Heiling mountain is more than 500 kilometers away from Wuyou city!

Tang Long rode a red flame lion and rode with snow to listen to the moon for a long time. When night fell, the two men finally arrived at Heiling mountain. Then, according to Wuyou Zi's description, they searched for Ziqi tianyingguo.

The purple air tianyingguo is in a valley of Heiling mountain.

Tang Long knew the specific location of Ziqi tianyingguo from wuyouzi. In addition, he also had red flame Tianshi. He could find natural materials and treasures. Therefore, it would not be very difficult to find Ziqi tianyingguo.

He and xuelinyue spent less than three hours together to find Ziqi tianyingguo in the deep of Heiling mountain, in a very large and hidden valley.

Of course, he didn't dare to act rashly or even close to it.

He and snow lie on the moon, far away, above the valley, hiding behind a boulder.

Before, he learned from Wu You Zi that there was a monster in the valley, and it was a level 6 monster!

Level 6 monster is very powerful. Even if Tang Long exerted his strength to the utmost, he was definitely not the opponent of level 6 monster. Because, even compared with the martial arts in Xinghai realm, the level 6 monster is much more powerful!

The level six monster can be compared with the martial arts of purple mansion!

Xue linyue is a little nervous.

Together with Tang long, she hid behind a huge stone and looked at the strange fruit trees in the valley. She looked at Tang Long and asked, "laipi, how do we get the purple tianyingguo?"

"Hard snatching must not work." Tang Long frowned slightly: "the only way is to take it by wisdom."

"How do you get it

"I think about it!"

Tang Long was thinking about it. Suddenly, in his heart, Qin Ziyi's voice rang out: "dragon, you come to see you in the dark night. I'm anxious to see you and ask when you'll come back."

"Come to me at night? Is she in any trouble again? " Tang Long is a little curious.

"What can I do for you at night?" he asked

"I don't know." Qin Ziyi said, "she only said that things are very important and I want to see you right away."

"I see." Tang Long agreed, in the heart more and more curious, you night this girl to look for him, can have what important matter? Is it difficult for her to find him to solve the problem?!

After thinking about it, he said, "I'm busy outside. I can't go back until tomorrow."

"Well, I'll let her wait for you."


Tang long should a, in his mind, but with a flash of light, to think of, to get the way of this Ziqi tianyingguo.

He was about to tell xuelinyue about this method, but suddenly, from the bottom of his heart, a girl's voice came again. The voice was like fairy music, calm and beautiful, refreshing.

This is the voice of Ling Qingyao: "dragon, where are you?"

"I'm with yue'er and I'm doing something outside." Tang Long's voice dropped, followed closely: "Qing Yao, can I help you?"

"Yes." Ling Qingyao answered and said, "I found a treasure map."

"Oh Tang Long suddenly came to interest: "what treasure map?"

"It's a very ancient treasure map. It seems that it should be left by a very old sect." Ling Qingyao said: "I want to go with you and have a look."

"Well, when I'm finished, I'll come to you right away." Tang Longlian was busy.

If there is a treasure map, there will be great harvest. How can Tang Long miss such a thing?!

He immediately made a decision to get Ziqi tianyingguo and went to find Ling Qingyao immediately. Then, he went to find the treasure together with the precious girl like a banished immortal.

Ling Qingyao said, "then I'll wait for you to come back."

The quiet voice fell, and then Ling Qingyao cut off the contact with Tang long.

At this time, in the holy heart sect, Ling Qingyao is beside Tai Shici.

Tai Shici looked at Ling Qingyao and asked, "did you tell Tang Long about the treasure map?"

"Yes." Ling Qingyao nodded, paused, and asked, "master of the hall, is the place where the treasure map refers to really not dangerous?"

"Don't worry, as long as you go, there will be great harvest!" Tai Shici faint smile: "although go well."

"All right." Ling Qingyao nodded and paused, but then asked, "why don't you go and look for the treasure yourself, but let me go with Tang long, and don't let me tell Tang long that you gave me the treasure map?"

"Well, you'll find out later." Tai Shici smiles: "as long as you know, I promise I won't harm you, and it's for your good. That's enough."

"All right."

Ling Qingyao nodded, but still a little confused.

According to Tai Shici, if they go to the place pointed out in the treasure map, they will definitely have great harvest. However, there will certainly be some unknown dangers.What's important is that the place on the map is very far away from the holy heart sect, and there is no teleportation array or space wormhole that can be reached.

There, is the most chaotic place in Ziyou continent, and also the most isolated place!

The name of this place is death flame island!

It is said that there are many kinds of monsters on the island of fire of death, and even occasionally, they will encounter holy animals and divine beasts!

Although the death flame island is only an island, it is huge, occupying one twentieth of the area of Ziyou continent!

such an area is much larger than the Panlong ancient area of canglan continent. Even if the territory of ten or even twenty Tianying empires added up, it is far less than the area of the dead flame island.

There is no ancient sect in the island of fire of death.

However, the outlaws of the whole Ziyou continent like to go there, because it is the most chaotic, the most fun and the darkest remote place!

There are many strong people there, and they are cruel!

at this time, Tang long, with preparation, wants to get Ziqi tianyingguo.

He thought of his own way to seize Ziqi tianyingguo and told xuelinyue that he had assigned a task to xuelinyue!

Snow leaf month's task is very simple, just a word: Escape!

Xue Lingyue turned her head and looked at Tang Long and worried: "laipi, you should be careful. The level six Warcraft is very powerful. I will not allow you to have any danger!"

"Don't worry!"

Tang Long is confident.

"Well, go ahead, and I'll be ready as you ask."

Snow leaf month gently said, and then, according to Tang Long said, toward a distant hill, quickly away.

Tang long looked at the valley in front of him. There was a small tree less than two meters high and seven purple fruits on the tree. He was nervous.

"Ziqi tianyingguo, but a good baby, I must get it!"

He bit his teeth, his hands, quickly close together, and then, quickly change the fingerprints!

Soon, he gathered energy magic puppet!

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