One night in a hurry, Tang Long and Youye left the four girls and walked out of the cave the next day.

Tang Long didn't plan to go to the second floor of Senluo ghost area immediately.

He intends to stay on this first floor for another day.

It's natural to listen to Tang long at night.

Now, she thinks that she is a good person. She just wants to be with him. As for other things, she doesn't think about it.

The next day, they found more than a dozen thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum. Moreover, they found another kind of natural material: Devil fruit!

This demon fruit, is a kind of three grade holy medicine!

Ganoderma lucidum is only the second grade medicine. In comparison, the effect of demon fruit is much bigger.

Demon fruit, also can't be given to humans.

What's more, the demonic fruit they found also contains that kind of blood red energy, and among them, there is a trace of strange cold soul power, which is also quietly integrated into Tang long.

In the spirit sea of Tang long, in his spiritual power, this kind of cold and strange soul power is increasing continuously!

However, at this time, the soul force is still very quiet, and does not bring any danger to Tang long. This also makes Tang Long feel relieved.

Watching, and through to the night.

Tang Long and you ye once again found a very suitable cave.

After dinner, they practiced for a while and recovered their energy. Then Tang Long came over and held the night in his arms.

Quiet night obviously, to feel, oneself this good person, want to do something to oneself!

"Good man, shall we go to the second floor of Shura ghost land tomorrow?" She allows Tang long to hold, soft voice, with a little nervous.

Although in the heart, has already made this kind of preparation, but the matter arrives, the quiet night is still a bit unable to let go.

Tang Long nodded, but suddenly, stopped.

He looked at the dark night and said: "I heard that in this Senluo ghost area, every door of space can only be opened by one person. In this case, we can not reach the second floor of this Senluo ghost area at the same time."

"What about that?" You night quickly asked, in the heart, by a little worried.

In case she and Tang long lost in the second floor of Senluo ghost area, what should be done? In such a dangerous place, her strength is too weak at this time. Once she is separated from Tang Long and discovered by those bad guys, isn't she very dangerous?!

She looked at Tang Long with expectation in her eyes: "good man, I know you have a way."

"I do have a way." Tang Long nodded and looked at Youye seriously: "I want to establish a huixinmen with you."

"Huixinmen?" You night flashing bright eyes, curiously looking at Tang Long: "what is that?"

"It's a magical connection." Tang Long's voice dropped, followed closely, and told you the related function of huixinmen thoroughly.

When you heard Tang Long's words, you immediately remembered that Tang long disappeared and appeared on the road when he and Tang long, as well as Beigong Xianer, went to the Dan king to fight for hegemony!

Of course, she hopes that she and Tang long can have such a connection.

"Good man, hurry up and establish this spiritual connection with me." You night looking at Tang long, delicate face, full of joy: "with this connection, I think of you again, can often see you!"

Voice down, she immediately found that her words, some too straightforward, immediately pretty face, a little red.

Tang Long didn't say much.

Together with Youye, we started to build huixinmen.

However, what Tang Long didn't expect was that after two hours of busy work, the huixinmen between them had not been completed!

"Isn't this girl sincere to me? So, we can't do heart to heart? "

Tang long thought secretly.

He had no choice but to stop, looking at the dark night, but did not know how to say.

You Ye is also looking at Tang long, eyes, suddenly a little red, voice, with a cry: "good man, I know, in fact, you do not like me."

"How can I not like you!"

Tang Long is a little depressed, this girl is so beautiful, is a man to see, can't not like.

He said a little helplessly: "maybe, the time we have known each other is too short, so it is very difficult to achieve mutual affinity."

At this time in the dark night, the tears suddenly fell down!

she looked at Tang long in tears and looked very sad: "I know how much I like you. Since you cured me of the strange disease, I have you in my heart. Last time I was in the city of demons, I decided to marry you. These days, I miss you very much all the time. I like you very much. I like you very much. I can't control myself completely. I want to be with you"Cough!"

Tang Long listen to this girl, so straightforward words, in the heart a burst of moving, for a time, but also do not know what to say.

He thought, is the problem, even in his own body?!

You ye continued to cry: "I don't know why, but I just like you. Otherwise, I won't go to you and come here with me. I come to you, just want to be with you, I want to give you a chance, want to belong to you completely. I belong to you, even if I die, I have no regrets! "

Tang Long looks at this girl, seems to be more and more sad, Tang Long heart, suddenly a little sorry.

"Is it really me?"

He thought with a frown.

In the past, and Qin Ziyi and they, the establishment of mutual spiritual contact, has always been very smooth.

This time, why is it so bad?!

As a matter of fact, Tang Long doesn't know the feelings of Youye to Tang long.

At that time, when he came out of the temple of death, the girl became very good to him. Even when they were together these days, it was obvious that she would not refuse him at all, and even would be his woman.

If you don't pay so much attention to him, how can you allow him to take advantage of her like this?!

But think about it, Tang Long thinks, he should, also quite like this girl!

He is a self-control, not very strong people, to see such a girl as Youye, and have deep affection for him, how can he not have those thoughts?!

The most important thing is, Qin Zi depends on them and doesn't care much about him, which makes him unrestrained!

"I --"

on Tang Long's face, a touch of embarrassment appeared.

You night at this time, but suddenly rushed into his arms.

Her shoulders because of crying, and in the non-stop shivering, choked: "good man, I, I don't blame you, I know you don't like me so much now, it's because I'm not beautiful enough, I'm not worthy of you!"

"Who says you are not worthy of me!" Tang Long was mercilessly soft hearted and hugged her: "it's my Tang long. I can't match you."

"No, you are the best, the best!" You ye stubbornly raised his head, delicate face, expression suddenly became extremely serious, but let people look at it, a burst of heartache: "good man, no matter you like me or not, I always belong to you, just belong to you!"

Tang Long's heart was blocked.

He did not know how he was feeling now.

Silent for a long time, he looked at the quiet night and gently said, "night, let's try again?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!