Although Dengfeng jade hall is also very afraid, but the surface is strong self calm.

He looked at the blood robed warrior in front of him and said in a deep voice, "are you really the patriarch of the Yin corpse sect, KARs?"

"Yes, it is not!" The warrior's face was gloomy and his eyes were red with blood!

Moreover, the warrior always has a strong breath of death and destruction!

When Tang long heard this guy's reply, he knew that the soul of this man named Carls must have been devoured by Scripture, but Tang Long was not sure at this time whether the souls occupying these bodies were the bloodthirsty demons or bloodthirsty lords in the blood demon world.

Tang Long couldn't tell where these guys came from!

When Dengfeng Yutang heard Carles say this, he couldn't help but wonder: "you are different from Carles I knew before, but why do you look exactly the same?"

With that, his eyes fell on the people behind Carles: "Why are their looks the same as the warriors of the Yin corpse sect?"

Carles gave a smile: "do you want to know?"

"Tell me, who are you? What does it have to do with the Yin corpse sect? "

Carls said: "it's OK to tell you, but you also have to tell us where the cold spring is and how to practice it."

"I won't say it!" Dengfeng jade hall is resolute.

Carles said with a smile: "it doesn't matter if we don't say it. Anyway, we have many ways to know what you are thinking. At that time, we can know what we want to know!"

The voice falls down, suddenly wave a hand: "give me up, encircle them round and round!"


Behind him, those soldiers with blood robes burst out one by one with a strong momentum!

They didn't do it right away!

However, among the blood red clouds in the sky, the top demons all flew out of the blood red cloud, and fell down towards the valley below, turning into blood red light. In a flash, they fell around Dengfeng jade hall!

There are more than 600 demons at the top of the mountain, and they are surrounded by Tang Long!

Moreover, this head of the peak of the demon body, all burst out of blood red light.

The powerful breath of death and destruction diffused from these top demons and swept in all directions. The terrible power of blood demons roared in the whole valley!

Karlsky's Sutra with blood robes on the dancer's back!

In a twinkling of an eye, they are out of the encirclement circle of the top demon and stand outside the circle!

Then, nacars suddenly waved: "kill me, except for Dengfeng jade hall, all the others will be killed without mercy!"


The thunderous roar reminds me of it!

The fierce blood red energy, towards Dengfeng jade hall, they fiercely attacked. The blood red energy bombarded the soldiers of Dengfeng family, and the sound of blood spurting sounded one after another!

However, at first contact, dozens of soldiers of Dengfeng family were bombarded and flew into the air, spitting blood!

even several people were directly bombarded and killed by the force of blood demons!

"No way!"

Tang Long knows that the situation is very bad at this time!

He wanted the people of Tangmen to come to the rescue, but how far away from Fengtian City, even if there were wormholes, gates of the world, and even the northern palace wilderness, it was impossible to get here immediately!

Tang Long knows that the only way is to break through now!

The blood red energy is coming from Tang dragon and Dengfeng jade hall!

Dengfeng jade hall is worth the effort to gather vitality and resist the attack of the top demon in front.

Tang long, at this time, also let xuelingyue retreat behind him, he himself with Lin Ximeng and Tang Yang, together to resist the attack of demons in front!

The demons in front of them don't attack fiercely.

Obviously, these peak demons obey the orders of those witches. Those witches don't want to kill Dengfeng Yutang, so the attack on Dengfeng Yutang is not particularly strong.

These demons only prevented Dengfeng Yutang from breaking through, and did not lay heavy hands on him.

At this time, Tang Long also slightly vomited.

He was at the side of Dengfeng jade hall at this time. The top demons in front of him also did not attack fiercely, which reduced his danger to the minimum.

At the same time, he and Dengfeng Yutang resisted the attack of those peak demons in front of him, and whispered to Dengfeng Yutang: "keep fighting, everyone will die here, and now the only way is for us to rush out at the risk of death!"

Dengfeng Yutang frowned: "the opponent is so strong, how can we rush out?"

Although his life was not in danger at this time, the blood red energy and attack power in front of him were so powerful and frightening that he wanted to rush out. Even if his strength broke out to the limit, there was absolutely no possibility of rushing out!In this case, he has no hope of rushing out. He can only wait to be caught here and watch the warriors of Dengfeng family be killed one by one!

And he can't do anything about it!

Tang Long said in a deep voice, "listen to me, let's rush out together!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Dengfeng jade hall eyes, can not help but emerge a look forward to: "do you really have a way?"

"I yell, we all fly high into the sky, and then we all run for our lives, so that at least we won't be wiped out!" Tang Long said in a low voice, "I'll create an opportunity. I'll let the Dengfeng family escape when you give the order."

"All right."

Dengfeng jade hall agreed.

At this time, he can only believe in Tang long. After all, the situation they are facing, in his opinion, is a dead end, and it is impossible to change the situation with it!

Moreover, in such a short time, Tang Long only spoke to Dengfeng Yutang for a few words, and those warriors of Dengfeng family around them were killed dozens of people!

The situation is too bad, and the opponent is too strong!

Tang long did not dare to delay any more. He also hoped that he could take as many warriors as possible from the Dengfeng family.

Moreover, he must ensure the safety of Dengfeng Yutang.

In my heart, she tells Xue Lingyue with huixinmen, and then she is ready to break through. Then, she tells Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng who are resisting the attack of the top demon!

All preparatory work should be done with economy!

Tang Long stepped back a little. Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng stood in front of him and stood together with Dengfeng Yutang to ensure that the attack they could bear was the lowest and that they could help Tang Long resist any attack.

At this time, under the protection of Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng, Tang Long closed his hands!

The seal of the real dragon!

The law of heaven and earth!

He put out two kinds of magic skills to improve combat effectiveness!

Moreover, condense the huangquan God needle, stimulates the potential!

And even, he will destroy the Thunder God also to summon out, and then directly and exterminate the thunder god fusion together!

Suddenly his strength, crazy skyrocketed up!

The dazzling golden light and cold light burst out from him at the same time. The rolling chaotic power of sky fire and the energy of ice flame all swept out of him together! , the fastest update of the webnovel!