At this time, a large group of tianwo sect warriors were still being killed. That day, the four Dharma protectors of the Japanese clan rushed out with serious injuries and even wanted to escape!

Meng Zhi can't let this guy escape!

Let small fish, catch big fish!

This is the focus of Tang Long's plan tonight!

"Kill him, come on, chase me!"

Meng Zhi roared. Suddenly, several strong men of the remnant limb order rushed towards the four protectors. The other two elders of tianwo sect, who had escaped their lives, chased Tang long in a hurry!

Behind the elder, there are more than a dozen God guards of tianwo sect, who are also fleeing the wilderness!

Meng Zhi's leaders catch up with the four Dharma protectors who are seriously injured and want to escape. They directly besiege and kill this guy. Meanwhile, Miyamoto, who is also a member of the mutilated limb order in the forest, is killed!

The task of Fengyun thunder and lightning has been completed, and Meng Zhi said to them, quietly retreat!

Meng Zhi started to clean up the battlefield according to Tang long!

Here, there is only one thing left, that is, the body of this man in the palace. All other traces must be erased!

Meng Zhi didn't know why Tang long did this, but he did it!

The night is deep. Tang Long and they escape to the gate of the city. They rush into the city in a hurry and run towards tianwo city. Their appearance at this time is really in a mess!

They rush to tianwo temple in a hurry!

"Quickly, quickly send someone to report to the patriarch, the major event is not good, the major event is not good!" When Tang Long arrived at the gate of tianwo temple, he was busy dying and shouting: "the little patriarch has been killed. He has been killed by the people of wushenjue palace!"


The entrance guard was stunned!

Tang long, with three escaped elders and more than a dozen martial artists of tianwo sect, ran into tianwo temple in a hurry!

Someone called Miyamoto!

Miyamoto soon came out. Seeing Tang Long and their embarrassed appearance, he quickly asked, "what's going on? What's going on?"

Tang Long said in a hurry: "we found the trace of the little patriarch, so we went out of the city in a hurry. As a result, we were ambushed in the woods. All of them were disabled people. They were everywhere."

"What about the little Lord?" Miyamoto glared at Tang long, as if to eat people!

Tang Long snorted and stopped talking!

He knew that his words were finished, and he had no responsibility to say the rest. It was time for the other people of tianwo nationality to say it!

This is easier, let Miyamoto believe!

Just now, he didn't even tell Miyamoto a little more about the wushenjue palace. This also needs to be told by these elders. After all, he is not a member of tianwo sect. Sometimes, he can't say too much to avoid Miyamoto's suspicion!

Seeing that Tang Long didn't speak, Miyamoto roared: "tell me, what's the matter with the little patriarch?"

Tang Long breathed and couldn't speak!

Next to Tang long, an elder wheezed, but could speak. He said intermittently: "little Lord, the little master was caught by the people who had no God Jue palace, and then -"

"what, wushenjue palace!" Miyamoto's voice, like angry thunder, explodes in the palace. Tang Long's ears are all buzzing!

Tang Long didn't say anything. At this time, he would never speak again!

Another elder reported: "we followed the Dharma protector and hurried out of the city. As a result, we met the people of the remnant limb order. They were together with the people of the wushenjue palace. They cooperated with each other and arrested the young patriarch. Obviously, they escaped from the city and were planning to go to the wushenjue palace!"

"There is no God in the palace!" Miyamoto's eyes, showing a touch, extremely ferocious light!

He did not expect that wushenjue palace, together with the remnant limb order, captured his son!

He asked angrily, "what about the little Lord?"

The elder bit his teeth and said, "we are going to rescue the little patriarch. As a result, the people who made the residual limb order want to kill the little patriarch. We can't defeat those people, so we have to hurry back to move the soldiers for help."

"Where are the Dharma protectors who went with you?"

"All killed!"

After listening to the elder's report, Tang Long really wanted to give him some money and praise him!

This guy's words, said too well, simply too with him!

Miyamoto was furious and ran away with Jingqi!

"Everybody, follow me!"


A large group of people rushed out of tianwo city. There were three Dharma protectors and a dozen elders. Of course, Tang Long was also among them. The guy who reported the news before led the way ahead!

People rushed to the woods, saw, only left the Palace this time the man's body!


Miyamoto roared at the sky like a wild boar!

For a long time, he turned his head and glared at the elder who led the way: "where are the people? Where are the people? Why are there only the bodies of the second male here? "

"It's gone!" The elder is stupefied!Tang Long came to Gong benxiong: "patriarch, Wushen Jue palace. I'm afraid it's to destroy the evidence. There's no proof of death!"

"Hum!" Miyamoto's angry eyes are wide and his fists are tightly clenched!

He glared at Tang Long: "are you sure, this is where you fought with those guys?"

"Sure!" Tang Long nodded in a hurry and said, "in fact, if you look carefully, you can still see the clues. The broken trees and the big pits on the ground are obviously just made out!"


Miyamoto snorted heavily!

How can he not know this truth? In fact, he can see from the classics that there was a great war not long ago!

However, at this time, except for his son's body, all traces related to the wushenjue palace were erased. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that this matter was the wushenjue palace, destroying the evidence!

It's a pity that so many people are still alive. Can we rely on the past? !

"wushenjue palace!" Miyamoto gnashing his teeth, fierce light in his eyes, let Tang long look, are unable to help the bottom of his heart cold!

At this time, Tang long did not dare to say more.

Miyamoto was so angry that he suddenly rushed into the jungle, punched and kicked, and suddenly the mountain fell apart. This forest was blasted into pieces of wood and stone, and the ground was covered with pits!

For a long time, he turned around and flashed to the dead Miyamoto.

He picked up Miyamoto Jiro and headed for the city of tianwo. However, he left a sentence, gnashing his teeth: "wushenjue palace, this account, I must be clear with you!"

Dead son, dead Three Dharma protectors, this is absolutely a heavy blow to tianwo Zong!

How can he swallow this breath!

When he returned to tianwo temple, he glared at Tang Long and roared angrily: "call up people for me. Tomorrow morning, I will go to Wushen Jue palace immediately. I want to find Jue Wushen to recover this blood debt!"


The martial artists of tianwo sect all agreed loudly!

If Tian Wo Zong doesn't recover such a disgrace, how can he mix up in this area after that? Isn't this going to make Wushen Jue palace more and more arrogant?!

The crowd rushed back to prepare!

Tang Long is very satisfied with today's action. When he returns to his residence, Tang Kuo comes back with experience.

What's more, Meng Zhi is here!

Meng Zhi sees Tang Long come back, directly is toward him, deeply bow ceremony! , the fastest update of the webnovel!