"Good man, you're going to die!"

You night looking at Tang long, eyes with some red.

"Good, don't worry. It's OK. We'll rush to the place. Tell me where Chen is first." Tang Long comforts the night.

Quiet night barely stable mood: "I can only know the direction in the northeast, how far away from here, I can't feel it!"

"Just know the direction!"

Tang Long put down his heart, as long as he knew the direction and found the position of Chen, it would not be very difficult.

At this time, there were still people coming and going on the streets of the holy city of Qingyu. But Tang long did not care much at this moment and directly called out the Golden Phoenix!

The Golden Phoenix is dazzling and brilliant. All of a sudden, passers-by around them are shocked to see the noble and holy martial art of the Golden Phoenix. They only heard of the Phoenix in legend, but they didn't expect that, suddenly, Juran saw the real thing!

Tang long ignored the passers-by's surprise, and took his arms around his slender waist in the dark night. He jumped lightly, and he jumped to the back of the Golden Phoenix!


The Golden Phoenix roared, and the golden power swept out of her body. Her wings fluttered, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder. She flew up towards the high altitude rapidly!

On the back of the Golden Phoenix, Tang Long embraces the quiet night: "night, what direction?"

"This way!"

The slender jade finger in the dark night points to the direction on the left.

Tang long no longer hesitated, commanding the Golden Phoenix, toward the direction of the dark night pointed to quickly!

At this time, the Golden Phoenix grew up to the level of a sacred beast. Its flying speed was several times faster than that of the previous one. A strong wind of golden light roared in the air. In a twinkling of an eye, the Golden Phoenix carried the Tang dragon and the dark night and flew several kilometers away by Sutra!

In the dark night, Tang long held him in his arms, and his heart was supported. His panic and tension were relieved a lot. He felt the spiritual connection with him and pointed out the direction.

Half an hour passed.

At this time, the Golden Phoenix flew to the top of a mountain.

It's covered with clouds and trees!

"Here it is, my dog is here, good man, let's get down quickly!" You night in a hurry, pointing to the road below.

"Good, don't worry, it will be all right!" Tang Long embraces the secluded night way: "we first confirm the following situation."

Because at this time, he did not know what was going on below. Tang long did not dare to scare the snake. He ordered Jin Fenghuang to land down quietly. At the same time, Tang long used the vast sea to explore the surrounding environment.

When the vast sea was used, Tang long could clearly feel any tiny movement or movement between heaven and earth within 500 meters, even if it was a slight flow of air.

Golden Phoenix by the descent, less than 100 meters from the ground!


Tang Long ordered the Golden Phoenix to stop. At this time, he was aware of the abnormal situation around him!

Around here, there are countless cold breath!

Obviously, there are a lot of Warcraft here, and even a lot of monsters. The environment here is very dangerous, which can be said to be in crisis step by step!

"How can snow come out of love so far? It's a long way from the holy city of Qingyu. What's more, how can there be so much smell of Warcraft and monsters around here? "

"The most important thing is, even if others have an intention to love snow, there is no need to choose such a place?"

"This situation is a little abnormal."

Tang Long frowned.

Quietly commanding the Golden Phoenix, he landed on the top of a big tree and collected the Golden Phoenix. Tang long, embracing the quiet night, quietly drifted down from the tree.


Tang Long's feet just landed on the ground, and a thunderous roar was heard a hundred meters away!

"It's my dog!"

You night in Tang Long's arms, nervously looking at his good man: "good man, we used to be my dog, it's going to die!"

"Good, don't worry!"

Tang Long stabilized his mind, but did not dare to delay any time.

You know, Chen is a divine beast. It would be a pity to lose it.

The most important thing is that Chen is the first god beast in the dark night. You ye and this god beast obviously have deep feelings. How can he let this beast die easily and make you sad?!

Holding the slender waist in the dark night, Tang Long's body swayed and left in the direction of the sound just now!


It was less than a hundred meters away, and a white monster flew towards Tang long. It was a snake that was more than ten meters long and glittering with silver light!

the snake saw that it was about to rush to Tang long, and suddenly opened its mouth, and suddenly a silver light poisonous smoke flew towards Tang Long like an arrow!

This is a level Four monster.

Although the monster is very powerful, Tang Long doesn't pay attention to it at all!With a finger raised, a pillar of golden flame flew out of the fingertips and flew towards the poisonous snake of the four level monster. It collided with the silver white poisonous smoke emitted by the monster!


Strong roar, toxic smoke was bombarded by the fragmentation of the rolling golden flame, direct combustion phagocytosis!

The light column of the golden flame, however, hit the poisonous snake on its body with great force. It flew out more than 20 meters and hit a big tree!

The trunk of the big tree is shaking violently!

This fourth level monster's venomous snake, the whole head, has been smashed!

The serpent fell to the ground and remained motionless, but at this time, the strange flute sounded!

All of a sudden, around Tang long, dozens of cold and strong Qi roared towards this side!

In all directions, they are all poisonous snakes!

These poisonous snakes, at least at the level of monsters, are all poisonous snakes. All of them roar towards Tang long. In the blink of an eye, the nearest poisonous snake to Tang Long is less than 10 meters!


Tang Long snorted coldly. On his body, the golden flame suddenly burst out and turned into an energy mask of golden flame. He and the night were completely wrapped in it!

One by one, the poisonous snakes hit the golden flame energy shield, and suddenly there was a roar in succession!

although there are many poisonous snakes, there are hundreds of them, but none of them can break the golden flame energy shield condensed by Tang Long!

The sound of the flute continues!

The poisonous snake seems to be crazy. It is reckless and attacks Tang long!

"This poisonous snake has been manipulated

Tang longan's pupils are deep and congealed. In his eyes, there is a touch of cold and cold.

He noticed that there were dozens of people there 300 meters away, and besides the sound of the flute, he also heard the cry of the girl, among them, the voice of low voice and roar!

Obviously, love snow and that god beast, is not far away!

Holding the night in his arms directly, Tang Long's mind moved, and all the gods and beasts came out of the heavenly spirit garden!

"kill me!"

Tang Long's cold rage!




the roar of the supernatural beast suddenly sounded like earth shaking. At this time, Tang Long transformed his Scripture into a golden light and went forward rapidly. His divine beast, following him, was also flying forward!

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