At this time, at the gate of the Lord's house of lieguang City, with the concerted efforts of all the warriors in the city, and with the efforts of the guardians and warriors of the city master of lieguang, the soldiers of bingguizong were almost killed!

the family of liezhenbei was controlled by the people of bingguizong, and at this time, they were rescued!

Although the strong earthquake north is poisoned, although the vitality can not be used, but at this time, but also want to go to the place where the sound comes to have a look, he knows, there is a shocking war breaking out there!

He glanced at the soldiers around him and cried out: "all of you, follow me, fight with the ice ghost clan!"

Around the martial arts, one by one blood boiling!

They were all shouting: "fight the ice ghost clan to the death!"

Now, they don't know where the sound is coming from and what the situation is like. They can only hear the thunder and lightning all over the sky!

That terrible momentum, but also let their hearts, full of expectations!

They think that there may be a peerless master to help the city through the crisis!

The crowd rushed towards the square!

To the outside of the square, one by one is shocked.

They couldn't believe the facts.

Originally a good square, at this time, the square seems to contain a world of mountains and mountains. Obviously, the square is only so big, but the mountain it contains is boundless!

"Well, what's going on here?" Strong earthquake North stare at the eyes, looking at the square that can not see the side of the mountains, looking at the mountains above, that earth shaking battle, a little confused for a time!

Next to a warrior, busy in his side to explain.

This warrior was here at the beginning. He knew everything that happened here. He told lie Zhenbei the whole story!

Strong Zhenbei is still a little unbelievable: "is this array made by the two people who saved my daughter just now? The young man who has only the power of the holy sect has such a magical ability? "

Looking into the array, you can see that the Tang dragon is domineering and powerful in all directions!

At this time, Tang Long holds the sea sword in his hand. The ice fire energy sweeps out from his body, whistling between the heaven and the earth. The long sword sweeps through the whole array space, which is directly torn by the long sword. In a flash, he even kills a powerful Saint emperor!

"My God, what's going on here?"

Strong shock North shocked, in front of this, in the end is what array ah!

The battle continues!

However, although there are more than 100000 people gathered around the square, they are all stunned. In the array of looking at the square, the magical thing is!

at this time, in this array, a lot of stone giants have killed many warriors of ice ghost sect, and they have no ability to fight back!

What's more, above the sky, Tang Long's Canghai sword is roaring wildly!

The leader of binggui sect, killed by Jingjing!

The powerful emperor of ice ghost sect is being killed one by one!

At this time, one by one, they are also being killed by stone giants, or by the knife awn of golden light and lightning!

People are shaking!

But at the moment of shock, in the array, high above the sky, suddenly the wind howled!

Thousands of meters high, a terrible ice fire energy vortex condenses out, in the vortex, the terrible golden lightning is roaring!

"Boom boom boom boom..."

thunder thundered in the sky, and then, with the powerful power to destroy everything, they thundered down towards the warriors of ice ghost sect in the array!

Seeing, a warrior of ice ghost sect was hit by a bolt of lightning, which turned into fly ash and disappeared without trace!

"My God!"

Strong shock north see scalp numb!

Around the city of strong light warriors, one by one is also stunned!

I don't know when, two beautiful girls went to lie Zhen north, but it was Oriental bing'er and lie yunshang.

"Daddy The strong cloud dress calls softly.

Strong earthquake North heard the voice of strong cloud clothes, all over is a shock, busy turned his head, looking at his baby daughter safe and sound, eyes suddenly showed a touch of ecstasy: "girl, you are OK!"

"I'm fine." Strong cloud clothes gently said, eyes fell on the East ice son: "she saved me."

Thank you Strong earthquake north looks at the East ice son to thank.

He is such a precious daughter, and this baby daughter is also a highly talented Dan Shi. He has high hopes for his precious daughter!

If there is any mistake in lieyunshang, it is definitely the biggest loss of the lie family!

Seeing that his daughter was all right, he was completely relieved.

Oriental ice son temperament is cold, looking at strong earthquake North light way: "your daughter is Tang Long rescued, want to thank, some of him." Her eyes, fell on the body of Tang long in the array, with a touch of pride and joy in her eyes.Strong Zhenbei took a deep breath.

His eyes also fell back into the array.

The battle in the array has been going on for a full hour, and it is finally over!

In the array, all the people of ice ghost sect were killed. Those who were bombarded by rolling thunder turned into nothingness and disappeared without a trace!

Tang Long flies down from the sky!

The golden light fingers flew out of his index fingers and flew towards some places in the array. Suddenly, the array disappeared!

Strong earthquake north, they open their eyes, looking at the majestic mountains in front of them disappear without a trace, restore the original appearance of the square, one by one is stunned!

At this time, the strong earthquake North finally saw the appearance of the array itself!

"It is these stones, pillars and rockeries that have such power!" He's a little incredible!

Dongfang bing'er's body shook and turned into a mirage and flew towards the array. At this time, in this method, the originally powerful Tang Long was pale and fell directly from the air and fell to the ground!

Using this array, although it can condense the energy of heaven and earth, and make Tang Long's combat power soar, but the energy of heaven and earth is too strong. If it is integrated into Tang Long's body, it will seriously damage Tang Long's muscles and veins!

Using this array for a long time, his muscles and veins have already reached the limit of endurance!

It's also thanks to his Nirvana cultivation. If ordinary people accept such powerful energy of heaven and earth, they will surely die of explosion, let alone enhance their strength to fight!

Before Tang Long fell to the ground, he was hugged by Dongfang bing'er!

He looked at a nervous face of Dongfang binger reluctantly smile: "don't worry, I'm ok, as long as I rest for a while, I can recover quickly!"

Voice down, eyes closed, direct coma in the past!

When I woke up, I was in a quiet place. I was in the half afternoon of the next day.

Tang Long slowly opened his eyes and immediately saw Dongfang bing'er. Beside Dongfang bing'er, there was a kind-hearted old man, who was a Dan master in the city of lieguang.

"Where is this?" Tang Long looks at Dongfang bing'er and asks.

"Lord's house." Oriental ice son way: "the city Lord invited Dan Shi to cure you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!