In the past years, when the younger disciples went to the ghost land, the strong ones of the five forces would stay here and wait for 15 days to ensure the safe return of the younger disciples.

This year's situation is very special, the strong of the five major forces. Tang Long knows that he and Tianshui sect have become water and fire by virtue of the scripture potential. If you want to take Tangmen people to leave tianguangtai safely, you must rely on the power of Lei temple!

"don't worry, I will try my best to ensure the safety of all the people in the temple!"

Tang Long made a guarantee to Lei Jinhu.

Seeing that Tang Long agreed to his request, Lei Jinhu was relieved. He looked at the Tianshui sect, but he couldn't help worrying.

What he is worried about now is the future of the whole temple of thunder!

it is obvious that the present Tianshui sect Yijing is very powerful and has a tacit understanding with muyetang.

In this case, when all the five forces leave tianguangtai, the death flame island will soon usher in a big war!

"I just hope that this war will come later."

Lei Jinhu thought secretly.

Now the thunder temple, the comprehensive strength is too weak.

Moreover, although some oral agreements have been reached with Vulcan religion, there is still a certain distance from the cooperation and alliance between the two sides.

Moreover, even if the thunder temple and the fire god religion are united, they are still not as powerful as Tianshui sect and Muye hall have!

Lei Jinhu plans to find Li Yunlong and bring the sand castle into the alliance!

At this time, the door of the ghost world was opened, and the top 100 of Tianying list walked towards the door of the ghost world.

The martial arts of the Tianshui sect, the first to enter the ghost world.

Then, the fire god religion and the wind sand castle people, as well as the wood leaf hall people, also successively entered the door of the ghost world.

Finally, it was Tang Long's turn.

Seeing that, Tang Long and they also went to the entrance of the door of the ghost world. This is a dark door of space. Inside the door of space, there is a strong energy churning and whirling, pouring out the breath of ancient famine.


Tang Long turned his head and took a look at the people of Tangmen behind him, as well as the young disciples of thunder temple. Then, he was the first to enter the gate of the ghost land.

Then, snow to listen to the moon and Lei Qianqian, they are also into the door of the ghost world.

Tang Long through the door of the ghost land, in a blink of an eye, he arrived at a completely strange world.

There is a dark sky between heaven and earth. There are thick black clouds above the sky. The whole world seems to be oppressed by dark clouds.

Around, there are all kinds of dark plants!

There are flowers and plants, trees -

the people who came in before have disappeared.

This is not surprising, because through the gate of the ghost land, every group of people who come in will arrive at different places. Tang Long and they come in together, so they can be together, but the people in front of them are completely separated from them.

They don't know where they are.

Even they have no idea where the people who came in before have gone.

People turned around and looked around. Xue linyue said beside Tang Long: "laipi, what direction are we going?"

"This way."

Tang Long points to a direction.

He did not know which direction it was in the southeast and northwest. There was no sun or moon here. The sky was completely covered by dark clouds. Although there was light, it was emitted through the clouds.

This light is very weak, even if Tang Long's vision, can only see blurred within 100 meters.

"Be careful, everyone. Don't get lost."

Tang Long said, is the first to go forward.

Before coming in, Tang longyijing had some understanding of the situation of the ghost land. After all, Lei Qianqian and her two years ago, they had come to this ghost land because they were the people of Tianying list.

In this ghost land, you will encounter danger at any time.

In the past, Lei Qianqian and his disciples came here, and the younger disciples of the temple of thunder also concentrated on the action together.

Let's move together, find the danger and deal with it together.

In the ghost world, the biggest danger is a kind of monster called ghost beast.

Ghosts and beasts are dark and powerful. Some of them are very powerful, while others are weak.

Last time Lei Qianqian entered the ghost land, and did not dare to go far forward, because, with their strength, even if they attack in groups, they can only defeat one ghost beast. If they encounter more than two ghost beasts, they will be very dangerous!

The crowd moved forward carefully together.


All of a sudden, a thunderous roar was heard in the distance. The sound of the roar was like thunder, shaking the sky, even making a gust of wind blowing between heaven and earth!

"it's a ghost animal!"

Yin Tianfeng's body shape flashed, to Tang long, eyes full of vigilance!

Lei Qianqian and they are all nervous.Tang Long is also a little nervous.

After all, he has never seen a ghost animal. Before listening to Lei Qianqian, ghost beast is very powerful. Even if the person ranked first in the Tianying list before, if a person meets a ghost animal, he can only flee for his life!

In this ghost land, ten people in company, if there is no top 20 in Tianying list, it will be extremely dangerous!


The roar of the sky roared again!

Then Tang long felt that the whole earth was shaking violently!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom --"

the thunder like roar came from the ground. It seemed that there was a majestic mountain moving towards this side in the distance, which shocked Tang long!

"This ghost beast is really extraordinary

He thought to himself.

At this time, he finally saw the appearance of the ghost beast!

Ghosts and beasts appeared in his field of vision, less than 100 meters away from him!

The size of the ghost beast is more than 50 meters. It looks like a big ox. its whole body is dark, but its eyes are red with blood!

Giant cattle, ghosts and beasts, surrounded by dark energy, this energy is full of strong atmosphere of destruction and death, which also contains a very strong force of famine!

"What a powerful momentum!"

Tang Long took a deep breath and turned his head to look at the leopard beside him: "yue'er, be careful, don't rush forward rashly. I'll deal with the ghost beast!"


The snow leaves the moon to answer.

When she saw the ghost beast in front of her, she was shocked!

The length of the ghost beast was more than 30 meters. It came forward fiercely. Every step on the ground, the ground was shaking violently. The dark stones on the ground were crushed by the explosion. They flew out in all directions!

Rolling black energy, like rolling black smoke, swept out of the body of giant cattle, ghosts and beasts!

In a short time, within 100 meters, they were completely covered by this dark energy, and the light around them became more and more dim!

"Qianqian, people with thunder temple, don't act rashly in the back!"

Tang Long's deep voice fell and gathered his vitality.

All of a sudden, the strength of the golden lightning, combined with the rolling golden flame, exploded madly from his body. His hands closed, quickly changed his fingerprints, and showed his magic! , the fastest update of the webnovel!