"Roar, roar --"

just as Dengfeng Yutang frowned, the thunderous roar suddenly rang out, and then suddenly there was a powerful momentum of blood devil's power in all directions!

the roar rocked the sky for several kilometers!

That thunderous roar does not belong to the Warcraft, does not belong to any human!

"No, it's --!"

At this time, Tang Long's eyes were deeply shocked by the classics. He could basically judge what creatures these roars belonged to!


And it's also the most powerful demon!

The fighting power of the top demons is very strong, which is equivalent to that of the emperor at least. Even some super powerful top demons can easily kill the emperor.

In the face of these peak demons, the warriors of Dengfeng family could not resist.

Before Tang Long was in Blackstone City, it was by virtue of the Panlong array arranged by Tang Kuo that Tang Long summoned the most powerful peak demons and killed all the powerful ones in the blood temple!

But I didn't expect that now these peak demons appear here!

Who among them can defeat these top demons?!

Even though Tang Long's strength at this time and his full exertion, he is definitely not the opponent of these peak demons!

Seeing these top demons, Tang long thought of a kind of man by Sutra!


Tang long had been in contact with witches before. It was the city of forgetting worries in the Xuyun continent of Jialan.

But I didn't expect to see a wizard again in the forget worry Valley in the land of gods and ghosts, and it was obviously a very powerful wizard!

In Tang Long's heart, in fact, he always has some fear of witches.

He knows that witches are not only very powerful, but also can use powerful soul power. Even every wizard can summon at least two trolls!

The sorcerers that Tang Long met before were weak in soul power, and they could only summon people and demons at most.

However, these sorcerers appeared at this time, and their soul power was obviously extremely strong. They could summon demons that were more powerful than human demons by tens of times, and they were also the top-level peak demons!

"There's something wrong with the situation!"

Tang Long frowned at Dengfeng jade hall.

In the eyes of Dengfeng jade hall, there is also a very obvious tension.

Although he didn't know who was coming from afar, he also knew from the Scriptures that these people were extremely powerful and could not resist at all.

At this time, around the valley of forgetfulness, above the sky in all directions, the blood red clouds rolled and rolled over!

In the blood red cloud, a very vicious breath spread.

Soon, the blood red clouds filled the sky of the whole forget worry Valley!

At this time, the blood red energy cloud completely covered the area of several kilometers above their heads!

Among the clouds, a head of ferocious monsters appeared!

Each of these monsters is more than five meters high. All of them are covered with blood. Their fangs are spitting out. There are strange blood red energy runes flowing on their bodies. Their eyes even twinkle with blood red light!

The strong smell of death and destruction is constantly spreading from these monsters.

The whole valley below is shrouded in the breath of death and destruction!

Between heaven and earth is a piece of blood red!

Dengfeng jade hall looked at these ferocious blood red monsters in the air, and his eyes suddenly showed a touch of fear!

The smell of death and destruction that spread from these demons is so powerful that even he is not sure that he can defeat it!

Dengfeng jade hall looked at the blood red devil at the top of the sky, and his eyes were obviously frightened: "what are these things?"

On Tang Long's resolute face, there is also a heavy touch: "these are demons, but also peak demons!"

Dengfeng jade hall has never heard of demons, asked: "what is a demon?"

"As far as I know, this is an extremely mysterious place in the demon world, which breeds a kind of ferocious monster. This is a kind of extremely terrible existence in the demon world. According to the principle, the demon can not appear in this world under normal circumstances, however -"

"ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Before Tang Long's words were finished, the sound of roaring laughter was heard from the red clouds in the sky!

Then, in the blood red clouds, next to the huge top demon, one by one blood robed warrior appeared and fell down to the bottom of the valley of forgetfulness!

These blood robed warriors soon landed in the valley of forget worry valley.

There are more than 300 soldiers in total. Each of them has a very strong momentum. Among these people, the weakest strength has reached the realm of holy sect!

Some of them are powerful!

And among them, there are some who have the power of the holy emperor!When Dengfeng jade hall saw these people, his eyes suddenly showed a deep fear, and said in disbelief, "you are not the people of Yin corpse sect? How suddenly - suddenly there will be changes! "

Tang long heard the words of Dengfeng Yutang, and suddenly "cluttered" in his heart.

He knew that Dengfeng Yutang knew these people.

These people are obviously Yin corpse clan people!

However, it is obvious that Dengfeng jade hall has noticed the abnormality of these people.

Although these people are the same as those of the Yin corpse sect that they knew before Dengfeng Yutang, they are quite different from each other in terms of scriptures!

In the past, none of the martial artists of Yin corpse sect practiced this blood red vitality.

Tang Long guessed that the people in front of him were likely to be devoured by scriptures.

They didn't change on the surface, but actually they changed fundamentally!

"Are witches also people of the blood demon world? But now I know a lot about the blood temple. In my memory, there is no such person in the blood demon kingdom. At least, there is no such person in the blood god temple

"What's going on here? Where on earth do these witches come from? What's more, why do they use psychic powers similar to spiritual forces? Can you even summon demons? "

Tang Long has a lot of doubts in his heart.

The dark gate of the blood demon world is controlled by the blood temple.

If there are other races in the blood demon world who come to this world, they can't escape the eyes of the blood god hall. If these sorcerers are also the people of the blood god hall, Tang long should at least know something about it!

"Is it difficult? Only the high-level of the blood Temple knows the existence of these witches?"

"Although these sorcerers are not weak, they are not strong enough to go against the sky. If there are such witches in the blood temple, they don't need to hide them? Don't even know the black flame bullet, even the people in the blood demon world want to hide it? It doesn't make sense! "

"It's very likely that these witches are not the people of the blood temple at all. Where did they come from?"

Tang long can't understand it!

One by one, the wizard stood in front of Dengfeng jade hall more than 20 meters away.

At this time, all the warriors of the Dengfeng family retreated behind the jade Hall of Dengfeng. Their eyes were full of obvious fear!

They knew that they could not defeat the bloody men in front of them or the terrifying top demon at the top of the sky.

What they are facing now is an invincible and inevitable situation!

Even, it may be a fatal situation!

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