Tang long no longer said more, stood up and planned to go to the guest room to have a rest.

Beigong Xianer and Youye naturally accompany her.

The little servant girl came in a hurry and showed the way in front of her. Several people soon walked into a very luxurious and magnificent guest room. In this room, all the facilities are extremely complete!

"It seems that although the room price is high, the environment is also good. I am free to eat and live for nothing."

Tang Long is also very satisfied with the environment of the guest room.

He didn't say much. He went directly to the bedroom to have a rest. Beigong Xianer and Youye didn't go back to their guest rooms and chatted quietly here.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was night.

As soon as Tang Long wakes up, his spirit is much better.

At this time, the little girl outside the door has been waiting for a long time. The two friends of the shopkeeper have arrived, and the poisoned patients are also brought with them.

Tang long did not say much. He went out to treat the two patients.

These two patients, one is a girl in her early twenties. The girl is beautiful, and the other is a woman in her early thirties. The woman is very noble and beautiful.

One is the daughter of the drugstore owner, and the other is the wife of the auctioneer.

Obviously, they have been poisoned for a long time, and they are easy to treat.

They have been carried into the quiet room, waiting for Tang long treatment.

Tang Long walked into the quiet room, and soon cured the two men. He was also rewarded with five million yuan of gold, which also made him a little happy.

After all, five million yuan stone, which is not small money.

At this time, the drugstore owner, as well as the owner of the auction house, asked for help. Of course, he still hoped that Tang long could help others detoxify.

Tang Long agreed.

For Jinling City, Tang Long also likes it. The people here seem to be pretty good. Tang Long thinks that such a good place should not have such disasters. Since he has the ability, he simply helps to the end!

Next, Tang Long began to detoxify more people in Jinling City!

Three days later, his reputation was spread by Scripture. Outside the inn, there were a sea of people. People came to plead for detoxification and formed a long queue!

Tang long will respond to any request!

With his own vitality and huangquan Shenzhen, he can treat at least 20 people at the same time. In this way, the speed of treatment is much faster.

Beigong Xianer and Youye are busy collecting money!

The two girls have never thought that it is so easy to make money. They like him more and more.

Tang Long treated the disease in this way, in a twinkling of an eye, for three days!

At noon on the fourth day, Tang Long was busy. Suddenly, outside the inn, a large group of people came roaring towards this place. These people were dressed in snow-white robes. They were powerful and arrogant!

These people, straight away from the queue, strode towards the inn.

People in line to see these people, they quickly dodge away!

This group of people directly broke into the Inn and said angrily, "what about the boy who is treating the disease? Tell him to come out immediately, our Lord, please

At this time, the first floor of the inn was temporarily changed into a place for collecting money and treating diseases. Of course, the inn also needs to collect money. After all, people do business. This help is to help, and money should be collected.

Tang Long only collects money for treatment, accommodation and meals. The money is collected by the innkeeper.

In addition, queuing up for medical treatment, also need to collect money!

The money in line is not expensive. One person is a gold stone.

Beigong Xianer and Youye are at the counter on the first floor of the inn. They are responsible for collecting money.

Seeing such a group of people running in, the two girls were immediately upset. Beigong xian'er came out directly and glared at the group of people: "if you want to cure a disease, you should bring the patients here. The villains of my family don't go to the clinic!"

When a group of people saw the northern palace fairy, their eyes suddenly became a little straight!

This girl is so beautiful!

The one who took the lead was a middle-aged man in his early 40s, with a beard and a long and strong body. He looked at Beigong Xianer and said, "little girl, do you know who we are? How dare you talk to us like that? "

Beigong xian'er didn't care who he was. He hummed: "it's our rule not to visit a doctor. Besides, if you break in like you, we will not be cured."

"Dare you

The middle-aged man glared fiercely at Beigong xian'er.

How can Beigong Xianer be afraid of him? !

you know, she has the strength of magical realm!

"I say it again, and this is the last time!" "We won't treat you!" said Bei Gong xian'er

"We're not going to cure the disease, we're just going to let him go!"

"No!""Really not going?"

"I'm sure I won't go, even if I've told you the truth!"

"I think you want to die!"

The middle-aged people suddenly burst out of the extreme cold breath, a powerful momentum, suddenly spread out from the body, that kind of power, even powerful incomparable!

His strength, even is very strong, has reached the nirvana peak degree!

Unfortunately, such strength is not in the eyes of Beigong Xianer.

She arrogantly said: "no matter who you are, no matter where you let my bad guys go, my bad guys will never agree!"

The shopkeeper came over in a hurry and looked at Beigong Xianer. He said anxiously, "miss xian'er, I can't afford to offend him. He's from ice Soul Valley outside the city!"

"What about ice Soul Valley?"

This time, she came out from behind the counter.

That kind of man in snow-white robe, see another beautiful girl, suddenly eyes, again showing a touch of greed!

At this time, he had a very shameless mind in his mind, and planned to take advantage of the momentum to directly take people away!

He roared: "brothers, tie these two girls away for me!"


"I see who dares!"

The warriors of ice Soul Valley, one by one, were about to rush on, but at this time, a heavy voice, like a heavy hammer, smashed into the hall of the inn!

This sound falls, like rolling thunder explosion, with infinite pressure breath!

North Palace fairy son and you night, to do not feel how, ice Soul Valley people, one by one, but all changed face!

Some of them even staggered back!

At this time, a warrior in black and gold armor came in majestically and glared at the middle-aged man in ice Soul Valley. He was extremely overbearing and powerful: "things outside Jinling City have nothing to do with our war god house. However, if anyone dares to make trouble in Jinling City, we will not tolerate him!"

"War god house!"

Hearing this name, Beigong Xianer and Youye immediately looked at each other.

It was not the first time they heard the name.

At this time, a dozen people, all wearing black armor and holding cold long knives, came in from the outside.

The middle-aged man in binghun valley was obviously afraid of the warrior of Zhanshen mansion. He glared at the majestic warrior and said in a deep voice: "Wang Tianbao, do you really want to take care of the affairs of binghun Valley?"

Wang Tianbao snorted coldly: "Zhao Houcheng, I know you are not powerful in binghun Valley, but in Jinling City, I believe you can't do anything about it!"

Zhao Houcheng glared at Wang Tianbao: "do you have to intervene in today's affairs?"

"Not bad!" Wang Tianbao said decisively

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