Tang Long smile: "I don't need to heal, just have a rest." After a pause, he continued, "what's the situation of the city of light?"

"All the people of the ice ghost sect have been wiped out. Now the city of Liguang has been restored to the weather by the classics." Dongfang bing'er stopped and said, "there are many people outside. I want to thank you. Thank you for saving the city of strong light."

"Let them come back in two days and say I'm seriously injured and need a two-day rest!"


Dongfang bing'er nodded.

She also knew that if she didn't give an explanation to the outside people, they would not go, so she would go out and let them come in two days.

After a while, Dongfang binger came back.

Tang Long asked, "how are the people outside?"

Dongfang bing'er said: "strong earthquake North Pro Free outside, to let those people go back, said two days later, specially hold a party!" The voice fell down, pause, way: "dragon, that strong earthquake north is poisoned, although use yuan pressure, but heard, here Dan Shi all have no way!"

"I know he was poisoned." Tang Long faint smile: "you let him come, I show him."

"He's right outside the door. I'll call him." Oriental ice son says, stand up to go outside, quickly is and strong earthquake North together to walk in.

Strong earthquake north to Tang long, more and more incredible.

Tang Long was seriously injured before. He looked very weak. However, at this time, he seemed very energetic. With such a rapid recovery, he couldn't believe the fact in front of him!

"How are you, young Xia Tang?" He asked.

Tang Long faint smile: "I was not injured, just excessive force, soon can recover."

Strong earthquake north way: "listen to binger girl say, you are Dan Shi?"

"You reach out and I'll see how you're poisoned." Tang Long is very direct.


Strong earthquake North reaches for Tang long in front of.

The poison he took at this time was the cold poison practiced by the leader of the ice ghost sect. He went to all the famous Dan masters in lieguang City, but he was helpless. At this time, he had little hope.

In his opinion, Tang Long is young, powerful and knows advanced array. How can he master medical skills? !

however, he was surprised again soon!

In less than two minutes, Tang longyi learned about the situation of liezhen north, and said with a faint smile: "although your cold poison is very strong, I can still remove it. Go and find some herbs for me. I will refine it into a miraculous pill for you to take, and the poison will be relieved!"

Dongfang bing'er is beside Tang long, and immediately takes out the paper and pen!

Tang Long began to read the names of the herbs.

Tang Long has a deep knowledge in detoxification of cold poison. After all, he helped Dongfang bing'er to remove the cold poison of Xuanhan tianzhang before. This cold poison is the leader of all cold poisons in the world!

Although the cold poison in the strong earthquake North Institute is also very overbearing, it is absolutely difficult not to defeat Tang Long!

Tang Long quickly said more than 30 kinds of medicinal materials!

Then, Dongfang binger handed the paper with medicinal materials written on it to lie Zhenbei: "I hope the city Lord can find these herbs as soon as possible."


Strong earthquake North received the paper, the hands can not help shaking some!

He thought he couldn't get rid of the cold poison, but he didn't expect that Tang long had a way!

he turned and left in a hurry.

Tang long held Dongfang bing'er's hand: "I have a rest night. Tomorrow morning we will leave the city quietly."

"Yes." Dongfang bing'er nodded.

She had long guessed that Tang long would not attend any gratitude banquet in the city of Liguang. After all, Tang Long was still in a hurry to go to the land of gods and ghosts to get twins.

The moon rises and the sky is full of stars!

Lie Zhenbei hurried in and looked at Tang long. His eyes were full of expectation: "young Xia Tang, I have found all the herbs you mentioned!"


Tang Long nodded.

Although there are many kinds of medicinal materials he mentioned, they are not very difficult to find. Tang Long was not surprised that he could find all the herbs in the north.

In fact, he also has these herbs!

If liezhenbei can't find these herbs, he will take them out by himself.

After this period of rest, the injury of Tang Long's muscles and veins has recovered to 7788, and the vitality has been completely recovered.

Looking at the strong earthquake North smile: "strong city Lord, you go out first, I come to refine the elixir."


Strong earthquake North should a, left the medicinal materials, and then went out.

An hour later, when liezhenbei came in again, Tang Long finished refining the elixir and gave it to lie Zhenbei. Naturally, liezhenbei was very grateful!

Tang long looked at the strong earthquake north with a smile: "Liecheng Lord, in fact, I still have something to help you with."

"Don't hesitate to tell me what you want. As long as I can do it, I will try my best." Strong earthquake north very serious road.Tang Long nodded: "I want to go to the land of gods and ghosts."

"This is easy!" "From now on, the space wormhole of the city of strong light, or the transmission array, can be used whenever you want." Said, the hand with more than a gold medal: "this is the identity card of my city Lord's house, you take this, can use the transmission Hall of the strong light city at any time."

"Thank you." Tang Long was not polite and took the gold medal.

Now, he has a lot of gold medals on his body. It's a mess!

He took the gold medal into the sky sealing flag. Tang long looked at lie Zhenbei and said with a smile: "Lord lie, it's not too early. You should go back. Remember to take the antidote pill, and then close the door to practice. After three hours, your poison will be completely removed!"

"Good, thank you very much, young Xia Tang." Strong earthquake North even busy thanks.

Tang long did not say more, his face, showing a tired look.

When she saw Tang Long like this, she didn't stop at once. She was also in a hurry to take antidote. She said goodbye.

Tang Long closed his eyes and continued to rest.

Dongfang bing'er naturally didn't leave, so he took a rest beside Tang long. Although Tang Long's muscles and veins were completely healed, Dongfang bing'er was still a little worried, for fear that Tang Long's wound had not recovered.

Moreover, she did not sleep last night, has been looking at Tang long, at this time is also a little tired, sitting next to Tang long, soon fell asleep.

When I wake up, the sky is bright.

She felt warm all over her body and seemed to be lying in one's arms. Dongfang bing'er felt very comfortable. She moved gently, opened her eyes, and was stunned. Suddenly, her pretty face was as if she had been thrown into the fire pot, and the fire was burning fiercely!

one of her hearts was also bouncing around!

At this time, she was actually held by Tang long, and was still in the blanket, the whole person was in Tang Long's arms!

She never had such an experience!

Dongfang bing'er felt that her heart was about to jump out. She was about to get up and leave. She opened a pair of dark eyes in front of her eyes. Then she felt that she was holding her arm and her strength was increased.

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