"No You night lowered his head and his voice was very light: "good man, I am yours, and I will always be. No matter what you want to do to me, I will depend on you, but I will not force you to like me."

Tang Long listens to you Ye's words, how does he feel so uncomfortable!

"Let's try again. Maybe just now, I was distracted, so I didn't succeed." Tang Long gently lifted up the goblin in his arms, looked at her carefully and said, "dear, we must succeed this time!"

You night hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "yes."

So they tried again.

This time, it was very smooth!

Tang Long and you ye soon established a spiritual connection, and Tang long, very easily, called out the wisdom heart gate between you and you ye.

"It's done!"

At this time, Tang long had a feeling of relief in his heart!

You night at this time, but cry again!

She once again nestled in Tang Long's arms, so that Tang Long soon felt that his chest was wet by tears!

"This girl!"

Tang Long is a burst of heartache.

You night in Tang Long's arms, crying for a while, but then raised his head, even smile, smile so brilliant, so moving, let Tang long look, but in the heart, is a burst of deep heartache.

She laughed and cried, "good man, I really belong to you at last!"

Tang long did not speak.

Although at this time, the girl, the pear blossom with rain, is really very beautiful, but Tang long, but there is no idea.

In his heart, only heartache and pity.

"Don't cry, it's not beautiful to cry again!" Tang Long wiped the tears from her cheek.

Youye obstinately looked at Tang Long: "not beautiful, you have to ask me, I don't care, we have established the wisdom heart door by classics, I am your person, you don't have to want it too!"

Tang Long laughs and teases her: "you are not my person now, so I can return it now!"

"No return!" In the quiet night, she suddenly summoned up her courage and went to Tang Long's ear. She said, "good man, come on, I will depend on you."

Say, you night feel oneself, all body strength, all disappear completely!

She was in Tang Long's arms, closed her eyes, a little nervous, but more, it was expectation and joy.

She no longer had any hesitation, just waiting for that moment to come.

Tang Long's heart is in a mess.

However, at this time, in the night sky, in the distance, came a thunderous roar, followed by an extremely powerful evil force, towards this side, crazy swept over!

"man devil!"

Tang Long was alert and stood up!

If there are demons, then killing them will open the door to the second floor of senro ghost world!

The night also stood up.

Although, she really wants to give herself to Tang Long and let herself belong to Tang Long forever. However, she doesn't want to be disturbed by a demon.

This is the most important thing in her life.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the dark night: "I will kill this man demon, and then the door of space will appear. You go first. I will come to you with huixinmen."

"Yes." The night nodded.

With the connection between Tang Long and huixinmen, Youye feels relieved.

Tang Long broke out of the cave with scriptures.

Outside the cave, one hundred meters away, a demon roared and walked towards this side step by step. Under the blood red moonlight, the human demon's ten meter high body looked gloomy and strange. It was chilly to watch!

In fact, there are many people and demons in this Senluo ghost area. If you look for them well, you can find one soon!

And Tang Long found that the people and Demons here are super powerful!

It is obvious that the man and the devil also found Tang long, and immediately roared and ran towards Tang long!

"Ye'er, be careful yourself!"

Tang Long told you to have a sound at night and summoned all his divine beasts.

He can kill the ogre himself.

He summoned the beast to protect the absolute safety of the night.

Tang Long's five animals, all concentrated at the entrance of the mountain.

Tang Long turned into a golden light and lightning, and rushed towards the demon. At the same time, his mental strength condensed into a golden needle, and began to stimulate his potential and enhance his strength!

Soon, he rushed to the devil's eyes!

People and Demons roared, their fists were as bloody as heavy hammers, and with the blood red energy light like cannonballs, they attacked Tang Long crazily!

Tang Long is not hard to connect!

He uses the blinking body method to avoid the attack of human beings and Demons while stimulating his potential.Under the blessing of golden light and lightning, he uses the body method of blinking, and the speed is as fast as lightning!

Although this man demon's combat power is very strong, and the human demon's moving speed is also extremely fast, Tang long can still evade the attack of the demon.

In a hurry, two minutes passed.

Tang Long's potential has been inspired!

Moreover, he also used the seal of the real dragon to enhance his strength!

"Hey hey, look at you or I!"

Tang Long with a strange smile, sharp eyes, arrogant momentum, fist with golden light and lightning, toward the man and devil who came again, he directly and severely smashed it in the past!

The golden flame turned into an energy fist with a diameter of more than five meters, which was hard to crack on the fist of man and demon!

The explosion was like thunder!

The roar of strength makes the heaven and earth lose color and shake the heaven and earth!

the bloody boulders on the ground are all smashed by the bombardment and turned into countless flying stones. They are swept by the fierce energy hurricane and fly out in all directions!

The golden flame all over the sky is crazy, swallowing the blood red energy!


People and demons are bombarded, they stagger back, but they are roaring!

the steps of people and Demons retreating have not stopped in time. Tang Long starts to attack again!

This time, it's a mental attack!

The spirit turned into a long gun, which was more than 10 meters long. It roared and flew towards the man and the devil, and stabbed the devil in the chest directly!

Suddenly, the human devil's chest, blood light burst!

A shower of blood was sprayed from the demons and people, and the blood red energy was turned into a terrible torrent of blood red energy, roaring and sweeping towards Tang Long!

This kind of prestige, as if to destroy heaven and earth, blow up the void!

Tang Long didn't want to delay time. Instead, he directly gathered the power of chaotic fire and the force of Jiuyou Tianhan. They whirled and tangled together and turned into a poisonous dragon spear with a length of more than 20 meters!

The Dragon spear flies towards the devil!

The Dragon spear flies across the sky with the energy of ice and fire, with the golden light and lightning. It directly tears the air and sends out a strong sound explosion. The fierce attack makes the surrounding space severely distorted!

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