"Boy, don't be ashamed. I'll take care of you from madebo."

Ma Debao had a big drink, and his powerful momentum broke out. His strength was so strong that he reached the seven levels of Brahma!

Above the realm of seven evils is the realm of Brahman!

Tang Long's current strength is only Qisha dual state. There is a long distance from Brahma realm!

However, Tang Long's spiritual strength has reached the level of four grade Dan emperor.

This kind of spiritual power can be compared with the martial arts of the peak strength of Brahman realm!

If Tang Long uses mental strength, he can easily defeat Ma Debao!

However, Tang Long didn't intend to use his mental power to defeat Ma Debao. He wanted to use Ma Debao to adapt himself to the achievements of cultivating his feelings these days!

He has gained from the practice these days!

Tang Long's body, the golden flame of strength, suddenly swept out, at the same time, a very powerful domineering momentum, from his body spread out!

He is directly, the use of the vast sea!

At this time, he within 100 meters, any trace of breath flow, he can be very clear to detect.

He is, in order to ensure his absolute safety!

Dugu Baitian gave the battlefield to Ma Debao, and he retreated to the edge of the competition platform.

He felt that Tang long had only the strength of the two levels of seven evils. In his eyes, a touch of malice suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he said to himself, "if you are still alive today, I will worship you as my teacher!"

When Ma Debao explored the strength of Tang long, there was only two levels of Qi Sha. In his eyes, there was also a trace of disdain.

He looked at Tang Long with his eyes tilted. He said with arrogance: "Tang long, with your strength, you dare to challenge master Dugu. You are looking for death!"

The voice falls, his fist, directly burst up a group of dazzling silver light, toward Tang long, fierce attack!

"Buddha's hand!"

Tang Long's face was heavy, and the strength of the golden flame, with a strange golden light and lightning, suddenly condensed into a full of more than 10 meters, the golden flame energy arm!

At the front end of the energy arm, the energy giant hand of the golden flame, the fire was flying, and the fist of Ma Debao was fiercely grasped!


Ma De Bao Leng snorted and hit him with a fist!

In his fist, the silver light power burst out and turned into a fierce energy dragon. He attacked Tang Long's golden flame energy hand fiercely!

Seeing, the palm of Tang Long's energy giant hand is pounding with the energy dragon!

It didn't happen, the roar of people's imagination!

Only to see, in the huge hands of the golden flame, suddenly a ball of energy, like the golden cloud layer of energy, this golden energy, directly envelops the energy dragon, and then, directly burns!

The energy dragon with silver light is directly swallowed up by the golden flame!

the energy contained in the energy dragon is rapidly changing into a golden flame!

"what's going on here?"

"The boy's vitality is strange!"


There was a lot of low voices of discussion, and there was a deep sense of surprise in the voices. Even the faces of the twenty supreme elders were changed because of the golden flame!

this situation has never been seen before!

Even the North Palace star Yuan's face, also had the change!

He was stunned, staring at the power of the golden flame hands, eyes, full of thick shock!

"How could that be possible? What's the matter with this strange situation? "

North Palace star Yuan murmurs to oneself!

Sitting beside him, ningxiang'er and Nangong Aotian are also unbelievable in their eyes!

They didn't expect that Tang long could block Ma Debao's attack. Even Tang Long's attack had such an amazing change!

the golden flame constantly swept out of the energy giant's hands, burning and swallowing the energy dragon!

In the process of swallowing, the energy of golden flame is becoming stronger and stronger!

"This boy's vitality is actually swallowing energy!"

"It's incredible."


Below the platform, the voice of discussion gradually became loud.

At this time, on this high platform, Dugu Baitian's eyes flashed with extreme gloom and coldness: "Tang Long's talent is so good that he can't stay, he must be killed!"

Dugu Baitian secretly made a decision.

Today, in any case, he must kill Tang long, he absolutely does not allow such a person to grow up!Ma Debao had a gloomy face.

Just now he attacked Tang long, but in fact he didn't exert all his strength.

He thought that he could kill Tang Long with one punch, but he didn't expect to see such an incredible situation!


He roared, the body, silver strength, crazy surge out!

This time, he did his best!

"Shining sun and sky Gang!"

Ma Debao's fist was tightly held. On his fist, there was a brilliant light like the sun!

This light, the entire test bench, is a piece of silver!

In this dazzling silver light, an extremely terrifying force, towards his fist, madly gathered!

Go ahead, hit him hard!

With the blow of his fist, the silver strength of his fist penetrated through his fist and directly formed into a ball. The silver light energy group of the size of football was attacking Tang Long fiercely!

This football sized fist of energy flies through the air, and the surrounding space is twisted violently!

a fierce hurricane roars up on the test bench!

The power of Ma Debao's fist is more powerful than that of his attack on Tang long!

Seeing Ma Debao's fist, Dugu Baitian felt a little satisfied with Ma Debao's fist, and then he stared at Tang long, gnashing his teeth: "it's a crime to be against me!"

He felt that Ma Debao's blow would surely kill Tang Long!

everyone in the audience was sweating for Tang Long!

Beigong Xingyuan can't sit still!

He clenched his fist tightly and turned his head to look at Nangong Aotian: "Nangong palace master, wait a minute. I hope you can help me and save Tang Long!"

"I know!" Nangong Aotian nodded solemnly.

He thought that even if Tang long did not die after Ma Debao's blow, he would inevitably suffer heavy internal injuries!

He has to help!

At this time, the Buddha's hand, which is condensed by Tang long, suddenly stretches out and blocks directly in front of the Tang dragon!

at this time, the Buddha's hand on this day devours the vitality released by Ma Debao's move before, and the energy contained in it becomes extremely fierce, powerful and successful Times higher!

Tian fo Shou clenched into a fist and smashed it hard at the silver light energy group!


Thunderous roar, like thunder!

It was made of Buddha's hand. The fist of golden flame was smashed on the ball of silver light energy!

Fire fist, and silver energy cluster, explode at the same time!

The fierce energy, whistling and tumbling, devoured the whole high platform!

The energy of the silver light is so powerful that it can smash the Buddha's hand directly. Then, the energy of the silver light flickers like a mountain torrent. It's towards the Tang dragon. It's so crazy that it sweeps across the past!

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