A four grade Dan emperor can refine the nine pattern holy pill. Even if such a Dan master is placed in the realm of Kalan God, it is an absolute treasure!

What's more, Tang Long is only 20 years old now!

Now, in the eyes of Beigong Xingyuan, even if the whole Dugu family is impossible, it is more important to have Tang long, because there are only a few Dan masters who can refine the nine pattern elixir, even in the Tianmo palace in the Jialan divine region!

the secret of Tang long's refining spiritual elixir is not to be told by Beigong Xingyuan!

The other one is for his own safety.

After all, Tang Long's strength is still too weak!

Nangong Aotian was shocked and almost stood up when he heard Beigong Xingyuan say that Tang Long's strength had reached the level of Qisha!

He remembered that a year ago, Tang long had only wuzun realm!

However, in a short period of one year, Tang Long actually leaped to the realm of Qisha. The speed of strength promotion is too terrible!

"No wonder you value him so much. His cultivation talent is really against heaven." Nangong Aotian said, but he sighed: "Beigong Xingyuan, you are too confused. How can you agree to let him challenge Dugu Baitian? Even if he can live today, can you guarantee that Dugu Baitian will not settle accounts with him afterwards? "

"This boy, very stubborn!" Beigong Xingyuan sighed, but followed closely: "besides, don't you think that pressure is the best driving force?"

Nangong Aotian nodded slightly: "I see. You want to find him an opponent!"

"Not bad!" Beigong Xingyuan nodded, and his voice suddenly became low: "I want to find an opponent for Tang long, and the other is to use him to disturb the marriage!"

"In that case, I'll give you a hand in a moment, eh!" Nangong Aotian sighs.

He is still isolated in the heavenly demon palace, and his relationship with the East Palace and the West Palace is not very good. At this time, if you leave the North Palace, once the North Palace is completely degenerated, his future life will not be very good.

So at this time, he decided to take the risk to help Beigong Xingyuan.

Tang Long was staring at Dugu Baitian under the competition platform. On Yingrui's face, there was a kind of extreme arrogance: "Dugu Baitian, if you want to marry Xianer, at least you should have the courage to fight with me!"

"Fight with you?" Dugu Baitian was staring at Tang Long with obvious disdain in his eyes: "you, a mere disciple, don't even want to fight with me? Do you think you have the qualification? "

Tang Long snorted coldly: "how, you dare not?"

"I dare not? Joke There was a sneer on his face: "I can kill you ten thousand times with one finger!"

At this time, a deep voice, with supreme dignity, also sounded on the test bench: "what's going on? Beigong disciple, how can you be so unruly that even the wedding ceremony comes to make trouble? Beigong Xingyuan, can you explain it to me? "

The one who spoke is a supreme elder!

This Taishang elder is a member of the Dugu family.

It seems that he is forty-six years old, thin and gloomy. He is staring at the North Palace star yuan with anger on his face!

this supreme elder is called Dugu Xiuyuan!

Dugu Xiuyuan has a great influence in the heavenly demon palace. He came here today to give the Dugu family a strong momentum.

He didn't expect that the wedding was not completed, and such a thing happened.

At this time, another Taishang elder, who was beside Dugu Xiuyuan, looked at Beigong Xingyuan and said: "what's the matter with that boy? Beigong Xingyuan, please let him go now

Although this guy is not a member of the Dugu family, he is also a member of the Dugu family.

His name is Wang chongtian!

Beigong Xingyuan knows that at this time, he can't stop talking.

He stood up, glared at Tang long, and said angrily, "Tang long, today is the day of xian'er's great joy. You are not allowed to make monkey business here. Get out of here immediately!"

Of course, Tang long will not retreat!

He stared at Dugu Baitian, and his voice was like thunder: "I've heard that Dugu Baitian is a rare talent in the heaven devil's palace. How can he be so timid today that he can't even accept the challenge from my little disciple? Don't you say that you are the founder of the mountain

Hearing Tang Long's words, Dugu Baitian's face was cold!

At this time, there are so many people watching, Tang Long's words, according to the Scripture, he does not come forward, no more fight, where is his face going?!

Most importantly, he knew that he could not beat Tang Long!

"If you want to die, I will help you!" Dugu Baitian snorted coldly and said: "you can stop me. Today, I will save your life!"

"Well, that's what you saidTang Long agreed in a loud voice, took the red flame lion, and jumped onto the competition platform with the help of the body.

Beigong Xianer quietly retreats to Beigong Xingyuan.

Dugu Baitian was staring at Tang Long: "you don't know what's good or bad. I've been watching you all over the place. I didn't expect that you didn't know what was good or bad, so you came to the door to find your death!"

The elder, Dugu Xiuyuan, said nothing more when he saw that Dugu Baitian agreed to compete with Tang long.

He did not believe that Tang long could defeat Dugu Baitian.

The most important thing is that at this time, he also wanted to use the hand of Dugu Baitian to give Beigong a powerful power, and at the same time, to show the power of the Dugu family!

Dugu Baitian pulled off his red robe!

He was staring at Tang long, and was about to gather his strength. A thirty-eight warrior suddenly jumped into the high platform and saluted him respectfully: "master Dugu, you are a big man. You are a high-ranking person. How can you use the young master's hand? My ma Debao is enough!

With that, Ma Debao turned around and glared at Tang Long and said, "bold boy, master Dugu is the talent of heaven. Today is the day of his great joy. How can you let your son shine here?"

Dugu Baitian looked at Ma Debao, but he also acquiesced in his behavior.

He was very happy to have someone come out for him. After all, he is still a bridegroom now, which is not suitable for him.

He looked at madebo and said in a deep voice, "just kill him!"


Madebo agreed in a loud voice, and seemed very high spirited.

It's a rare chance for him to please Dugu Baitian. How can he not take advantage of it?!

Tang Long frowned slightly.

He stared at Dugu Baitian: "why, I dare not compare with me, find a flying dance to fill in the number?"

Dugu Baitian said: "you are not qualified to fight with me. If you have to fight with me, you should defeat him first!"

"That's what you said Tang Long snorted coldly, and his eyes fell on Ma Debao. He snorted coldly and said, "you can do it now, you meddlesome thing!"

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