Tang Kuo used glare shield one after another, showing glare skill!

All of a sudden, the dazzling purple light is constantly exploding!

In this chaotic situation, coupled with the toxic smoke rolling, Tianshui sect people can not distinguish the situation for a time, and they are worried about poisoning, and dare not start rashly!

In such a short time, the warriors of Huoshen sect were pushed to the back of golden dragons by Tang Kuo, and then all the golden dragons rose to the sky!


Red flame lion is a roar, more fierce flame, toward the ground that a large number of dead grass leaves burned in the past, the leaves swept into the air, all of a sudden the dead grass leaves are burning, smoke more fierce, crazy diffuse and open!

Tang Long jumped on the back of the red flame lion with Scripture!

The red flame lion soared into the sky.

At this time, a head of dragon, to the classics are flying high, with people, flying in the direction of the East!

Tang longan was relieved to be rescued when he saw people.

He continued to perform glare, and then rode the red flame lion, also flying towards the distance!

But at this time, dozens of people rushed down from the valley of Yinfeng Valley!

These people are the people of thunder temple!

Led by Lei Jinhu, the people of leijinhu directly rushed down the valley of Yinfeng, and rushed to those warriors who were shining with purple light. One by one, they were like tigers entering the sheep, killing them wildly!

The martial artists of Tianshui sect recovered their sight quickly.

Before I could see where the people who were rescued in the air went, I felt the powerful attack coming from rolling!

"Someone attacked. It's the people from the thunder temple. There's Lei Jinhu here!"

"Damn it, stop them!"


the voice of yelling resounded in the sky!

All the martial arts of Tianshui sect, regardless of the people who were rescued, all rushed towards Lei Jinhu and their side!

But at this time, when the warriors of Tianshui sect wanted to attack Lei Jinhu, each of them took out a big earth bag.

They gather strength directly, and the earth bag explodes!

All of a sudden, the dust mixed with poisonous powder was swept by the strength, and the warriors of Tianshui sect rolled away!

"And it's mad that's poison!"

"Damn it, come on, hold your breath!"

"These bastards are using such shameless means one after another

"Let me catch you and tear you to pieces


the roar of roar rang out one after another!

There are many people who are poisoned!

But at this time, Lei Jinhu and they took advantage of the chaos to turn around to evacuate, and soon they were flying high into the air and quickly left!

In Yinfeng Valley, the martial arts of Tianshui sect roared with anger one by one!

The dust soon cleared away.

The poisonous smoke was also scattered by the warriors of Tianshui sect. However, it was only for such a short time that they went to look for the attacker just now, but these people were all gone!


The Lord of Tianshui clan roared up to the sky with a ferocious face and a cold cold light in his eyes!

He is also an expert at playing poison and conspiracy. However, he didn't expect that all the martial artists of Huoshen cult who were trapped here were rescued safely by others' conspiracy and poison!

In such a situation, how can he not be infuriated!

Lei Jinhu with the thunder Temple people, are safe to evacuate and go!

At this time, Lei Jinhu thought of Tang Long's plan to save people, and his heart was also extremely admired. When saving people, he was shocked by the tacit cooperation of the young people of Tangmen and their calmness!

he found that Tangmen was more and more invisible to him!

"These young people, though young, are extremely calm and calm." He turned his head and looked at situ Bo: "how can there be so many excellent young people in Tangmen?"

"That boy is not simple!" "The calmness of those young people comes from their trust in the boy," said situ Bo

"Not bad!" Lei Jinhu nodded, but said again: "before, what happened to the dazzling purple light?"

"I don't know." Situ Bo shook his head.

He knew that saving people today would not have been so smooth without the sudden and dazzling purple light. Up to now, he had no idea where the purple light came from!

Even if the cohesion of vitality, can emit light, the light is absolutely impossible to be so fierce to the degree of dazzling!

They all the way back to the temple of thunder, but did not meet Tang Long on the way.

When they arrived at the thunder temple, Tang Long arrived ahead of time by Scripture, which made Lei Jinhu envy the dragon of Tang clan again.

With so many people, the flight speed is still not slower than them, which is totally impossible for them.Even if you are the strong one in the holy realm, if you fly with two people, the speed will be reduced by twice!

But the dragon is a dragon after all!

Even if a dragon carrying four people, the flying speed is still so fast that it is almost unaffected!

after Tang Long came back, he first asked Lei Qianqian to arrange the fire god cult's people to have a rest, and then he went to find huomengsha to see the girl's injury. In addition, he also wanted to tell her that she did not have to worry.

After getting the news that her parents were safely rescued, huomengsha's worry was finally put down a little.

Tang Long doesn't stay here more.

Out to the living room, not long after, Lei Jinhu and they came back.

Tang long looked at Lei Jinhu and asked, "are you all right?"

"Not bad." Lei Jinhu's voice dropped, and then he exclaimed, "master of Tang clan, I didn't expect that you were so young that you could not only use poison, but also be resourceful!"

"I only know a little about poison. I'm too resourceful to talk about it!" Tang Long faint smile: "I just learned one or two more self-defense means."

Lei Jinhu now values Tang Long more and more with classics.

Although Tang Long is less than 25 years old, in his eyes, Tang Long's weight is getting heavier and heavier.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "Tang clan leader, in your opinion, will the water clan people attack our thunder temple?"

Tang long did not want to say: "they are sure to come back!"

"How long do you think they will come here?" he asked

Tang Long said: "we just let people go under such circumstances, which will definitely surprise them. What's more, we have saved so many people of Huoshen cult, and their strength has improved a lot. They will not come rashly without full preparation."

"Yes." Lei Jinhu nodded: "it seems that I have to seize the time and arrange it well."

Tang Long also nodded.

He knew that if the people of Tianshui sect didn't come, they would definitely go out and be the strongest fighting force.

Even, for the sake of the last and most powerful hostile force of the flame island of death, the strong men of Tianshui sect and muyetang may all arrive together. At that time, there will be a great war in thunder city!

Thunder temple this son person, can resist the attack of Tianshui sect?!

"It seems that we must prepare well."

Tang long thought secretly and looked at Lei Jinhu and said, "Lord Lei, if you can, I hope you can arrange 5000 people for me. I will make some necessary arrangements outside the city of Tianlei."

"Five thousand people, what kind of strength do you want?"

"Whatever you want."

"Whatever you want?" Lei Jinhu Leng Leng: "what do you mean?"

He didn't understand what Tang Long was thinking. If he wanted to deal with the strong men of Tianshui sect, would he not die? What does Tang Long mean? Do you want someone to die?!

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