When the six Dharma protectors saw Tang Long and they were out of the city in a hurry, they immediately came to ask, "where are you going to go in the evening? Are you so gathered together?"

The nine Dharma protectors are in a rage: "we have found the little patriarch. Come with us!"

"What, found the little Lord!"

Hearing this news, the six Dharma protectors suddenly came to their spirits and followed them. Tang long had no choice but to brave his head and carry three Dharma protectors. At this time, there were two more elders. With him, there were five elders and Three Dharma protectors in total!

Moreover, there are more than 300 Hula people!

"Now, can Meng Zhi eat it?" Tang Long is a little worried!

However, the arrow is on the line and has to be sent!

The crowd followed Tang Long for more than 20 minutes. Hula continued to run forward. Seeing that Yijing was about to arrive at the small forest, from a distance, they saw a little light in the forest!

All of a sudden, they are full of energy!

Tang long at this time, but also put down his concerns, the matter has been so far, had to do!

"Look, the light over there is where they rest!" Tang Long pointed to the lamp: "little Lord, there must be!"


"Speed up!"

The Dharma protector yelled, and a group of people were very angry. Soon, they arrived at the edge of the trees. The distance from the lights in front of them was less than 50 meters!

"Who are you?"

In the woods, a strong man rushed out, but it was Meng Zhi!

Meng Zhi glared at these people in front of him. His momentum suddenly burst out!

He drank so much that all the people in the forest were attracted out. Suddenly, a group of people rushed out of the forest and saw Tang Long and them!

There are hundreds of them!

Tang Long was very happy to see that Meng Zhi had hundreds of them!

This Meng Zhi is still good, bringing so many people over, at least in this way, tonight's grasp of the action, a lot more!

At this time, there are four martial artists, with the pressure of Miyamoto, came out.

Miyamoto's mouth is full of cloth, whine, can't say, and control the Palace this time man, not others, is the storm thunder and lightning!

At this time, the storm and thunder are all dressed in the martial attire of wushenjue palace!

In their hands, they are also holding the weapons of wushenjue palace!

At the same time, half of the people here are dressed in the martial arts costume of wushenjue palace, while the other half of them are the people holding the remnant limb order and wearing black clothes. Obviously, they are the remnant limb order!

Seeing this lineup, the two Dharma protectors of tianwo sect suddenly changed their faces!

A few elder, also is a face angry!

"Remnant limb order, you collude with wushenjue palace!" The nine Dharma protectors glared at the thunder and lightning: "how can you, who are in the absolute palace of immortality, interfere with the affairs of tianwo sect? Release our little patriarch quickly!"

"Let it go. Hey, hey, how can we let him go?" Tang Feng took a step forward and laughed with great satisfaction: "I have no God Jue palace. I have long been in alliance with the remnant limb order. Otherwise, why do you think you can't catch the remnant limb order all the time? Why can't the remnant limb order exist all the time?"

"What, it's you who are making trouble in secret!" Six Dharma protectors are furious!

Tang Feng triumphant smile: "let you know it doesn't matter, anyway, you will die soon!" Said, suddenly waved: "kill me, who dares to resist, we directly killed their little patriarch!"


Hearing this voice, Meng Zhi led the people and directly rushed to kill them!

At this time, many of the warriors in tianwo sect dare not do anything, because they see that the shaozong is being held by his opponent, and the other side says something like that. They are all a bit at a loss!

Several Dharma protectors don't care. They can't be slaughtered by others!

Suddenly, the scuffle begins!

At this time, Tang Long pretended to condense the vitality, but quietly, slowly moving towards the distance!

The rest of the matter here depends on Meng Zhi. How many people can be killed is Meng Zhi's skill. Now, he has to go to collect the snow wolf king first, and then take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of it!

In a hurry to hide in the dark, as early as found by the wind and snow wolf king!

Then, he changed his clothes to wushenjue palace and covered his face. Then he flashed his body and rushed towards the martial men of tianwo sect around him!

At this time, in the woods, the roar of the sky is endless!

Although the number of tianwo sect is in the ascendant, Meng Zhi is well prepared after all. He has gathered all the strong people of the order of remnant limbs to stay here. In this war, he has lost his blood!

Meng Zhi and a warrior with intermediate strength of Shengwu, jointly attack the four Dharma protectors!

Both of them are more powerful than the four Dharma protectors. Under the joint action, the four Dharma protectors retreated and were seriously injured soon!

On this side, the strongest one of the remnant limb orders has reached the strength of the seven levels of holy martial arts. When one person deals with the nine protectors, a few minutes later, he will beat the nine protectors around and occupy the absolute advantage!The six Dharma protectors of tianwo Zong were also called by two people at this time. Although they were also inferior, it seemed that they could barely support it!

Around, in the scuffle, several elders of tianwo sect are also being attacked violently!

In the dark, Tang Long's body turned into a flash of lightning, exerting the power of nine hell and cold days. Instead of fighting with others, he just used the energy gathering throwing knife to attack the warriors of tianwo sect around him!

The stars are bright, several trees are shaded, and among the mottled light spots, there are flying knives passing by from time to time!

All of a sudden, the warriors of tianwo sect were killed!

At this time, the storm and thunder roared in the woods, deliberately disturbing the will of the martial artists of tianwo sect: "tianwo clan, stop it for me, and fight again. We will abolish one leg of this man in the palace!"


Miyamoto screamed!

"Stop it. If not, we'll break one of his arms!"


Miyamoto screamed!


in this absolutely passive situation, the warriors of tianwo sect were quickly killed. In less than 20 minutes, more than 300 people were left, and less than 200 were left!

The number of people is still rapidly decreasing!

All of a sudden, not far away a thunderous roar, the surrounding trees, are the fragmentation of the bombardment!

The whole world, is the wind howling!

Tang Long turned his head and looked at it. However, he saw that the nine Dharma protectors of tianwo sect had been bombarded with a mouthful of blood and smashed on the ground!

At this time, this guy is no longer able to see!

"The plan is successful!"

Seeing this situation, Tang long felt at ease!

If one Dharma protector dies, the plan will succeed. If another Dharma protector dies, he will make money, and the rest will be earned!

He quietly went into the jungle again, changed the clothes of the martial artists of the tianwo sect, and then came out and mingled with the martial arts group of the tianwo sect: "quick, go, let's go back and save the soldiers, quick!"

He yelled!

"who dares to do it again? I really killed the little Lord of tianwo clan!"

A thunderclap of thunder and fury sounded, but the voice was Meng Zhi. At this time, Meng Zhi ran to the side of Gongben man, holding a bloody stump order in his hand!

Miyamoto's face is scared!

at this moment, Tang Long is in a hurry to pull an elder of tianwo sect who was beaten to vomit blood: "let's go, or we'll die here!"

The elder was stunned. Then, he ran away with Tang long!

Naturally, no one is chasing them!

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