Tang Long laughs and does not hide the thought in his heart: "Zi Yi, I will go back now. I really miss you so much. I have to go back to eat you quickly!"

"You are not serious, you are!" Qin Ziyi's voice, with a little bit of shyness, but also with a little bit of joy, gently said: "you come back I, I miss you a little bit


Tang Long answered, and soon called out the wisdom heart gate. In a twinkling of an eye, he appeared in front of Qin Ziyi.

Qin Ziyi was very happy to see Tang Long come back.

Tang Long gently held her in his arms: "Ziyi, I'll tell you some good news. My Dan division's strength has finally broken through to the level of Danti!"

"Really!" Qin ziyidun was surprised.

Tang Long complacent smile: "now, I can help you to improve your strength again, and should be able to help you improve a lot!"

"Let's go to the training room now!" Qin Zi followed the busy road.

"What's the hurry? The business has not been done yet." In Tang Long's eyes, a evil smile appeared: "just now you promised me to give me something to eat. Now, you refuse to agree?"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Qin ziyidun's pretty face turned red.

Can't you promise her?!

"You are a bad girl. Life is my nemesis. How can I refuse you if you want to? I give it to you." Qin Zi nestled in Tang Long's arms, her eyes closed slightly: "I knew you had come back, you must bully me!"

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Tang Long laughs and holds Qin Ziyi in his arms.

Qin Ziyi let Tang Long embrace, in the heart, is also a kind of, very strange feeling, heart sweet happiness, waiting for the coming, a mysterious beautiful.


the sky was bright, and Tang Longshen was refreshing.

Turning his head and taking a look at Qin Ziyi and xiaoque'er who are still asleep, Tang Long's face also shows a smile of some pride.

He went out quietly. First, he found out the Tang Dynasty and inquired about the Nanli Dynasty. He knew that the Nanli Dynasty was completely controlled by the Tang clan. Tang Long was also satisfied.

Now, there is a transmission array connecting Nanli Dynasty and Fengtian city. Tang Long is not very worried about that.

Although the number of powerful Tangmen is still a little small, with the help of transmission array and space wormhole, Tanglong can quickly mobilize the powerful of Tangmen, which can give full play to the comprehensive strength of Tangmen!

Tang long looked at Tang Que and asked, "how is your strength improved?"

"The five of us have been working hard to break through the peak state of supernatural powers and reach the extraordinary state. Li Dahan and Tang Yang, as well as Xi Meng, also have some improvement in their strength, from the three levels of supernatural powers to the four levels of supernatural powers. "

"It seems that during my absence, your cultivation is still hard work."

Tang Long is also quite satisfied with the improvement of their strength.

He is a Dandi by the classics, with which he can display the art of creation!

Next, he plans to use the art of creation to help them improve their strength again. In this way, their strength can be greatly improved.

"You go and find them all. By the way, the Dragon guards are also called here!" Tang Long's voice dropped, and he was planning to contact Ye Qingling and them. He was also trying to help them to use the art of creation.

But at this time, deep in the heart, sounded a quiet night anxious voice: "good man, have you come out from the holy land of the three emperors?"

"Come out." Tang Long's voice dropped, followed closely: "good night Son, I was just looking for you!"

"It's very nice of you to come out. Can you come to me right away?" The way in a hurry in the dark night, in the voice, that touch of anxiety became obvious a lot: "I have something to do here, I found that my black, and my soul contact, is about to disappear!"


Tang Long's eyebrows, suddenly slightly wrinkled.

You ye and Tang long had said before when she was together that she lent her friend to help her friend with her task.

Tang Long said, "don't worry, I'll go right now."

Then he called out the door of wisdom.

In a short time, huixinmen was called out. Tang Long simply told Tang Kuo a few words, and then he left directly through Huixin gate. In a twinkling of an eye, he appeared in front of the dark night.

"What's going on?" He asked, looking at the anxious night.

You night to see Tang long, eyes suddenly slightly red: "good man, my dog, may die!"

"No hurry, dear!" Tang long held the night in his arms: "with me, I will never let you have any accidents."

"Yes." You night gently should a, in the heart a little more stable.

Tang Long said: "you can calm down and feel the current position of Chen in silence. Before the death of the contract god beast, the master can feel its general position. As long as you are in the same continent, you can feel it!""Yes." You night should a: "we are now in the purple land, love snow to do the task of the place, is the virtual cloud land!"

"Let's go to Xuyun continent first!" Tang Long made a decision: "you must know where love snow is doing the task?"

"I know."

"Where is there a space wormhole? Let's go now

"This is in our tianxie sect. I know where the wormhole is. Come with me."

With Tang Long around, you Ye's heart tension and panic are reduced a lot, the mind is gradually calm down.

With Tang long, they soon arrived at a space insect cave of tianxie sect, and then they walked into the space wormhole together. In a flash, they appeared in a completely strange place!

this is the Xuyun continent, the place where our good friend loves snow in the dark night and does the task: Qingyu holy city.

The holy city of Qingyu is a medium-sized city in Xuyun continent.

Qingyu holy city is a mountain city.

The city is surrounded by mountains, and the mountains are full of trees and Warcraft. Therefore, the holy city of Qingyu is often haunted by Warcraft.

Under normal circumstances, Qingyu holy city is also very safe. Even if some Warcraft invades, they will be hunted and killed by the warriors of Qingyu holy city, which can not bring much danger to Qingyu holy city.

Only occasionally, there are monsters here!

Once there are monsters, the warriors of Qingyu holy city can't deal with it. They have to issue a task and ask the people of ancient ancestral clan to come and solve the problem.

The ancient sect responsible for the safety of Qingyu holy city is the tianxie sect.

Love snow this time, is to hunt and kill monsters.

She came alone.

Although it is still difficult to hunt and kill high-level monsters with her strength, after all, she takes the mysterious beast of the dark night, and at this time, all of them have grown up to the level of a sacred beast.

It's easy to hunt and kill only one or two monsters with the help of Chen!

But I didn't expect that, after so long, the task of love snow has not been completed, and at this time, the dark night of Chen, unexpectedly also appeared life-threatening!

This is obviously not normal!

Tang Long took the slender jade hand of the secluded night and walked to the street of the holy city of Qingyu: "ye'er, you can feel it and see where Chen is."


The night nodded.

She closed her eyes and felt the little spiritual connection between her and her.

At this time, the spiritual connection was extremely weak, and the soul contract between her and Chen would disappear if there was nothing in the Sutra. She was very nervous and worried at once.

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