"Good!" Zhao Houcheng said: "Wang Tianbao, please remember that today's business will never be finished. We have a long way to go, and we will meet again soon." The voice dropped and he waved his hand: "go!" Stride out!

The people of ice Soul Valley followed Zhao Houcheng and walked out of the inn!

Wang Tianbao snorted coldly, went to the North Palace fairy, very polite way: "girl is the person who can relieve cold poison?"

"It's not me who detoxifies." Beigong xian'er shook his head and said, "that's my husband!"

Her voice dropped, and her pretty face was slightly red. In front of others, she said that she was Tang Long's wife. In her heart, she also had some very special feelings.

Moreover, this is the first time for her to say that she is Tang Long's wife.

Wang Tianbao clasped his fist: "disrespectful!"

Bei Gong xian'er gently smiles and politely says, "thanks to your help for what happened just now. Otherwise, these people will probably waste our hands and feet."

Wang Tianbao turned to the main topic: "to tell you the truth, we also come to seek medical treatment."

"Oh?" Beigong Xianer looked at Wang Tianbao: "are there people poisoned in your war god mansion?"

"The poisoned man is the old master of our war god mansion."

Beigong Xianer said: "I don't know the old master of the war god's house. No matter who it is, everything must follow the rules. It's my rule that the healer must come here, and there must be no less than a cent for the diagnosis. "

"No problem with this one!" Wang Tianbao said in a deep voice: "as long as the girl agrees, you can help me cure the disease in the old mansion!"

"Yes, no problem." Beigong Xianer nodded.

She still had some affection for the people of the war god's mansion. Naturally, the favor came from Jiang HaoChen. After all, when she was in cangming City, Jiang HaoChen was polite to Tang long.

And in the thick fog forest, it seems that Jiang HaoChen is also a good person.

At that time, Tang Long and they rescued Jiang HaoChen. Jiang HaoChen did not escape immediately, and did not take the opportunity to get Tianquan of life.

One side of the quiet night way: "to cure, you go to get the patient, but remember to pay a hundred gold stone treatment fee."


Wang Tianbao promised and took some people to turn around and leave.

It may be because he was worried that there would be accidents here, so he left most of his subordinates outside the inn to take charge of the safety here.

Tang Long these days, although has been busy in the treatment of disease, but, strength has also had a good improvement.

Because he was always focused and had to help several people treat at the same time, his ability to control his vitality and mental strength was also improved a lot, and his ability to multitask was also improved by leaps and bounds!

In a twinkling of an eye, through the night.

At this time, among the people he treated, there was an old man with white hair.

This old man, however, is the old master of the war god Mansion: Jiang mengxiu.

Tang Long didn't know who the old man was at the moment. After inspection, he found out that the old man had been poisoned for a long time. In a few days, he would die!

He did not dare to neglect.

Since he has promised to help people detoxify, he naturally wants to do his best.

It took 20 minutes for the old man's poison to be released by Tang long. At this time, the time was very late, and there were no patients coming in again.

Through these days of treatment, people poisoned in Jinling City have been nearly treated by Tang long.

Just out of the quiet room, Tang Long is in a daze.

He even saw Jiang HaoChen!

Jiang HaoChen came here only this afternoon. He came back to Jinling City this afternoon. However, he got the news that someone could detoxify the cold poison at the first time. He rushed back to the war god's house, only to know that his father was taken to detoxify.

He hurried to the inn, saw the North Palace fairy and the night, suddenly is also very unexpected!

He did not expect that it was Tang Long who was treating the disease in Jinling City!

Originally, his heart was filled with infinite depression, did not get the spring of life, in his opinion, his father Jiang mengxiu, must be hopeless.

But did not think, heaven has no way out!

Seeing Tang Long coming out of the quiet room, Jiang HaoChen suddenly got nervous and grasped Tang Long's hand directly: "brother, my father is an old man. What's the matter now? Can you remove the poison from his old man's house?"

"His poison has been removed." Tang Long retracted his hand from Jiang HaoChen's.

Hearing Tang Long's words, Jiang HaoChen rushed into the quiet room.

At this time, in the quiet room, there were not only Jiang mengxiu, but also seventeen and eighteen poisoned people. At this time, these people were detoxified by Tang long.

However, each one is still very weak, it will take a long time to recover.

Beigong Xianer and Youye come together. Youye sees that Tang Long's face is obviously tired. He feels a little distressed. He quickly comes over and asks, "good man, are you tired? Let's go and have a rest first.""How many people are there?" Tang Long asked

"Now, with the classics gone, the poisoned people in Jinling City are basically cured by you." The answer is Beigong xian'er. She also comes to Tang Long's hands with her own delicate jade hands: "bad guys, let's go to have a rest."


Tang Long nodded his head. In his heart, he also vomited a long breath. Finally, the poisoned people were detoxified. He could have a good rest.

Back in the guest room, Tang Long sits on the sofa and cuddles Beigong Xianer and Youye together in his arms.

Although the two girls were not very nice, they were held tightly by Tang long, but when they saw that he was very tired, they could not bear to let him down, so they had to bear the shyness and hold him well.

But at this time, there was a roar outside!

then, the voice of scolding was repeated:

"that detoxification boy, get out of here, otherwise, I will kill all the people in this inn!"

"Everybody, search for me!"

"Anyone who dares to stop me will be merciless and will not be forgiven for killing."

"Bang Bang --"

"who dares to fight in Jinling City? Do you really think that our God of war does not exist? Do you think that Jinling City is so easy to bully? " This is obviously Jiang HaoChen's voice!

And followed closely, and then came the sound of reprimand.

Then, the roar of the sky, one after another!

Tang Long frowned slightly.

He wanted to have a good rest, but at this time, it was obvious that someone did not want him to have a good rest.

Youye was a little angry: "good man, I'll go out and have a look."

At this time, the strength of Youye is the three realms of magic power. On top of that, there is a magical beast Canghai Qinglong. The strength of those people outside is not the opponent of Youye, let alone Canghai Qinglong.

Tang long thought that it would be good to go out and have a look at the quiet night.

Youye left Tang Long's arms and stood up to go outside.

Beigong xian'er didn't trust to go out alone at night, so he got up and went out with him.

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