"My benefactor has been poisoned for decades!" Lei Jinhu said: "not only poisoning, but also very serious internal injury, I think of a lot of ways, but also failed to cure his internal injury, also failed to help him detoxify."

"Where is this man now?"

"It's in Tianlei city. If I can, I'm going to go with you to see him tomorrow. Whether it's OK or not, it's always good to try."

"All right." Tang Long nodded.

Now, things here in Tianlei city have been basically solved, and the martial arts competition has been completed.

He has nothing to do now.

Lei Jinhu said: "by the way, next, what else do you have to be busy with?"

"Nothing more." Tang Long told the truth: "in a few days, when your daughter's martial arts contest is over, we should go back to Tangmen."

"In such a hurry?" Lei Jinhu Leng Leng Leng: "why don't you plan to participate in star martial arts competition?"

"Star Wars for hegemony?" Tang Long curiously looked at Lei Jinhu: "is that the so-called Tianying ranking competition?"

"Yes Lei Jinhu nodded: "this competition is very important in the fire island of death. It is held every two years. We usually take part in it. On the one hand, we understand the strength changes of other sects, on the other hand, we also want to explore the ghost land."

"Ghost land?" Tang Long asked, "where is this place?"

"It's a place full of weird things. It belongs to an unknown continent, which should be at the end of its extinction. There are many strange things in it."

"Is ghost land dangerous?"

"It's dangerous, but I think it's worth it." Lei Jinhu's voice fell down, pause, continued: "however, we Tiankui list of people, can not go to the ghost land, because want to pass through the door of the ghost world, only people under 100 years old can do it."

"I see." Tang Long was curious about the ghost land.

"How long will it be before the star and martial arts fight for hegemony?" he asked

"It's about a month away." Lei Jinhu said: "we are not far away from Xingwu, so we can start a week in advance."

"In that case, we can go together then." Tang Longdao.

He didn't care about the list of heavenly heroes and the list of heavenly champions, but he had some curiosity about the ghost land.

He had been to lingjue Tianjing before and got a lot of harvest. Maybe this ghost land is also a magical place. Maybe he went there, and he could get more!

Naturally, he didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

They talked for a while, and Lei Jinhu said: "the marriage between Tang clan leader, little girl and Tang Lei, I think we can do it in the past few days?"

"This one!" Tang Long hesitated a little.

Seeing Tang Long hesitated, Lei Jinhu felt a little nervous and asked, "what's wrong?"

Tang Long said: "this matter, or to see Tang Lei's own meaning."

"Then ask for me."


Next, the two chatted for a while. Naturally, Lei Jinhu was very busy, so he stood up and left in a hurry.

Tang long had nothing to do. He went to the streets of Tianlei city together with xuelinyue, so as to know the situation of Lei city on that day.

Half afternoon, two people stroll tired, this just came back together, just walked into the living room, saw Tang Yang come in a hurry.

Tang Yang went to Tang Long and said in a deep voice, "young master, there is something wrong with Jiang Yuchen."

"What's the situation?" Tang Long asked.

Before the end of the martial arts competition, he asked Tang Yang to stare at Jiang Yuchen quietly to see Jiang Yuchen. Next, he wanted to do something sinister. Now that Tang Yang is back, Tang Long knows that Tang Yang must have gained something.

Tang Yang said: "Jiang Yuchen, as expected, is not a thief. He thinks of a way to deal with us, and this means is so vicious that people can't imagine it!"

"Oh, tell me!"

"He went to Huo Pengyang and promised to let Huo Pengyang get Lei Qianqian. He also said that if Huo mengsha died, Huo Pengyang's status in the fire god religion could be promoted to the highest level. Then they made arrangements to attack Huo mengsha this evening."

Tang Long immediately frowned: "that fire Pengyang, want to attack his sister?"

"Not bad!" Tang Yang nodded and continued: "they also said that they would pin this crime on our Tangmen, and then they would like to use the anger of the fire temple to destroy the things between us and the thunder temple."

"What a sinister fellow

After listening to Tang Yang's words, Tang Long took a cold breath in his heart!

I had a chat with Lei Jinhu for a while before. He also knew that huomengsha had a very special position in Huoshen cult. If huomengsha had an accident and was planted in Tangmen, the consequences would be extremely serious!

Once this happens, Lei Jinhu will not help Tangmen in order to get rid of trouble!This matter, Tang long can't ignore!

"What are they going to do?" he asked

"I don't know that yet. I followed Jiang Yuchen to the place where he practiced. He asked someone to come into the room to discuss the matter. I listened outside. At first, I could barely hear them. Later, the voice was too low for me to hear them."

"It seems that you have to watch the fire in mengsha to prevent accidents!" Tang Long slightly frowned: "you go to find the dream of the night!"


Tang Yang responded and went quickly.

Lin Xi dream is practicing in the house. When he hears a knock at the door, he comes to open the door.

Seeing that it was Tang Yang, he asked, "ice, isn't the young master asking you to carry out the task? How is it going? "

"I'm coming for this. The young master asked me to call you over."


Lin Xi dream did not say much, and Tang Yang went out together, soon appeared in front of Tang long.

Tang long looked at Lin Ximeng and Tang Yang: "you two, go and stare at Jiang Yuchen secretly. As long as you find any changes in him, come back and tell me immediately. This matter must be kept secret, and no one should know it!"


They nodded and went away quietly.

Tang Long turned to look at the leopard: "moon, you have to help me!"

"For what?"

"Go to Huo mengsha and sit there and try to stop her from going out. If someone asks her to go out, you will come back and tell me immediately!"


The snow leaves the month to answer a, stand up to turn and go.

Huomengsha lives in a small building next to them, which is less than 30 meters away from them.

Tang Long has nothing to do but wait for news. He uses huixinmen to contact Youye to chat.

He is still a little worried about the safety of the night.

After all, ye Qingling and their master are very good to them. Beigong Xianer is more safe. Tang Long is very relieved, but the night is different.

Although Tang Long knew that Youye's identity was very high in tianxie sect, he didn't know what background Youye had.

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