Lei Jinhu also knows that it is not easy to start rashly at this time, otherwise a bad one will cause heavy losses!

With a smile, he said in a roundabout way: "I believe that the water Lord must not know that eating wine and vegetables will lead to poisoning. However, everyone is making a false alarm at this time. I think we should go back and have a rest and prepare for the next competition of Tiankui list."

"No problem!"

"It's just that I'm tired too. It's time to go back and have a rest."

"Yes, yes, everyone, go back to rest."


some martial artists immediately echoed Lei Jinhu's words, and they all knew that on this day's Guangtai stage, they could not easily do anything. If it was not good, the situation would be out of control.

Water cold mountain at this time, naturally also want to find a step down.

He bowed his hands at the crowd with an apologetic face, and sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry, it's my poor knowledge that nearly hurt everyone. I'm here to make amends for you!"

"If you don't kill me, we'll burn incense!"

Li Yunlong snorted coldly, and with more than 50 warriors from the sandstorm castle, he strode straight away!

Obviously, he did not intend to attend the exchange meeting again.

Lei Jinhu and huoyuntian naturally will not stay here, with their own people, stride towards the distance.

Tang long, of course, followed Lei Jinhu.

At this time, his heart, is also a long breath.

If he had not been careful and carefully explored the wine and the dishes in the cup, if he had not found the live poison, I am afraid he would have been in real trouble today.

Even if he is not afraid of poison, what about Xue Lingyue and Li Dahan?!

What's more, if one is not careful, those guys of Tianshui sect must be the first to kill him. Can he block the attack of so many powerful warriors of Tianshui sect by himself?!

Back to the residence, Lei Jinhu also took a long breath.

He knew it was too dangerous today!

Thank you to Tang long, and then you go in a hurry.

He had to make a good arrangement. After all, after all, this day's Guangtai can't be as peaceful as before!

What will be the outcome of the next Tiankui competition?!

In order to ensure that the strong people of Lei temple will not lose, Lei Jinhu wants to let Lei Temple withdraw from the competition of Tiankui list!

"It seems that I have to consult Huo Yuntian."

Lei Jinhu secretly thought, directly toward the fire temple that side of the station in a hurry.

Because of this accident, this session of the exchange conference was cancelled quietly, and the people of the five major forces, in secret, also began to be on guard. I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen here!

Two days passed.

Today, it's the day for the competition of Tiankui list!

Before the competition began, Lei Jinhu jumped onto a competition platform, glanced at everyone, and said in a loud voice: "because there are some important things to be dealt with in Lei temple, all the people in Lei temple will withdraw from the competition in this session of Tiankui list."

The voice of his announcement fell. Under the competition platform, more than 100000 martial artists watched the contest, and they all talked about it one by one!

These people who came to watch the competition were not all from the five forces, but a large part of them were vagrant warriors from the island of fire of death. These people had heard some news in the past two days.

Lei Jinhu ignored the comments on the stage and the face of tie Qing, the leader of Tianshui sect. He announced that he had finished and jumped off the competition platform directly.

And followed closely, Huo Yuntian, the leader of the fire god cult, also jumped on the competition platform!

He also announced that the fire god religion withdraws from the competition of Tiankui list!

Li Yunlong also jumped on the competition platform and announced that fengshabao also withdrew from the competition of this year's Tiankui list. He said in a loud voice: "in order to prepare for the competition of the next Tiankui list with all our heart and soul, he will not participate in this competition of Tiankui list any more!"

When the voice dropped, he also jumped off the competition platform directly.

And then, muyetang and Tianshui sect also announced their withdrawal from the competition!

People from the five major forces have announced their withdrawal. Naturally, there is no way to go on the contest of the top five!

The competition of this session of the Tiankui list is just like this!

But no one left!

After all, in a few days, it will be the day when the people from tianyingbang go to the ghost land. Of course, we will not forget this matter. So the people of the five major forces gathered together to discuss the list of people going to the ghost land!

Naturally, this kind of consultation was soon completed.

In a hurry, four days later, on the morning of the fifth day, all the 100 people from tianyingbang came to the square of tianguangtai competition.

In the middle of the square, the leaders of the five forces were standing there with a solemn face.

Among the major forces, the powerful saints also gathered here.

They want to open the door of the ghost world!

The door of the ghost world is in the center of the Guangtai. It requires at least ten powerful saints to use a powerful array to open the seal at the same time.Moreover, every two years, only these two days, can open the door of ghost land!

The ten powerful saints who are responsible for opening the door of the ghost world are all ready to open the door of the ghost world immediately.

Tang Long was looking forward to it, but he also knew that the journey to the ghost land would never be peaceful!

Tang Kuo their internal injuries, in these days of self-cultivation, as early as by healing. At this time, they are all on the list of Tianying list, of course, they will enter the ghost land adventure together.

Only half a month has passed since the ghost world was opened.

Half a month later, people will come out of the ghost land and return to tianguangtai.

The ten powerful saints who were responsible for opening the door of the ghost world began their actions with scriptures. At this time, the five major forces also called their disciples who could enter the ghost world together to exhort them.

Tang Long and them, nature and thunder Temple together.

Lei Jinhu looked at Tang Long and said seriously: "in the past years, before entering the ghost land, our five major forces will have an agreement. In the ghost land, when the younger disciples of any force meet, they absolutely can't do anything with each other. But this year, because there is no exchange meeting, there is no agreement!"

The voice dropped, slightly pause, deep voice way: "after entering the ghost land, those guys of Tianshui sect, once they meet you, they are likely to do harm to you. You must be careful!"

"Don't worry, we'll be careful." Tang Long nodded.

Lei Jinhu looked at Tang Long and said, "master of Tang clan, I know your strength is not weak, so I want to ask you something."

"Say it."

"It's not easy for us to train the younger disciples of Lei temple. I hope you can take care of them when we get to the ghost land. We'd better take action together. How do you think?"

After listening to Lei Jinhu's words, Tang Long immediately frowned.

He went to the ghost land to look for natural materials and treasures.

However, if you agree to Lei Jinhu's request, you should take the people from the temple of thunder in tianyingbang to take an adventure in the ghost land. There are more than a dozen of these people. It's really a bit of a drag for so many people to look for Tiancai Dibao together!

After all, the people of Tangmen have gods and beasts, and their actions will be much slower!

Seeing Tang Long's embarrassment, Lei Jinhu sighed: "now we are on the same boat with you, Tang clan leader. I hope you will agree to this request!"

"Yes, I promise!" Tang Long nodded solemnly.

He can't refuse!

If there is anything wrong with the descendants of Lei SHENDIAN in the ghost world, the relationship between Tangmen and leishendian will be rigid after they come out of the ghost land!

You know, out of the ghost world, the danger has not been lifted!

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