"Dragon eggs!" Tang Long's eyes, immediately stare round!

Dragon egg, that's the dragon that hasn't been born yet. Oh, my God, the dragon, it's all divine animals!

"It's over. It's going to be against the weather."

Tang Long's heart, suddenly disorderly hit up!

He tried to suppress, in the heart of that little attempt and greed, looking at longying asked: "fox demon want those dragon eggs to do?"

Long Ying explained: "we dragon people are born with great power. The fox demon can get the powerful energy contained in the dragon egg after eating the egg. The fox can improve its strength by absorbing the energy, and even break through the limit."

"I see!" Tang Long nodded his head and said, "it seems that the dragon soul space has been transferred here by the Dragon King with his magic power?"


"The demon fox catches you and your sister because you can open the dragon soul space?"

"Not bad!"

After a pause, Tang Long finally couldn't help asking, "how many eggs are there?"

Long Ying doesn't answer and stares at Tang Long warily.

"Don't worry, I just want to know, absolutely not. I want to eat those dragon eggs." After a pause, he said seriously, "in fact, I can help you."

"How to help?" longying asked

Tang Long said seriously: "it's always dangerous if the eggs are not hatched. I have a way to hatch the eggs, and I have a lot of treasures. I can let the incubated dragon grow rapidly. This will certainly be of great benefit to your dragon family."

After listening to Tang Long's words, longying thinks that Tang Long has helped her improve her strength. Suddenly, she is also a little excited.

Tang Long asked, "where did your dragon clan live?"

"Our home was originally in the land of Tianlong." The voice fell down, pause, eyes suddenly more a wipe, very obvious bleak: "unfortunately, now the Tianlong continent, by occupation!"

"Oh? The dragon clan is so powerful that it can still be occupied? " Tang Long is very curious.

Long Ying said: "although our dragon family is naturally strong, there are very few dragon that can really grow to the top. What's more, those people who occupy our dragon land are so powerful!"

"Who are those people?"

"I don't know, those people are very strange, they are full of cold and evil breath, and there are some people who can summon all kinds of horrible blood demons. They use the blood red energy, and their power is very powerful. Where they pass by, the blood flows into a river!"

Hearing the words of long Ying, Tang Long's heart was filled with cold!

He thought of yingtianhe!

What's more, he thought of the bloody world he saw in senro ghost land!

He quickly asked, "how long was the land of Tianlong occupied?"

"More than 300 years ago!"

Tang Long frowned fiercely and thought, "more than 300 years ago, the land of Tianlong was completely occupied. According to the present situation, the people who occupied the land of Tianlong have come to our world by means of Scripture. Moreover, with great power, the world may be in danger. "

Of course he would not. He would say that.

He asked, "so now you dragon family, only your sisters, and those dragon eggs in the dragon soul space?"

"There are also some dragons, but they have all caught them!" Long Ying bit her teeth and said in a voice of hatred: "one day, I will definitely return to the land of Tianlong and take back everything I have from the dragon family!"

Tang Long nodded: "then, I will help you!"

Long Ying was stunned: "are you really willing to help me? You know, those people are not so fierce

Tang Long smile: "you are my contract beast, how can I put you to risk, so when we have enough strength, I will certainly help you."

"Thank you." Longying looks at Tang Long gratefully.

Tang long did not speak again.

Of course, he has to help longying. However, his strength at this time and the distance to help longying recapture Tianlong mainland are still a thousand miles away!

Seeing, the sky is bright.

After a good rest, they got up together and had breakfast. They were going to set out towards the fox demon cave.

At this time, Tang long looked at Yang Yang and Lin Ximeng, and Xiao Yihan said: "you and I separate, we go to attack the fox demon cave, wait for the two sides to fight, Yang Yang and Ximeng, you look for opportunities to rescue long Ying's sister!"


Several people nodded together.

After a long discussion, the soldiers set out in two directions.

Yang Yang and others, of course, went quietly.

Tang Long with the rest of the people, fierce, directly killed the fox demon cave, two hours later, is to pass to a mountain, four hillside above the valley!Looking down into the valley, there are many dark caves, large and small, on the surrounding stone walls below!

"Here is the fox demon cave!" Long Ying is by the way of the dragon in Tang Dynasty.

Tang Long nodded: "our strength occupies the superiority, does not need any scruples, launches the attack immediately, moreover, direct strong attack!"

Voice down, he directly called out all of his god beast, and then, issued the order to attack!



The roar of the beast is like the earth shaking sound!

Several magical beasts, like the wind and lightning, directly rushed down the valley. When the golden monkey was rushing downward, the golden cudgel in his hand turned into a gold stick holding the sky. It soared a hundred meters, and with a dazzling golden light, it headed for a cave and smashed it hard!


The whole world is shaking!

Among the debris flying, the cave on that side was directly smashed and collapsed!

Suddenly, dozens of fox demons rushed out of the cave and rushed towards the golden monkey. However, the golden cudgel of the golden monkey directly swept the heaven and earth, sweeping out the dozens of fox demons!


The Golden Phoenix stands on the golden monkey's shoulder, whistling, a golden light and lightning burst out, toward the fox demon around, crazy attack in the past!

Red flame lion and snow wolf king, directly is to display fusion attack!

Ice and fire energy, into ice and fire energy dragon, toward the front of a cave mouth, crazy bombing in the past!

Suddenly, one by one caves, by the bombardment of the explosion, between the rubble, a head of fox, toward the outside rushed out, but face-to-face, encountered a head of majestic ice wolf!

At the same time, Tang Kuo and they all rushed down!

Li Dahan rode the golden Kui ox and rushed to the front. With a roar, the golden Kui ox rushed forward, just like a mountain with golden light shining, and rushed into the fox demon group!


With a thunderclap of thunder, Li Dahan's evil dragon sword, with its roaring black light, swept around!

All of a sudden, seven or eight fox demons were swept all over the place!

However, at this time, the sound of strange howling sounded one after another, among these fox demons, the most powerful of the holy foxes finally appeared, toward Li Dahan and they, madly rushed over!

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