Between the heaven and the earth, the rolling blood red vitality, are cold and hot energy, crazy phagocytosis!

Cold and hot energy, dozens of demons are completely wrapped in it!

Originally, because of the fierce attack of human beings and demons, the surrounding heaven and earth became scarlet. However, at this time, the miserable red breath was rapidly disappearing and gradually replaced by the golden flame and silver light!

Moreover, in the roar of strength, there are dense golden lightning, in the thunderbolt vertical and horizontal!

"Magic look!"

A roar, like thunder, the sound of the sky, straight into the sky!

Tang Long shows his magic!

All of a sudden, in the rolling momentum, Tang Long's whole person, extremely strange skyrocketed. In a short while, it soared to the height of these people and demons!

The strength of the cold and the fire roared around him!

The roaring energy whirled around him, forming an energy vortex around him. The energy of heaven and earth in all directions gathered towards him crazily!

At this time, he seems to be against the heaven, tyrannical and wild, shocking the world!

The Wu You Zong's warriors who retreated to the distance were shocked to see that Tang long looked like the God of heaven and was invincible!

The peach blossom eyes of the snow leaf moon also show a touch, gorgeous luster.

Her beautiful face was full of enchantment.

At this time, at the periphery of the people and demons, the more than 30 witches, one by one, showed a little more caution.

They are also aware that Tang Long's strength has suddenly increased a lot!

However, these sorcerers still firmly believe that the more than 60 demons they summon will be able to deal with Tang long. After all, no matter how powerful Tang Long is, his strength is not very strong and invincible.

The witches are outside the people and demons, commanding the people and Demons and attacking the Tang dragon fiercely!

Tang Long stands erect and powerful, and displays his final move!

"Meteor burst in the sky!"

The roar of arrogance shocked the world!

Within a hundred meters, the space seems to be suddenly static. Then, within this hundred meters, it is extremely strange to condense dozens of ice flame energy light clusters!

These energy beams are all spinning rapidly, and then, in the crowd of people and demons, they explode!

The whole world, as if in this moment, completely broken!

The air wave produced by the explosion is full of 100 meters!

Ice fire energy, whistling between heaven and earth, in successive explosions, this explosion, engulfed the heaven and earth, smashed heaven and earth!

The power of the air wave is still getting stronger!

At this time, the people who had been bombarded flew all over the sky, and even several of them were directly in the air and were smashed by the air wave!

The blood was so strong that it was swallowed up by the golden light!

the ground was filled with a huge pit more than 10 meters long!

Between the heaven and the earth, the golden flame shines on the whole sky. The golden light and lightning are like golden dragons flashing in all directions. It seems that it will devour the whole world!

In this tumultuous momentum, a golden light knife awn more than 100 meters, straight into the sky!

above the knife awn, dense golden light and lightning twinkled among them!

Within hundreds of meters, the tumultuous energy between heaven and earth is converging towards the blade awn!

The blade stands tall in the sky, shaking the world!

All of a sudden, the knife with a full length of more than 100 meters swept out, as if it were a terrible golden lightning, tearing the whole space into two parts!

The place where the sword awn passes, a head of man devil is directly chopped and broken. Then, the place where the man devil breaks is a terrible thunder explosion!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The whole sky is collapsing!

The whole square was torn apart by the terror!

That kind of fierce momentum, let the Wu You Zong who retreated to hundreds of meters away, one by one, were shocked to look pale!

The original powerful man demon, just this time, there are more than a dozen, all killed!

Those Witches of tianwuzong were all bombarded out by the fierce air waves. Only a dozen of them retreated further. At this time, they were shocked and suffered internal injuries!

These sorcerers look pale, cold hearted, no longer hope of victory, just want to run away!

They retreated quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, they retreated a hundred meters. Among the martial arts groups of tianwuzong, they did not dare to show their heads again!

Tianwuzong, these warriors, are ready to turn around and escape!

Tang Long's attack, too strong, too fierce!

They can't resist it!

Tang Long's attack continues, and becomes more and more wild and fierce!Ice fire energy, in the sky, non-stop collision and explosion, the roar of the sky, like nine days of thunder, fell on the ground, suddenly exploded to the ground, crushed rock avalanche!

The roar of the beast, also at this time, sounded one after another!

In the tumultuous air waves, Tang Long's supernatural beasts got the command of Tang long. They rushed out fiercely from the rolling strength and rushed towards those who wanted to turn around and escape. The warriors of tianwuzong attacked the past quickly!

without the protection of human beings and demons, how could they be the opponents of Tang Long!

Golden Phoenix flies out first!

I saw the golden phoenix flying in the air, between the wings flapping, all of a sudden, a golden lightning, is roaring out, toward those who want to escape, launched a very fierce attack!

The golden light and lightning roared away, which bombarded dozens of warriors of tianwuzong and several flustered witches into the sky!

Golden Monkey rushed into the crowd of tianwuzong and directly attacked those witches!

Pig Gang hye, however, regardless of the number of soldiers, rushed into the crowd and attacked with a rake. Suddenly, the warriors of tianwuzong were attacked everywhere!

Snow wolf king and red flame lion are also chaotic attacks!

The ice and fire energy roared out and turned into a head. The terrible ice fire energy dragon exploded in these martial people of tianwuzong, bombarding piles of warriors into the sky!

The sound of screams is endless. Those who are attacked have no ability to fight back!

Tang Long is still attacking those demons!

At this time, in the broken square, between heaven and earth, still explosion roar!

In the roar of strength, one after another more than a hundred Zhangs of knife awns, whistling between heaven and earth, tearing the sky!

A head of human demon, in this terrible awn, was chopped into two parts, and then, directly burst into pieces and disappeared, disappeared!

That rolling blood red energy, for a short while, is completely engulfed by ice fire energy!

The demons are destroyed!

In less than five minutes, the battle in the square was over!

At this time, the fierce momentum on the square also dissipated. The magic spirit of Tang Long still exists. The magnificent body of golden flame, which is more than 10 meters long, appears more clearly in front of everyone!

People of Wuyou sect, seeing Tang Long's appearance at this time, one by one, even want to worship!

Tang Longgang's wild and domineering attack made them feel that this is the God of war in the sky. It is invincible and invincible! , the fastest update of the webnovel!