Extremely sharp purple red knife awn, suddenly appears from Tang que!

The sword awn rose to the sky and soared a hundred meters. Then, Tang que rushed out in front of him in the cover of this awn!

The rolling fire power and dense flame sword light bombarded Tang que one after another!

however, at this time, Tang que seemed to have really become a knife, a real knife, and even possessed the body of the King Kong of the sword. He was not afraid of the bombardment of these flame energy at all!

The body shape rushes forward rapidly, the knife awn tore everything in front!

In the rolling flame, he split the rolling flame in front of him like lightning. The countless flame swords, including the flame Phoenix, were directly split into two parts. In a twinkling of an eye, he once again appeared in front of huomengsha!

"I never allow others to attack me, even if it's you, only this time!"

Cold voice, with a touch of fierce murderous air!

Tang Que's cold gaze at fire mengsha, his palm, with a purple sharp knife awn, once again fell on fire mengsha's throat!

Fire mengsha's pretty face, instantly become pale!

Looking at Tang Kuo, her eyes are full of fear!

At that moment, she clearly felt that Tang Kui had turned into a sword, a heaven Sabre which was dominating heaven and earth!

Moreover, the knife, as if it had magic power, could control her completely. She could not move at all!

This knife seems to be able to cut through the sky and cut directly from her body!

She can only wait to die!

But now she knew that she was still alive!

However, just now Tang Que's aggressive attack left an indelible impression in her heart!

That's the impression that you can only surrender and can't be defeated at all!

"Let's go!"

Tang que turned around coldly, with the wind and cloud thunder and lightning and others, striding toward the distance. The cold voice came to Huo mengsha's ears: "fire girl, don't always think that you are invincible in the world. In this world, people who are stronger than you are everywhere!"

Fire mengsha stupidly looks at a group of people who are far away, in the heart has a kind of extremely thick frustration feeling.

For a long time, she always felt that she was better than others, her cultivation talent was super strong, and she was absolutely intelligent. She felt that no one among the younger generation could be better than her.

However, at this moment, she had to admit that, at least in the aspect of cultivation, Tang Kuo far surpassed her!

And Tang lack's reaction speed, also far surpasses her!

Just now she took advantage of Tang Kuo's restrained breath to launch an attack suddenly. She knew that even if she herself was in that situation, she would be seriously injured!

However, Tang Kuo even chose to fight head-on and even had the ability to kill her directly!

The instant reaction speed, as well as the speed of rapid condensation of vitality, are incredibly fast!

The power of the attack that broke out in a flash was even more terrifying!

In front of Tang Kuo, she was like a lamb in front of him. She had no resistance at all, which made her pride and self-confidence suffer a heavy blow!

Lei Jinhu saw fire mengsha standing still, a face of frustration, but also in the heart, very helpless sigh.

At this time, he is also shocked by Tang Kuo's move just now!

He knew that the attack, regardless of speed or strength, and even the profound meaning contained in it, reached a kind of supreme state with Scripture!

"How do these young people do it?"

Lei Jinhu was shocked.

Turning to look at huomengsha, he reluctantly comforts: "fire girl, these guys are monsters, and in terms of real strength, you may not really lose to him!"

"He's better than me!"

Fire mengsha a little numb said, turned to look at Lei Jinhu: "they are all Tangmen people?"

"Not bad!" Lei Jinhu nodded.

Huomengsha bit her teeth and said, "Lord Lei, from today on, our Huoshen sect has become an alliance with you. It is not because of Jiang Yuchen, and there is absolutely no strict requirement. In the future, we will help each other."

Lei Jinhu was stunned.

He did not expect fire mengsha, suddenly said such a sentence.

In fact, he is very clear in his mind that the comprehensive strength of the thunder temple is not as good as the fire god religion. After all, he just died of a strong saint in the temple of thunder!

And the internal problems have not been solved!

"Girl, this is --" he looked at fire mengsha, a little confused, but also some surprise.

In this island of fire of death, the weak eat the strong, which is the most reasonable!

At this time, he thunder Temple civil strife, strength weakened, in case the other five forces came to rob, he thunder temple, also some danger.

If it is allied with the fire god religion, the thunder temple will surely get great benefits.

Of course, the premise of this alliance must be fair!

Fire mengsha looked at Lei Jinhu and said faintly, "I have only one condition. This alliance must be included in Tangmen.""Of course Lei Jinhu nodded immediately.

Huo mengsha went to her two female subordinates: "prepare me to live here. I want to live in a place with Tangmen people. At least, it must be very close."


Such a simple request, Lei Jinhu naturally agreed.

At this time, he was very happy.

Although huomengsha is just a girl, her words have a lot of weight!

Lei Jinhu's mind began to make plans secretly with Scripture:

"next, as long as the wedding of Tang Lei and Qian Qian Qian is completed, I can deal with Jiang Yuchen immediately, and even before the star and martial arts fight for hegemony, I can break the threat of thunder Temple!"

Planning the next thing in his mind, he suddenly thought of one thing!

"that boy is Dandi, and help Qianqian detoxify!"

"His medical skills are not bad."

"My God, how can I forget this matter? How important it is

Lei Jinhu thought of this matter, and his heart suddenly filled with ecstasy!

"If this thing can succeed, what else will Lei Temple fear? Even if a holy sect is dead, even if half of the elders will be killed next, the thunder temple will still stand still and even become the strongest one

He took a deep breath and looked at huomengsha, the haze that he had repressed for many years in his heart was suddenly swept away!

Even, he wanted to look up and laugh!

Tang wanted them to go back.

When they arrived at the place where they lived and walked into the living room, they saw Tang Long and Xue linyue chatting there.

When Tang Long saw that Tang Kuo came back, he asked, "what's the situation?"

Tang Kuo said: "that fire mengsha is too rude, so I gave her a little lesson to let her know a little bit of propriety."

"Yes." Tang Long nodded and said nothing more.

Tang Kuo and they went down to have a rest together.

Lei Jinhu soon came over and seemed very enthusiastic. At this time, he was able to have lunch. The people went to have lunch together.

After dinner, Lei Jinhu looked at Tang Long with a smile: "master of Tang clan, I know you are a Dan master and a noble Dandi. I want to ask you, don't know you are still good at detoxification?"

"Not bad." Tang Long modestly way, followed closely: "how, you here someone poisoned?"

"Not bad." Lei Jinhu nodded: "is a benefactor of mine."

Tang Long asked, "how long has it been poisoned?"

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