far away.

She rode on Bai Ze's back with Sutra, running towards Tang Long!

Tang long looked up, ten thousand meters high and the whole sky seemed to be smashed down. The situation was terrible!

in case of being hit by this avalanche, he would be buried in the ice and snow and die a terrible death!

Not far away, the ice demon Python was also frightened!

It looked up, this high-altitude Bang down, to the lower and lower ice and snow, in a hurry to flee forward!

"Want to run!"

Tang Long snorted coldly. With the sea sword in his hand, he chopped the ice demon python with a sharp sword, and then he used the ice fire power again!

At the same time, Ling Qingyao rode on Baize, ran out of Tang Long's side by Sutra and dashed forward!

Of course she won't leave Tang Long behind!

She needs to be in front, waiting to meet Tang Long!

Tang Long's Canghai sword, with a hundred Zhang ice and fire blade awn, chopped towards the ice demon Python! , the fastest update of the webnovel!