Liu Shenghan has just stabilized his pace, and Ling Qingyao's attack has arrived again!

Layers of strong air waves roared towards him!

At this time, compared with the past, the strong Qi and air waves were several times stronger than before. It seemed that the whole competition platform was filled with air waves. The powerful Qi and air waves seemed to completely swallow up the whole world!

Liu Shenghan cuts his eyes and reveals a touch of fear. However, he has to gather his strength and wave his long sword to resist Ling Qingyao's attack.

Strong Qi and air waves collide with the cold sword again!


In the roar of the earth shaking, a cold awn flies directly into the sky, but it is the cold long knife that Liu Sheng has cut!

Liu Shenghan's long sword was blown away. He himself, with the powerful momentum of being attacked by Ling Qingyao, flew out for more than ten meters, and then fell heavily under the competition platform!

However, he did not have any internal injuries.

Ling Qingyao stopped attacking!

The sword in her hand passed through the air naturally. Suddenly, the strong wind that originally roared on the test bench suddenly weakened rapidly. In a twinkling of an eye, she disappeared without a trace. Ling Qingyao, as if she had never touched her hand, was still so quiet.

Her appearance at this time is still so beautiful, dreamlike, like a banished fairy, people can't help but indulge in infatuation!

The referee jumped onto the platform and announced the results.

Ling Qingyao naturally won the victory.

She floated off the competition platform and soon sat down beside Tang long.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at her with a touch of praise in his eyes: "good wife, very good!"

Ling Qingyao's pretty face turned red. She didn't say anything, but she was held by Tang long.

A little helpless to see Tang long a look, gently shrunk his hand, but can't put his hand back, know that this person like this, then let him hold it.

The competition is still going on.

Soon, ye Qingling also jumped on the test bench.

At this time, a beautiful image passed in front of Tang Long and went to the No. 4 test bench in front of Tang long.

A soft voice was heard in Tang Long's ear: "Tang long, you go outside and wait for me. It's very quiet not far from the East. I'll go to find you after the competition. I'll tell you something important."

This sound belongs to Dongfang binger.

The person who just walked past Tang Long is Dongfang binger. This time, it's her turn to compete.

Her face was cold, and her whole body was filled with an extremely cold breath. She flew to the competition platform without looking at Tang long. Her eyes fell on her opponent.

At this time, Tang Long didn't want to watch the competition.

Although the voice of Dongfang binger was very small just now, he still heard it and heard it clearly.

"Girl, let me go out and wait for her. I don't know what's important."

Turning to look at Ling Qingyao: "I'll go out for a visit. You'll wait for me here. After the linger competition, she won't have to look for me. I'll come back soon."

"Yes." Ling Qingyao gently answered.

Tang Yuxian looks around him and looks at him more casually.

Quietly up, toward the rear, not long after, to leave tianwu square.

He doesn't have much time, because it will be his turn to have a competition soon. Therefore, he can't stay outside for more than half an hour.

He stopped at a secluded place in the east of tianwu square and looked around. There was no one around.

Tang Long was relieved when he showed his magic skills in the field of the sea and carefully explored the surrounding environment. He still did not find any danger around him. Even there was no one around him. Tang Long was relieved.

After waiting for less than ten minutes, Dongfang binger came quietly.

When Tang Long saw Dongfang bing'er coming, he was curious and asked, "bing'er, what's the matter with you in such a hurry to find me?"

"It's about yingtianhe."

"Yingtianhe? What about him? "

"There is a mysterious soul hidden in Ying Tianhe. As far as I know, the soul in Ying Tianhe has great strength and some special abilities."

"I know something about it." Don long paused and asked, "what special ability does his soul have?"

"I spent a lot of effort to get a message from a person around him: Ying Tianhe's soul can detect the Ares' buoys, so this time, he must go to the middle heaven and find all the Ares buoys!"

"What, he has the ability to find the Ares buoy Tang Long was shocked when he heard the news!

How can he let Ying Tianhe get the map of the God of war?!You know, all the maps of the God of war have been found, but you can get a kind of Curse of natural disaster. Maybe that day the curse of disaster will be very powerful!

How can he let this yingtianhe get the curse of natural disaster?!

Frowning and thinking for a moment, Tang long looked at Dongfang bing'er and said, "this matter, I must try to destroy him!" After a pause, he looked at Dongfang bing'er and said, "what does yingtianhe do to you now?"

"He always had some intentions for me."

"Bing Er, can you do me a favor?" Tang long looked at Dongfang bing'er and said, "to the middle heaven, try to follow him!"

"It's easy. Even if I don't want to follow him, he will certainly come to ask me." Dongfang bing'er's voice dropped, followed by a guess: "you want me to find a way to destroy him to find the Ares buoy?"

"No Tang Long shook his head: "if you destroy his search for the God of war, he will be angry, and you will certainly be in great danger."

"I'm not afraid of danger."

Tang Long frowned and said in a deep voice, "even if you are not afraid of danger, how can I allow you to be in danger?"

"Then you want me to follow him in order to -"

"once he finds the Ares float, you can immediately inform me. He gets the Ares float, and I also get the Ares puma. In this way, it depends on who gets the last one first!"

"I see." Oriental ice son nodded, but said again: "but, how can I contact you?"

"This --"

Tang Long was a little embarrassed.

If he goes to zhongtianyu, he has been following Ying Tianhe quietly. With yingtianhe's strength and his strange soul, he will probably be found and tracked by Ying Tianhe.

He is close to, must be very dangerous, with far, how to contact him?!

The most important thing is that the king of the abyss has said before that the map of the God of war can only stay for a short time, that is, about an hour, if it appears anywhere, and then it will disappear.

He follows Ying Tianhe. If the distance is too far, if Ying Tianhe goes away and the Ares float chart disappears, isn't he going to be busy in vain?!

Moreover, if Dongfang binger leaves immediately for some time every time Ying Tianhe finds the puma of the God of war, Ying Tianhe will certainly doubt that Dongfang binger will be in great danger at that time.

"If --"

Tang long thought of huixinmen, but did not say it immediately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!