When the five subordinates of Xiao Yihan saw the appearance of the holy fox, they immediately flew up in the air and attacked them fiercely!

The earth shaking war is unfolding fiercely in the valley!

Although there are many demons and foxes everywhere, at this time, they are completely suppressed by Tang Long and they are attacked everywhere!

All of a sudden, a thunderous roar sounded above the valley!

They all looked at the other side!

However, he saw that he stood on the top of the mountain, his eyes were ferocious, and his whole body was full of evil!

The saint fox is holding a girl in his hand!

Long Ying saw from afar that the girl controlled by the red sage fox suddenly changed her face!


She cried out!

The girl looked extremely weak, with a touch of blood flowing from the corner of her mouth. It looked like she was dying!

The red holy fox is the fox king of these foxes!

The king of the fox grew up to the level of the third level holy beast, and he could speak human words!

The fox king only heard a violent drink, and said in a loud voice: "who is your leader here? Order to stop the attack immediately, otherwise, I will kill this woman immediately!"

With that, one of the fox King's claws grasped the girl's neck. As long as it exerted a little force, the girl's neck could be crushed directly, and the girl would die immediately!

Seeing the fox king like this, long Ying's face suddenly changed!

She looks at Tang long in horror.

Tang long at this time, but very indifferent, looking at the fox king, deep voice: "what do you want?"

"It's very simple, take your people, get out of here, never come!" The fox King stares at Tang long, grabs the girl's hand and makes a strong action: "give the order to retreat immediately!"

"Well, today I withdraw!"

Tang Long nodded and said in a deep voice, "everyone, retreat!"



The roar of Warcraft startled the world. The four mythical beasts of Tang long, first of all, retreated back. The ice wolf also began to retreat towards the top of the valley!

Don't want them, they all go back and retreat quickly!

The fox king, seeing this situation, suddenly breathed a little breath, but at this moment, at the moment when it relaxed its vigilance, in front of it, the space in front of him suddenly became slightly distorted!

Follow closely, two black shadows flash out!

It's Yang Yang and Lin Ximeng!

Before the fox king had time to react, Yang Yang and Lin Ximeng, with their dark swords in their hands, shot at the same time. The speed was as fast as lightning!


Cold sword, directly from the fox King holding the girl's wrist!

The fox king felt a sharp pain in his wrist and subconsciously shrank his claws. The girl under control was snatched out by Yang Yang and Lin Ximeng at this moment!

Yang Yang holds the girl and goes straight away!

Fox Wang Dun's seven tips make smoke!

A strange cry, fiery red claws, with extremely terrible energy, attack Yang Yang, but at this time, a touch of black sword light, but toward the fox King's eyes, mercilessly stabbed in the past!

It's Lin Ximeng's attack!

If you attack the enemy, you must save it!

In order to keep his preciseness, the fox king had to withdraw his claws and block Lin Ximeng's sword. However, he followed closely and attacked Lin Ximeng fiercely!

Lin Xi dream, suddenly become extremely dangerous!

At this time, Xiao Yihan, who was hiding in the distance, also started with his hands!

He swayed and rushed towards Lin Ximeng!

At the top of the mountain in the distance, Tang Long saw the success of rescuing the girl, and he immediately burst into a rage and drank: "kill me!"



The thunderous roar sounded again, and the beast of Tang Long first attacked those fox demons!

Tang Kuo's attack is also launched here!

Long Ying and pig Gang hye, but together toward Yang Yang rushed in the past, Yang Yang holding a seriously injured girl, is rapidly approaching this side!

But there, the fox king was furious, a red energy burst out from the fox king and attacked Lin Ximeng wildly and fiercely, which was incomparable!

although Lin Ximeng tried his best to dodge, at this time, he still couldn't evade it completely!

She was bombarded in the chest and abdomen by a strong force!

He felt a sharp pain between his chest and abdomen, and suddenly, he spewed out a mouthful of blood!

one of the fox King's paws was grabbed by him. However, at this time, a fierce and extremely strong force came directly and quickly. A fist, with a mountain like heavy power, hit the fox King's paw with a heavy mountain power!

it was Xiao Yihan!

Only heard a thundering sound, the boulders on the ground, are the explosion of strong gas bombardment!The king of the fox felt that his paw seemed to have been smashed by a heavy hammer. His whole body was shaken and was about to be broken. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew straight out!

Lin Xi dream by Xiao Yi Han's block, to the Tang long side of the rapid retreat!

At this time, Yang Yang, also with the Dragon cherry and pig Gang hye convergence, toward the Tang dragon side, quickly retreat over!

Meng Zhi, they are also facing this way to meet!

Finally, ten minutes later, Yang Yang and the girl safely arrived at Tang Long's side. Lin Ximeng also came back by Sutra. Although he suffered some internal injuries, the injury was not unimpeded.

Xiao Yihan and they, at this time, are facing those fox demons and launching fierce attacks!

Tang Long let Yang Yang, the girl, gently put on the ground, he turned to look at Lin Ximeng: "Xi Meng, are you ok?"

"A little bit of internal injury, nothing." Lin Xi dreamt.

Tang Long took out a bottle: "there are some healing elixir in it. You should take one to recover the internal injury. You can keep the pill yourself."


Lin Xi dream should a, took the bottle, poured out a holy pill under.

Tang long at this time, to gather the huangquan God needle.

Huang Quan Shen needle, in Lin Ximeng's body, quickly pricked a few times, a short while, Lin Ximeng is feeling, the internal injury has been reduced and a lot of, even, to Jing completely no pain feeling.

At this time, Tang long did not dare to delay more short time. He began to help the girl on the ground and treat the internal injury.

The fighting in the Valley continues.

Long Ying did not fight again. Pig ganghya, naturally, was beside long Ying. She was beside Tang long, nervously watching the girl who was seriously injured on the ground.

Tang Long treated for a full hour, plus the role of two healing pills, the girl on the ground, the wound finally gradually eased over, originally haggard pretty face, at this time, also recovered some blood color.

She looked at long Ying: "who are they?"

"It's the pig's head." Long Ying said, is to look at Tang Long: "his name is Tang long, I now, with classics is his contract god beast!"

The girl frowned slightly and looked at Tang Long: "are you threatening my sister?"

"No threat." Tang Long faint smile: "she is willing to, and, don't you find that your sister's strength is much stronger than you now?"

Hearing Tang Long's words, the girl finally realized the change of longying.

Tang Long is a way: "you first quiet healing, the rest of the matter and so on to say." Voice dropped, turned to look at long Ying and pig Gang hye: "you take good care of her."


Long Ying and pig Gang hye, nod together.

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