Xuelinyue, riding a snow wolf in the ice field, is coming towards the Tang dragon!

At this time, the strength of the golden flame on Tang Long gradually converged, and the magic of the God gradually faded away.

Just now, Tang long used all his strength to attack, and he also used Jin Zun to defend. Although he only attacked for less than five minutes, his energy consumption was incomparable!

When xuelingyue rushes to Tang long, Tang Long feels a little weak.

He had to use that kind of thunder attack just now!

Those sorcerers, the destructive power is too strong, and those demons, the destructive power is extremely amazing.

If he moves a little slower, in case these demons, these witches, and the martial arts of tianwuzong rush around Wuyou city and disperse to make trouble everywhere in Wuyou City, even if it is him, there will be no way for him!

After all, the hiding ability of man and devil is too strong!

He killed all the people and Demons directly, and let the supernatural animals hunt those witches. At this time, Tang Long also breathed a long breath.

As long as the people and demons are dead, as long as the witches are killed, the people of worry free city can once again dare to go out to live. The disaster of worry free city can be relieved and the mission of Tang long can be completed.

Take out a recovery of the spirit of the holy pill to eat, Tang long spit breath!

At this time, worry free son also finally reacts.

He knew that it was a good time to destroy tianwuzong!

"Everyone, surround the people of tianwuzong and kill them without mercy."

Worry free son loud rage!

At the command of Wu You Zi, all of the Wu You Zong's warriors and more than 20000 Wu men who ambushed around in advance all rushed out and started to hunt down the wuyouzong's warriors!

The martial arts of tianwuzong are not good things. They are the witches who gathered around Wuyou city and formed evil sects. At this time, they can destroy these people at once. How can you miss such a rare opportunity!

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the snow listening to the moon: "little leopard, don't you like to join in the fun? Let's go and join the party. "

Xuelinyue shook her head and looked at Tang Long with a bit of heartache: "you are so tired, we don't go, rest here!"

Tang Long smiles: "don't worry, I will recover soon."

He took the elixir to recover his vitality, and even more, he cultivated his vitality. He had a strong phagocytic ability, and the speed of recovering vitality was extremely fast!

The most important thing is that he did not completely exhaust his vitality in the attack just now.

He is more than enough to kill these minions.

"Forget it, there are enough people who live in worry or not. We won't go." Snow leaf month will own whole person, throw into Tang Long bosom, don't let Tang Long go.

She was reluctant to let Tang long do it again.

Tang Long smiles and says nothing more.

As a matter of fact, the situation at this time does not need him to start any more.

Now, the strong of tianwuzong have been destroyed!

Next, there are five supernatural beasts of Tang long, together with the snow wolf in the ice field of xuelingyue. What's more, there are so many warriors in Wuyou sect who have killed the rest of the tianwu sect, which is more than enough.

Embracing the snow and listening to the moon, Tang Long is thinking about the tianwuzong thing.

He knew that the relationship between tianwuzong and the blood Temple must be inseparable.

What's more, why do the people in the blood god's palace want to capture the Danshi? Where did these witches come from?!

These mysteries make Tang Long feel that the blood temple is more and more mysterious!

In addition, what's the relationship between the blood temple and Taiyi Xianzong?!

Because yingtianhe, because of strong Qingtian, Tang Long attaches great importance to the blood temple and these so-called witches with scriptures!

Wuyou city's warriors are still chasing after the warriors of tianwuzong.

Before, the people of tianwuzong were tyrannical and bullied men and women in Wuyou city. They did too many cruel things and accumulated a lot of hatred. Therefore, once these people were at a disadvantage, they were immediately retaliated by the warriors of Wuyou city!

Wu You Zong's warriors and those who attack tianwuzong are merciless!

Moreover, at this time, around the square, there were tens of thousands of people, all of whom were residents of worry free city!

They also hate the warriors of tianwuzong!

At this time, they also come to fight!

The people roared loudly and took their own weapons. They launched a fierce pursuit towards the martial men of tianwuzong to recover the blood debts left by tianwuzong in Wuyou city!

Heavy hate and anger, piled up like a mountain, at this time all burst out, accumulated into the sky killing intention, let the people of worry free city, at this time, the means of attack, are fierce to the extreme!

More and more people from Wuyou city rushed out of their homes to besiege the warriors of tianwuzong!They have swords, they have sticks!

In less than an hour, more than 100000 people participated in the war, and less than 1000 people remained in the group attack!

The warrior of tianwuzong can't escape at all!

The fighting was very fierce, but it was absolutely one-sided.

Tang Long didn't need to fight any more. Even his beasts retreated to his side.

No worry son also came.

He looked at Tang Long and Xue linyue, and his eyes were filled with deep gratitude: "this time, I really want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, worry free city would have a great disaster!"

"This is the sphere of influence of our imperial palace. As the disciples of the Imperial Palace, we should deal with this matter. You don't need to thank us." Snow listens to the polite way of the moon.

Tang long at this time, but it is very direct way: "worry free city's matter, also calculate to solve, you promise our things, also should cash in."

"Of course

No worry son's voice dropped, the hand, is more than a box: "this inside, is the remaining, night demon vine."


Tang Long took over the box and collected the flag directly.

However, he continued to ask, "what you said before, tell me the whereabouts of Ziqi tianyingguo, would you not break your promise?"

"Of course Wu You Zi even said: "although the purple sky Yingguo is very precious, but after all, there are very powerful demons guarding there. It is a six level monster. So, I have no ability to get that thing. In addition, the Ziqi tianyingguo is only useful for Warcraft. I have no use holding it, so naturally, I will tell you the location. "

"That's good." Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

Wu You Zi also did not hide, told Tang long, the detailed location of the Heiling mountain, and said that the purple sky Yingguo, where the detailed place.

Because Tang Long was afraid that he would be the first to catch this thing, he left Wuyou city with Xue linyue without any delay and left Wuling Mountain in a hurry.

No worry son did not stop.

At this time, the tianwuzong will be destroyed, and the people of Wuyou city will regain their vitality. As the actual authority of Wuyou City, wuyouzi has a lot of things to deal with.

So now, he doesn't have time. It's the best choice for Tang Long and Xue linyue to ask them to be busy.

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