Tang Long politely sat down. Looking at Meng Zhi, Tang Long said solemnly, "although the matter tonight is still a success, we still need to do another thing to complete it."

"What else?"

"Very simple!" Tang Long said: "tomorrow, you take a few people, that is, those in the forest, your stumps make the most powerful people, mix into the city of extinction!"

"What are we going to do in the city of extinction?"

Tang Long smiles, and a little pride flashed in his eyes: "tomorrow, Gong benxiong will take the people from tianwo sect to go to wushenjue palace to seek justice. You will enter the city ahead of time and appear in their only way. Let them see for granted. Let the elders see it. Let them recognize that you killed Miyamoto Jiro. It's so simple!"

"I see!" Meng Zhi nodded.

Tang Long said: "at that time, you might as well be arrogant. When the people of Miyamoto see you, you should run away immediately. The farther you are, the better. Moreover, before this event, it's better not to let the people of wushenjue palace see you. After that, you should not appear again. You must grasp the time!"


Meng Zhi nodded his head!

Tang Long and Meng Zhi discussed some details of the action. It was very late. Tang Long said, "you have something else to do. I will be busy all night, so I won't keep you!"

"Wait, I have something else to do, so I can't go yet!" Meng Zhidao.

Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "what else do you have?"

Meng Zhi said seriously: "before I heard Liu Tianbao say, you have a way to get the news that my master has been shut down!"

"I do have a way to deal with it." Tang Long nodded.

Meng Zhi quickly asked, "my master, where was he locked up?"

Tang Long smile: "you are also too anxious, although I have some eyebrows, but I just arrived at tianwo Zong. How can I investigate so quickly? I just, with a little eyebrows, I can't tell you now!"

"I hope you can help me rescue my master. At that time, I will promise you whatever you want." A solemn way.

Tang long urged: "well, it's late, you hurry to arrange, tomorrow's things, do not make any mistakes, you must be careful!"

"Well, I'm going!"

Meng Zhi stands up and turns away.

Tang Long took a long breath, and he was relieved. At this time, the situation here was opened up. As long as the plan was smooth, there would be a war between the emperor and the wushenjue palace!

Then, the holy sword gate, should have the opportunity to take advantage of!

The snipe and clam fight, the fisherman gains!

We are all smart people. Tang Long believes that shengjianmen will not miss this opportunity!

Tang long planned the next step.

Although at this time, his strength is very leisurely, can not play a big role here, but he still can step by step, control the whole situation in his own hands!

Lin Mengxi came out and looked at Tang long, with a touch in his eyes and obvious admiration.

Tang long looked at her with a smile: "why don't you go to rest?"

"I can't sleep a little." Lin Xi dream looked at Tang Long: "young master, next, do you have any plans?"

"Take a step and see a step!" Tang Long smiles and goes to Lin Ximeng: "it's late. Go to have a rest. Girls, especially beautiful girls like you, will not be beautiful if they don't have a good rest."

Lin Xi dream pretty face slightly red, nodded: "that, I went to have a rest."


Tang Long nodded.

Lin Xi dream left, Tang Long is also toward, ye Qingling's boudoir walked in the past.

Ye Qingling was already asleep.

Tang Long is holding this baby girl. Although he has something in his heart, he still can't bear to wake her up. He hugs her and closes his eyes. He soon falls asleep!

Wake up, and the sky is bright!

"No, it's too late!" Tang Long got up in a hurry. Outside the door, a knock came from Scripture: "young master, the people of tianwo sect are coming. Please go to tianwo Temple immediately!"

"I see!"

Tang Long agreed and got up in a hurry.

The little princess wakes up with classics, but she is too lazy to get up. She looks at Tang long in a delicate way: "brother long, you go out so early, don't you accompany me?"

"I'll be with you when I come back!" Tang Long went to the girl, in her lovely face, gently gnawed: "you have a good rest, I have to go in advance."


Tang Long turns to go out.

Tang que they followed, Tang long looked at the cloud thunder: "you wait at home."


Tang long looked at Yang Yang and Lin Ximeng: "don't go out today. Take a good rest at home. When you come back, I may ask you to go out."

"Good!" They nodded together.Tang long looked at Li Dahan and Tang Kuo: "you go to the street and look around."


After the instruction, Tang Long went out of the house quickly, and soon arrived at tianwo temple.

At this time, thousands of people gathered on the square in front of tianwo temple. Right in front of them, there are still seven Dharma protectors and more than 20 elders in front of them. All of them are ready for battle!

"let's go!"

Right in front of him, Miyamoto had a blast, and then, riding a unicorn with his men, he went on a mighty journey!

Tang Long is one of them!

A group of people, starting in the morning, all the way in a hurry, to noon time, finally arrived at the city of extinction!

At the gate of the city of extinction, there are martial guards from the wushenjue palace. When Miyamoto comes to the gate, he is blocked by two gatekeepers. He doesn't say a word at all. He blows this guy out with one punch!

The rest of the people, naturally dare not stop!

Miyamoto with his people, mighty, kill run wushenjue palace!

Tang Long knows that, although Miyamoto comes here in a fierce manner, he will definitely get nothing. He just wants to vent his anger and seek an explanation. In addition, he also expresses his attitude!

It's not good for him to fight like this!

Of course, the people in wushenjue Palace are not fools. They dare not fight against each other easily!

There is a holy sword gate. On both sides, they are very cautious!

On the spacious streets of the city of extinction, a large group of people came!

They are the people of tianwo sect!

The leader, of course, is the leader of the tianwo sect: Miyamoto!

Miyamoto and his men were walking forward, but suddenly, in a restaurant next to the street, the sound of laughter sounded unscrupulously: "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

"Yes, this time, we finally took a bad breath and joined the Wushen Jue palace. We really did the right thing. In the future, we will be the people of the Wushen Jue palace!"

"Well, there is no god man. It's not bad for us to follow him!"

"As long as I can exterminate the tianwo sect and work for the absolute being, I will have no complaints at all!"


one by one Heroic voice, full of infinite comfort, four people came out of the restaurant with great momentum!

suddenly, beside Miyamoto, an elder recognized these four people at a glance. One of them was the stump he saw in the woods yesterday, which made the LORD: Mengzhi!

"Lord, that man is the one we saw last night, who killed the four Dharma protectors!"

"Not bad, not bad, I recognize it too!" Another elder said in a hurry!

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