The poisons were distributed to the people and told them how to use them.

Then, he arranged all the plans in detail. After a pause, Tang Long said in a very serious voice: "you must do as I say. Remember, every step must not be wrong, otherwise everyone will be in great danger!"


The crowd nodded together.

Tang Long took out more than 20 Tianxiang ice soul pills and gave each one one.

Although this pill is not as effective as Jiubao Jiedu pill, the two poisons Tang Long gave them, Tianxiang Bingpi pill, can be easily removed, which can also ensure that they will not be poisoned.

After finishing these preparations, Tang Long said in a deep voice, "let's go!"


At the moment, Lei Jinhu and his wife no longer sit on the golden dragon, but quietly walk away from the woods towards the battlefield ahead.

Their task is to break the post!

According to Tang Long's plan, they don't need to fight hard.

Tang Kuo, of course, rode the dragon to the high altitude. They had to use poison and powder mixed with dust to deal with those who fought fiercely!

For the sake of safety, their gods and beasts are flying high!

"Wait a minute, you must be careful!" Tang Long glanced at the crowd and said in a deep voice: "as long as those people inhale the poison in the poisonous dust, they will be dizzy immediately. Moreover, if we use glare technique to block their sight, their attack will certainly stop for a short time. That's our chance!"

"I see!" The crowd nodded together.

At this time, Lei Jinhu and others are not here. All the people here are from Tangmen. Tang Long is good at commanding these people and will not make any mistakes!

Soon, they flew to the sky of fierce battle and the sky of Yinfeng valley!

"Boom, boom, boom -"

the roar of the sky below is still ringing. The fierce momentum is roaring in all directions, and the people below are still fighting fiercely!

Tang Long and they flew to the top of those surrounded by the fire god sect in this roaring energy!

"Jump down!"

Tang Long said in a solemn voice!


They all nodded together. Tang Yang and Lin Xi Meng, first of all, took their dragon and jumped down from the sky in the face of the strong wind!

As soon as they fall, they will directly use their body method and disappear in the air!

They fell about 50 meters, Tang Long and they just put away the beast and jumped down from the sky!

The fierce spirit is still roaring between heaven and earth!

Watching, Tang Long and their landing after three or four hundred meters, summoned the beast to pause, ease the speed of the fall.

Through the howling wind, they can see the fierce fighting people below!

There are hundreds of people down there, about 40 of them are gathered together, using some kind of formation, fighting with the people who surround them.

These people who use the array are the warriors of Huoshen cult!

"get ready for action!"

Tang Long said in a deep voice, and then, suddenly, a dazzling golden flame burst out!

Tang lacks their dragons, and all of them are taken back!

they fall again!

At this time, the red flame lion of Tang Long didn't take it back. However, the people who were fighting fiercely below found their arrival and looked up into the sky.

It has been found that Tang Long didn't care. The rescue plan was launched at this time.

Tang Long sat down and the red flame lion roared: "roar!"

It's like thunder in the sky.

One by one, they all looked up into the sky!

Many martial artists of Tianshui sect have seen Tang long in the previous tianyingbangbi test ground. At this time, they all recognized that it was Tang Long who fell from the sky. They suddenly said in a loud voice: "attack the air quickly. Kill these little things that don't know whether they are alive or dead first!"


All the warriors agreed loudly!

But at this time, suddenly, the dazzling purple light soared into the sky!

This dazzling purple light, however, is not from Tang Long and they, but from the place 100 meters below them!

This purple light is sent by Tang Yang and Lin Xi Meng. They are very close to the warrior below!

Tang Long's plan is very simple!

Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng first fall from the sky and hide by their body method. Tang Long and Tang Long fall behind and are responsible for attracting the enemy's idea. In this case, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng can get closer to the people below without being found by virtue of their body method!

You know, glare doesn't work well at too high a place.

Therefore, at this time, the first time to perform glare, must be completed by Lin Ximeng and Tang Yang, so as to be safe!When Lin Ximeng and Tang Yang perform glare, the sight of the people below is blocked. Then Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng directly take out the poison bag mixed with dust!

"Burst to pieces!"

Two people in the dazzling purple light, taking advantage of all people's line of sight has become blurred, directly condenses the vitality, will mix in the hands of the poison of the earth bag bombardment of broken!

Suddenly, with a pungent smell of dust, swept by the momentum, swept in all directions!

The people of Tianshui sect, as well as the surrounded Huoshen sect, were dazzled by purple light, and they could not see the situation in front of them. They all inhaled a lot of poisonous dust and became dizzy!

And their eyes were stabbed by the strong light, and then they were covered with dust, which made them extremely miserable.

I don't know what I'm afraid of!


"Be careful, hold your breath


there was a continuous stream of yelling, but it was a little late to start to guard against drug dust.

Many people inhaled the poisonous dust, and suddenly they were afraid and stopped attacking. They all used the vitality to suppress the poison!

Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng took advantage of the short-term stagnation of their attacks because of the panic in their hearts. They landed in the array of those warriors of Huoshen sect surrounded by the warriors of Tianshui sect!

Follow closely, Tang Long and they are all about to land!

First of all, Tang Kuo took out the earth bags respectively, and they immediately gathered their energy and smashed them directly!

More pungent smell spread out!

And Tang Long and they all landed in the array arranged by the fire god sect martial arts!


Tang Long flashed to the side of a fire god teacher and gave orders in a deep voice.

Tang Kuo and they all summoned their own dragon, and then one by one, they took out the withered grass leaves prepared before!

No matter how stupid the warriors of the fire god sect are, they also know that these people are here to save them!

One by one naturally will not resist, regardless of the previous smell of poison and dizzy, one by one although can not see things, but also know to do according to the requirements of the visitors!

They were supported and sat on the back of the dragon!

Tang Long glanced at a pile of dead grass and leaves on the ground, and directly ordered the red flame lion: "fire!"


The red flame lion roared, and the flames swept out and burned the dead grass and leaves.

These withered grass leaves had some water on them before. Some of them were still fresh. They were sprayed with eternal fire by the red flame lion. All of a sudden, these dead grass leaves were burning, but because of the moisture, they emitted thick smoke!

In the thick smoke, there is also a kind of overbearing smoke poison!

But at this time, the martial arts of Tianshui sect around them, one by one, have to recover their sight gradually.

What's more, the little poisonous dust they inhaled because of carelessness was controlled by them!

But at this time, Tang Long asked Tang to be short of them and began to display glare one after another! , the fastest update of the webnovel!