"In time, in less than 100 years, Liu Sheng will be able to touch the threshold of Dao Dao." Tang long thought secretly.

On the test platform, Liu Shenghan ran straight at Ling Qingyao with his Sutra. In a twinkling of an eye, he was less than three meters away from Ling Qingyao.

The long sword was raised in the air, and suddenly jumped high, and killed Ling Qingyao in the air!

This kind of attack is like an eagle hitting the sky!

The strong wind howled and showed a fierce and murderous spirit. Liu Shenghan held up his long sword and suddenly burst into a blast. The sharp and icy blade awn suddenly burst into the sky, which was more than 20 meters long!

With extremely powerful cutting power, Dao mang cuts towards Ling Qingyao like lightning!

Ling Qingyao is still calm.

Looking at the sharp knife awn, her eyes, there is a touch of indifference.

The fairy sword in her hand, unexpectedly, sounded a very strange sound of gentle roar. A very calm and natural breath spread out from the sword!

At the same time, a strong momentum spread from Ling Qingyao's body!

The sword waved up and crossed a wonderful arc towards the front, but it didn't bring up a trace of wind!

It seems that the sword is integrated with the nature of heaven and earth, and its random movements are integrated into nature.

Even at this time, Ling Qingyao seems to be in harmony with the nature of heaven and earth, so quiet and calm, with a kind of tranquil beauty, which makes people feel very comfortable!

the fairy sword does not seem to have a trace of power, and the speed of its swing seems to be light and natural.

But it was very strange, only for a moment, the sword appeared in front of the cold knife awn!


The sound of a clear and pleasant roar rings out!

Dao Mang and sword collide.

The world, Ling Qingyao's sword, suddenly rolled up extremely powerful momentum!

The sharp and icy sword awn was directly broken by the powerful force and turned into a wild wind!

Looking at the power of Ling Qingyao's sword, Tang Long couldn't help but exclaimed in his eyes:

"the girl's understanding is really high, and the heart of the sword is clear. It should reach a very high level with classics. This sword borrows the natural power of heaven and earth. It seems easy and simple, but its power is incomparable!"

People in the audience were worried that Ling Qingyao would be hurt by his opponent's knife, but they didn't expect that Ling Qingyao was so understatement that he blocked his opponent's sharp knife.

One by one looking at Ling Qingyao, eyes can not help but emerge a touch of praise.

Ling Qingyao blocked her opponent's attack with a sword. Her faint voice sounded like a fairy Music: "torrent!"

The faint voice fell, and the sword in her hand suddenly crossed a very strange arc in the air. All of a sudden, on this competition platform, the air of 100 meters was miraculous, turning with her sword!

Sword in the air across an arc, toward Liu Shenghan cut in the past!

Suddenly, on the test bench, a sharp whistling sound sounded.

Between heaven and earth, the invisible strength seems to be pulled by a powerful and incomparable energy. It turns into an extremely powerful energy torrent, whistling and surging, and attacking Liu Shenghan fiercely!

This energy torrent, in a twinkling of an eye, by attacking Liu Shenghan's eyes!

"The end of the world"

Liu Shenghan cut a burst of drink, the sword in his hand suddenly burst into a very cold light.

His wrist vibrated, and the sword suddenly vibrated with it. The blade turned into a dense curtain of knives, and it was cut down in the face of the surging force!

The knife awns are stacked one after another, chopping on top of the roaring energy torrent!

All of a sudden, the energy torrent was chopped inch by inch broken, turned into a sky full of strong Qi whistling away.

After a slight pause, Liu Shenghan's long sword crossed a strange arc in the air. The sword's power suddenly soared and strengthened. With the sound of roaring, he chopped lingqingyao like lightning!

"The blade of tear!"

The cold voice rings, sharp knife awn across the air, the space appears violent distortion!

A cold knife more than 20 meters seems to cut the space of the test bench from top to bottom!

The knife awn tore the air and swept to Ling Qingyao's waist like lightning!

Ling Qingyao's sword was waved gently, and it crossed an extremely smooth arc in the air. In a twinkling of an eye, it collided with the cold knife awn!


It's another thunderous roar!

the knife awn is broken again and turns into a cold wind, whistling all over the sky!

Ling Qingyao's sword suddenly shakes in the air, and then draws a series of arcs.

One arc after another!

In the arc, an extremely powerful energy directly diffused out and swept out in layers towards the front. As you can see, the continuous strength of the arc is to attack Liu Shenghan's eyes!Liu Sheng shivered and felt the power of the circle of attack. He felt the powerful attack power contained in the arc power. His eyes also showed a touch of solemnity.

He noticed that his opponent's attack this time was endless and continuous!

the arc strength was stacked in layers, like layers of waves!

And at this time, in Liu Shenghan's heart, there was a heavy feeling that could not be resisted. It seemed that a heavy mountain had been pressed in his heart!

"this woman has reached the realm of Tao. When attacking, she can have an impact on people's mind!"

Liu Shenghan cut his eyes and couldn't help but feel a shock.

Although he always tried hard to practice, he wanted to realize the realm of Tao, but at this time, he still did not succeed!

But I didn't expect that Ling Qingyao was so young in front of her, but she realized it!

An arc of strength, with a strong force of pressure, to attack Liu Shenghan cut in front of him.

"The Hengjiang river cuts the sky!"

Liu Shenghan cut a violent drink, the long knife was raised, facing the energy circle from the layers of energy, and cut down fiercely!

Seeing that, the knife awn was chopped on the energy arc.

A series of energy arcs were chopped into two parts and turned into violent energy hurricanes, whistling and sweeping over the test bench. For a short time, within a kilometer radius, the wind was howling.

In this scattered wind, Ling Qingyao's attack is continuous!

The energy arcs in the rear layer after layer swept the sky and the earth, and the strong wind swept through the sky. It was like the sea wave after wave, endless and stronger!

Layers of strength, again attack to Liu Sheng cold cut in front of!

Liu Shenghan cut his eyes, shocked eyes more and more obvious!

In his hand, the long knife cut again!

Although this knife also blocked Ling Qingyao's attack, Liu Shenghan cut back two steps to the bombardment with the powerful air wave generated after being broken by the arc power!

However, Ling Qingyao's attack continues!

What's more, the power of the attack has become even more powerful. The powerful arc of the attack turns into a violent wave and attacks Liu Shenghan's eyes!

Liu Shenghan cuts again.

This time, although still blocked Ling Qingyao's attack, but by the shock of the arm numb!

What's more, he was shaken back a dozen steps!

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